Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 67 Capture the Iron Bitch

Chapter 67 Capture the Iron Bitch

With the help of the Stern Clan, the Frost Clan, and the Ice Dragon Clan, the Northern Army captured the Rock King's Abyss Fort.Just after recapturing this forbidding castle, Ed ordered the soldiers to step up inspections and not let down their vigilance.

In order to rescue the ironborn blacksmiths and shipbuilders who were detained in Abyss Castle by the northern army, "Iron Bitch" led her ironborn pirates to the bottom of Abyss Castle along the Abyss River in heavy rain, trying to kill them from the side door. Enter Abyss Fort.

Some northern soldiers guard the cave at the bottom of Deephold, next to the River Deep, where the Ironmen use it as a shipyard. "Iron Bitch" Helen Pike and her pirates killed the northern guards in the shipyard, but attracted more northern soldiers.

When Ed brought Jon Snow, Domeric Bolton, and Theon Greyjoy to the shipyard cave, Braavos "Water Dancer" Syrio Forel was taking a group of Team up with soldiers from the north and fight with ironborn pirates.Ed immediately rushed to the enemy line with his illegitimate son Jon Snow, adopted son Domilik Bolton, adopted son Theon and the soldiers of Winterfell.

"Iron Bitch" Helen Pike brandished a sharp sword, chopped down a fat Amber soldier, and stabbed a Severn soldier to death with a dagger. Helen Pike flew with a sharp sword, and in the torrential rain, she turned into a messenger of death .

The Ironborn pirates are very powerful in combat. They are in the Abyss River by the sea. They can hear the sound of the waves and smell the sea salt. The Ironborn pirates believe that the power of the Drowned God is strong here. They believe that even if they die in battle, they can enter Feast in the watery palace of the Drowned God.

However, even if the Ironborn pirates were bloodthirsty and brave, they could not defeat the soldiers from the north that kept coming. Billy Stern led a team of Driftwood Hall rock warriors to fight, and the battle became more and more difficult for the Ironborn pirates. more unfavorable.More and more ironborn pirates fell, blood staining the rain on the ground.

With the passage of time, instead of being able to occupy the side gate, the Ironborn pirates were forced to retreat by the northern soldiers and rock species warriors, and retreated to the bank of the Abyss River.

Seeing the ironborn pirates under her hand fall down one after another, seeing the ironborn brothers who followed her from the Iron Islands and the Stone Step Islands all the way to Abyss Castle, and died in the city of Abyss Castle, Helen Parker was in despair.

Helen Pike was soaking wet. She drew her tomahawk and threw it, hitting a White Harbor soldier in the face.At this moment, a ghostly figure appeared in front of Helen Parker.

This man was Syrio Forel, the water dancer of Braavos. Syrio had been the chief swordsman at the side of the Sea King of Braavos for nine years, and he used a slender assassin sword.On this killing night, Syrio had stabbed to death several Ironborn pirates whom Helen Pike was familiar with with the assassin's sword.

"Iron Bitch" Helen Pike's long sword pierced Syrio's chest, and Syrio dodged like an eel, and then the water dancer's assassin sword attacked, swift as a spirit snake, and Helen Pike could only Barely parrying, the song of steel echoed.

In the muddy and heavy rain environment, the flexibility and quickness of the Braavosi water dancer Syrio was obviously unmatched by Helen Pike. Soon, Helen Pike was tired of coping and became more and more passive.Syrio kicked Helen Parker, and Helen Parker fell into the mud, and the world was blurred.

When the Iron Bitch wiped the mud from her eyes with her hands, Syrio Forel's sword was on her heart.

"Surrender, or die?"

Resigned to fate, Helen Pike let go of the long sword in her hand, and Syrio immediately took down her dagger and axe.

Syrio Forel yelled, "Iron bitch surrendered, ironborn pirates, surrender?"

The Great Jon led a group of Umber soldiers and appeared on the way to the sea from the Abyss River. The Ironborn pirates retreated blocked and saw Helen Pike captured. Terrence Pike and other Ironborn pirates followed one after another Put down your arms and raise your hands in surrender.

Ed walked up to Helen Pike and looked at her, "Are you a wicked iron bitch? I thought you ran away."

Helen Pike said: "The ironmen, blacksmiths and shipbuilders you captured are all my brothers. I originally planned to rescue them and escape, but I failed."

Xi En said with a smirk: "You are quite pretty, but it's a pity that you are a fool. With only a few hundred pirates in your area, you still want to enter the Abyss Castle and rescue the ironmen inside?"

Helen Pike recognized Theon's Iron Islands accent, and her eyes stayed on the sea monster crest on Theon's breastplate, "Are you from the Greyjoy family? Could it be that you are the legendary Theon... Greyjoy? I know that Lord Balon sent a son to Winterfell to be held hostage by the Starks."

"It's the adopted son!" The smile on Theon's face disappeared.

"Whether it's a hostage or an adopted son, that's the thing anyway." Helen Pike looked relaxed, and she turned to Ed, "Master Ed, are the ironman blacksmiths and shipbuilders you captured still alive?"

Ed said: "They are all still alive, locked in the dungeon."

A humble smile appeared on Helen Pike's face, "It's good that they live. As long as you spare my ironmen, I am willing to bear the crime and surrender."

Helen Pike was eager to plead guilty and surrender, which surprised Ed a bit.

Greatjon said angrily: "Iron bitch, you burned, killed and looted on the east coast of the northern border, and kidnapped hundreds of women and children. Even kneeling down will not save you."

Theon smiled cynically, "Iron bitch, you are an ironborn, where is your backbone? Since you are defeated, it is a heroic act to lead your death. The Palace of the Drowned God is waiting for you!"

An evil smile appeared on Helen Pike's face, "At first, I also wanted to die bravely, but when I think of your father, the leader of our Iron Islands raiders, the noble Lord Balon, I still want to live King Balon holds tens of thousands of Ironborn warriors and thousands of longships. After the Iron Islands rebellion, he still bowed his knees to King Robert of the Green Land. Why can't I, an iron bitch, bow my knees to the Duke of the North? ?”

The smile on Theon's face instantly froze and disappeared, and Domeric Bolton said with a smile: "Theon, the iron bitch grabbed your sore spot!"

Theon put away his wounded self-esteem, and said disdainfully: "The Iron Islands forbid the iron people from plundering in the Seven Kingdoms, and the iron bitch ran to the east coast of the northern border to plunder, and even instigated Samuro Crowle to usurp the king, causing an uproar. The rock species rebellion, whether according to the laws of the North or the Iron Islands, she must die."

"Master Ed, I suggest beheading the iron bitch on the spot, and then sending the body to the Iron Islands, where it will be exhibited on a tour of various islands to deter those restless ironborn pirates."

Helen Pike said indifferently: "I'm not afraid of death, but there are countless oceans in this world waiting for me to conquer, and my ironborn brothers need my love and affection. I beg Lord Ed to spare my life. Fight for the North, my blacksmiths can help Winterfell make armor and weapons, my shipwrights can help the North build longships, and my ironborn pirates will fight for the North."

Ed pondered for a while, "Put Helen Pike and these pirates in the dungeon first, whether they live or die, depends on their performance."

(End of this chapter)

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