Chapter 62
Billy Stern saw the cavalry archers rampaging in the north, and was furious. He led the army of rock species to chase the cavalry archers all the way to the ice and snow valley.

Gwen, the leader of the Frost Clan, became suspicious, "This group of northern cavalry is retreating while harassing, and seems to be luring the enemy. The road in the ice and snow valley is narrow. Could it be that Ed Stark led the northern army to ambush us in the valley? Chief Stern, let's send scouts in to investigate!"

Billy Stern said: "The northern army is not familiar with the terrain, so how dare they ambush us in the mountains? Besides, we have unicorn cavalry. Even if Ed Stark ambushed more northern soldiers here, I will Don't be afraid!"

Ferran rode his horse and rushed tens of meters away, and shot Billy Stern's bannerman to death with an arrow. The leafless driftwood flag of the Stern clan fell to the ground with the bannerman's screams.

The red-haired and pockmarked Feilan taunted: "Which one of the rock species dares to fight me?" Feilan clamped his horse's belly and led the archers into the valley.

Billy Stern was very angry, "I must kill this red-haired bastard! Come on!"

Stern Clan, Ice Dragon Clan, Frost Clan's rock cavalry, unicorn cavalry, slingers, infantry, enter the ice and snow valley.

Middle Riddle of the Northern Mountain Clan, Woll the Big Barrel, and Donna Flint hid behind the rocks on the mountain, watching the army of rock species pass by below.

Billy Stern continued to pursue the northern cavalry with an army of rock species. He saw a lot of pine branches piled up in the valley, and they were scattered everywhere. Billy Stern became suspicious. Billy Stern smelled the There is a strange smell wafting through.

Skagos Island smells of sea salt, pine needles and rocks everywhere, and the strange smell in the air now immediately aroused Billy Stern's alertness, "What smell?"

Ace, the leader of the Ice Dragon Clan, took a deep breath, "It smells like tar. Sprinkle tar on the pine wood, these are kindling!"

At this time, the rock species riding on the back of the unicorn shouted loudly: "My lord, there is a northern army camp on the hill ahead!"

Billy Stern, on the back of the unicorn, with the tent in his hands, sees the direwolf banner of House Stark, flying over the high ground, and Greatjon Umber's banner of the Giant in Chains, Rika Lord de Karstark's Sunburst Banner, Lady Maege Mormont's Black Bear Banner, Lord Micheysevern's Tomahawk Banner, Streamland Rythwell's Horsehead Banner, Barren Mound The Rusty Crown Banner of House Tun Dustin.
The camps in the north stretched for several miles, with no end in sight, and the hillside was densely packed with crossbowmen.Billy Stern, Ace Ice Dragon, and Gwen Frost were terrified.

Billy Stern said: "We are ambushing, the rear team has changed to the front team, retreat quickly!"


The order was passed on, but the rock species' army had more than 20 huge unicorns, and many unicorns were crowded together, unable to move, and could only slowly move towards the mouth of the valley.

At this time, the three hundred mountain clan warriors on the mountain at the entrance of the valley pushed the rocks on the mountain and rolled down the valley. The gravel and rocks instantly piled up into a hill, blocking the exit.

Many soldiers of the rock species came to the mountain pass of Ice and Snow Valley, and when they saw that the way out was blocked by rocks, they fell into a panic instantly.On the top of the mountain, Zhong Riddle, Donna Flint, "Big Barrel" Woer and others led the warriors of the mountain clan and began to attack the rock species on the ground with gravel from the top of the mountain. Many rock species were smashed to death flow.

On the other side of the valley, Ed Stark in the camp of the northern army stood beside the crossbowman. He raised his fist and said, "Fire the arrow!"

The crossbowman released a burst of rockets, and some of the rockets fell directly on the rock-species infantry, cavalry, and the slingers and crossbowmen on the back of the unicorn.

After fighting in the mountains, Ed has gained some experience in dealing with unicorns.Unicorns have thick and rough skin. Ordinary arrows cannot hurt unicorns, but rockets are different. Unicorns are afraid of fire.

Some of the rockets fell on the pine tree piles, and the tarred pine tree piles burst into flames in an instant.As the flames surged, the unicorns began to scream and rampage. Many rock-species infantry were trampled to death by the unicorns, and some rock-species riding mountain horses were also stabbed to death by the sharp horns of the unicorns.Some crazy unicorns started to attack each other, and the drummer, rider, and rock species on their backs were all thrown away by the unicorns and fell to the ground.

Ferran led the cavalry to chase the defeated enemies of the rock species, and shot the rock species in chaos with bows and arrows.

Billy Stern, who was riding on the back of the unicorn, saw that the way out of the valley was blocked. He drew out his long sword and shouted at the rock species: "Our retreat has been cut off. If we don't fight to the death, We are going to die here! Rock species would rather charge towards death! Even if we die, we must kill a few more enemies!"

With the encouragement of Billy Stern, the desperate army of rock species regained their courage.After walking out of the archer's range, the unicorn saw that the fire was not spreading, and gradually adapted to the surrounding flames.The drummer on the back of the unicorn was beating the melody of Jedi counterattack, boom!Boom!Boom!
Feilan's northern cavalry archers were chasing and killing the rock species, when suddenly a dozen unicorns roared, and the rock species unicorn cavalry, infantry, rock species cavalry, and slingers began to fight back.

The unicorn began to charge violently, shaking the mountains for a while. The horse archers in the north were caught off guard. Many horses panicked in front of the unicorn's roar. They stood up or rolled, and the horse archers fell off their horses. Immediately, he was trampled to death by the pillar-like legs of a unicorn.Some bow riders who fell from their horses were beaten to death by the slingers with stones.

There are also some rock cavalry riding mountain horses and wielding battle axes and broadswords, rushing in front of the northern cavalry archers, and the cavalry archers were killed before they could change their bows into swords.Ferran had no choice but to flee to the high ground with the remaining cavalry archers.

Jon Snow, Theon Greyjoy, and Domeric Bolton were all a little surprised to see that the rock species started to counterattack.Jon Snow said: "Master Stark, these rock species know that there is no way out, but they dare to fight back. Rock species are really terrible enemies."

Ed said: "Enemies who are in a desperate situation and have no retreat are often even more terrifying once they regain their courage. But we have a favorable terrain, and the dying struggle of the rock species is useless."

Billy Stern led the unicorn cavalry, infantry, and cavalry all the way to the high ground where the northern army camped.

"Shoot the arrow!" Seeing that the army of rock species entered the range, Ed issued an order.

A burst of burning rockets fell into the rock seed, and the screams of rock seed were everywhere on the battlefield.Some northern soldiers began to throw torches at the unicorns, and the unicorns hit by the torches and flaming arrows soon fell into frenzy again, and the unicorns began to attack and trample each other.

The leader of the Frost Clan, Gwen, was shot in the arm by an arrow and fell off the back of the unicorn. The unicorn of the leader of the Ice Dragon Clan, Ace, stood up directly, and overturned Ace, the slinger, and the drummer on the back. .

Seeing the rock warriors around him fall down one by one, Billy Stern understood that everything was over. At this time, the unicorn on the side knocked down Billy Stern's unicorn, and Billy Stern Tern jumped off in a hurry, landed on the ground, and was immediately knocked over by the horse.

The red-haired and pockmarked Phelan stood in the flames, aiming his crossbow at Billy Stern's heart, "Master of Driftwood Hall, Billy the leader of the Stern clan, you have been captured."

(End of this chapter)

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