Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 63 Disposal of Prisoners

Chapter 63 Disposal of Prisoners
The leader of the rock species was escorted in front of Ed.Billy, the leader of the Stern clan, Ace, the leader of the Ice Dragon clan, and Gwen, the leader of the Frost clan, all had blood stains on their animal fur coats and were all injured, but fortunately they were not serious.

Ed's guard, Dawson, held the Valyrian steel sword "Ice" and stood beside Ed. Ed's eyes swept over Billy Stern, Ace Ice Dragon and Gwen Frost in turn. .

"You are all leaders of the rock species. The rock species once swore allegiance to the Stark family of Winterfell, but you followed the rock king Samuro Claure to rebel. You are all traitors who broke your oath. beheaded."

Billy Stern had a wolf-like smile on his face, "Ed Stark, the ancestors of the rock species did swear allegiance to Winterfell, but you know very well that that happened hundreds of years ago I don't know whether the ancestors of the rock species broke their oath, but I definitely didn't, because I didn't swear any oath to Winterfell and Stark at all!"

Ed smiled, "It's not too late to kneel down and swear allegiance. As long as you swear allegiance, I can forgive you and the lives of hundreds of rock species prisoners under your command."

Most of the rock species were killed in the Ice and Snow Valley, many were shot by northern archers, and some were trampled to death by unicorns.Of the more than 20 unicorns brought by Billy Stern, there are still fifteen left, all of which fall into Ed's hands.

Gwen Frost glared at Ed, "You destroyed my castle, killed my people, sprinkled salt on my land, and wanted to sell rockwomen and children to free trade cities as slaves, How could I bow my knees to someone as cruel as you?"

Ace Ice Dragon echoed: "That's right, we Rockseeds would rather die than pledge allegiance to an enemy whose hands are covered in the blood of Rockseeds."

Ed said indifferently: "Threats and actual actions are two different things. I did destroy the two castles of Frost Hall and Ice Dragon Hall, and burned some fertile fields. In comparison, I am much kinder. I am the guardian of the North, not a slave trader, and I will not spread salt on the land of the North. Skagos Island is part of the North."

Gwen Frost, Billy Stern, and Ace Ice Dragon were a little surprised, and Billy Stern frowned, "You didn't catch the women and children of rock species?"

Ed sneered and said, "What am I arresting them for? I believe you all know that the food and grass of the Northern Army was destroyed by the iron bitch Helen Parker. The Northern Army now has more people and less food. My own soldiers are dying." I can't get enough to eat. What shall I do to feed those women and children? Can I rely on the legend of Skagos Island and treat them as army rations?"

"The Seven Kingdoms prohibit the slave trade. I am the Guardian of the North. How can I take the lead as a slave trader? Many slave ships from Lys, Tyrosh, and Myr will bypass Skagos Island and Eastwatch, To catch wildlings beyond the Wall to make slaves, but slavers seldom come to Skagos because it belongs to the North."

Billy Stern disdainfully said, "You want us to believe that the Northern Territory has protected the rock seeds from the slave traders all these years? Hehe! If that's the case, we really have to be grateful to Lord Stark!"

Ed said: "If you don't believe it, you can ask the iron bitch, and ask any slave trader. Whether it is the Sea King of Braavos, the Governor of Lys, the Lord Tyroshi, or the pirates of the Stone Step Islands, the slaves of Lys Merchant, no one dares openly challenge the laws of the Seven Kingdoms."

"Helen Pike, the iron bitch, saw the Royal Fleet in the south and had no choice but to run away. She couldn't even compete with the Rhys pirate Salado Sann. She was the loser in the pirate dispute of the Stepstone Islands. She was like a defeated dog. , fled to Skagos Island, and that idiot King of the Rock thought he got some treasure."

"The iron bitch provided you with some weapons and longboats, and the rock species dared to plunder the east coast of the North with the ironmen. The north is the place guarded by the old gods, and the rock species are all believers of the old gods. You rock species Chief, to fight for Helen Pike, an iron bitch who believes in a strange god, and sacrifice the life of a rock-born warrior in vain."

The corpses of rockseeds and unicorns lay on the battlefield, and a flock of crows was feasting on the corpses.Billy Stern, Ace Ice Dragon, and Gwen Frost all fell silent.

Billy Stern said, "We're not fighting for the Iron Bitch, we're fighting for the Rock King Samuro Crower."

Ed looked at the mountains in the distance, "You would rather bow your knees to Samuro Claure, who usurped the king, than to Winterfell? I don't know what Samuro promised you? I guess it's nothing more than Glory, wealth, power, etc. The result? The Rock King and his iron bitches bring you nothing but death and destruction!"

"Of course the Rock King is confident. His Abyss Castle is strong and formidable, and he is backed by Iron Bitch's iron people pirates. You fought for the Rock King, but when your castle was destroyed and your territory was invaded, did the Rock King ever Send a soldier? Anyway, I didn't see the flag of the Crower clan."

Ed waved, and the guard Dawson handed over the giant sword "Ice".

"I've finished what I have to say. You can either choose to bow your knees or surrender."

Billy Stern sighed and closed his eyes. "Ed Stark, do it!"

Ed said: "Better die than surrender? Don't you think about your son Paulson? After you die, can your 15-year-old son protect Driftwood Hall and the people of your Stern clan?"

Billy Stern's son, Paulson, was captured by Jon Snow, the illegitimate son of Winterfell, and became a prisoner in the previous battle.

Seeing Ed mention Paulyson, Billy Stern instantly relented. "How's Paulyson? Is he hurt?"

Ed beckoned, Braavosi water dancer Cyrio brought Paulson, and Billy Stern felt a little relieved when he saw that his son was safe and sound.

"Master Stark, you let my son go, and I am willing to let you do it."

Ed smiled, "My treatment is to save you from death, but you must bow your knees. If you don't want to kneel, we can pretend that you have kneeled, but you must kneel in front of the weirwood heart tree and pray to the old gods. Swear allegiance to Winterfell and House Stark."

Ed picked up the blood-stained and muddy Stern clan flag that fell on the ground, and Ed unfolded the flag, "Billy, tell me, what did you see?"

Billy Stern looked confused, "Ed Stark, what do you mean? This is the coat of arms of the Stern clan, the emblem of Driftwood Hall, and the coat of arms of Leafless Driftwood."

Ed said: "Why does the driftwood have no leaves? Because the driftwood is not rooted in the earth. Skagos Island is just a piece of driftwood! The rock species refuses to take root in the north, and chooses to join forces with the Ironborn and float on the water. There are no leaves, no life. Winter is coming, and taking root in the north is your only choice."

Billy Stern was silent for a while, and said, "Master Eddard Stark, I am willing to bow my knees and swear allegiance to Winterfell."

(End of this chapter)

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