Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 68 Helen Parker's Plan

Chapter 68 Helen Pike's Plan

"Iron Bitch" Helen Pike was captured under Abyss Fort, and the dozen or so longships she left by the sea also suffered doomsday.

Earl Marlon Manderly of White Harbor detected at sea that the Ironmen had landed and attacked Abyss Fort. There were only a small number of Ironmen left on board, so he sent White Harbor ships to attack.The ironmen who stayed on the longship were either captured or killed, and some fled into the mountains.All the longships fell into the hands of the North.

In the dark dungeon, Helen Pike was shackled and curled up in a corner of the dungeon.

The torches illuminated everything around, and Helen Pike raised her head against the dazzling firelight.Ed walked in and put the torch on the torch stand.

Helen Pike squeezed out a smile, "Lord Ed, are you going to let me go? Or use the Valyrian greatsword ancestral to the Stark family to chop off my beautiful head?"

"Helen, you are very young." Ed's tone was full of helplessness, "But you led the iron people pirates to plunder the east coast of the northern border and instigated the rock species rebellion. The crime is too serious and unforgivable."

Helen Pike was neither humble nor overbearing, "Master Ed, I led the iron people pirates to burn, kill, loot, and take women and children. I admit this, but I instigated the rock species rebellion? When I came to Skagos Island, Samrow Crowle has already worn the rock crown. Since ancient times, the rock species have governed themselves on Skagos Island and have their own way, and Winterfell has little influence here, as you know."

Ed coldly said: "Even if the crime of sedition is removed, just the crime of looting on the east coast of the northern border is enough to convict you. Whether it is based on the Iron Islands, the northern border, or the Seven Great According to the law anywhere in the kingdom, you must be executed. Many of my vassals have asked me to execute you, as well as your pirates."

Greatjon Umber clamored to behead Helen Pike and send other pirates to the Great Wall; Roose Bolton suggested that the Iron Bitch and her pirates should be executed after torture; Stark suggested that the iron bitch Helen Pike and his men be caught and hanged in front of the weirwood heart tree; Billy Stern, the owner of the Rock Seed Driftwood Hall, suggested that the blood of the iron people should be used to sacrifice the old man. god.
Helen Pike touched Ed's heart with her hand, her sea-blue eyes were full of temptation, even though her body was covered with dirt and straw, the iron bitch was still full of charm, "I am willing to bow my knees and bring my ironmen to fight for the winter." City. I am even willing to be at the mercy of Lord Ed, I am willing to be, Lord Ed's, salt concubine."

In the Iron Islands, the Ironborn raiders would use the captured male captives as slave labor, and the slave labor would be used for manual labor such as mining and rowing.The captured women will be taken as salt concubines by ironmen. An ironman can have many salt concubines, but only one rock wife.The rock wife must be an ironborn freeman of the Iron Islands, and the salt concubine is a woman who was plundered to the Iron Islands from the Seven Kingdoms and even all over the world.

The status of the salt concubine is far inferior to that of the Yan wife, but the children of the salt concubine also have the right to inherit, ranking after the children of the Yan wife.The Targaryen dynasty once asked the Iron Islands to abolish the salt concubine system, but after hundreds of years, the salt concubine system still exists in the Iron Islands.

King Balon, who now rules the Iron Islands, even encouraged the Ironmen to marry more salt concubines for the sake of the population growth of the Iron Islands. For this reason, King Balon spared no effort to exempt ironmen men from paying taxes on salt concubines.

Helen Parker wanted to be Ed's concubine, but Ed pushed Helen Parker's hand away. "Salt concubines? Helen, our northern territory is not the Iron Islands. We do not allow salt concubines."

Helen Pike winked, "Of course I didn't let Lord Ed just accept me as a salt concubine, I mean, I can be your mistress. When I was in the Stepstone Islands, many pirates pursued me, Pirates of Rhys Salado Sann, and threatened to sell me to the most expensive brothel in Rhys!"

Ed said coldly: "My wife Caitlin and I are very affectionate. I have five children. I don't need a mistress, and I will never betray my wife for a woman."

Helen Pike laughed dumbfounded, "Hehe! Lord Ed is really a gentleman. But, I heard that you have an illegitimate son named Jon Snow. If you have never betrayed Mrs. Caitlin, what is going on with this illegitimate son? Woolen cloth?"

Ed shrugged, "People always make mistakes when they are young. I have an illegitimate child, but I adopted my illegitimate child by my side. I gave Jon Snow the same treatment as his own son, and I fulfilled my obligations to my son. Helen, you are the illegitimate daughter of the Iron Islands, did your parents control you?"

Helen Pike's eyes immediately dimmed, "My mother is a fisherwoman from King's Harbor. I don't know who my father is. I guess he is probably a sailor, a pirate or something! Lord Ed, I come from a lowly family background, or An illegitimate daughter, there is no place for me in this world when I was born, so if I want to get what I want, I can only grab it."

"I was an apprentice on a ship at 12, killed my first plunder at 14, and was captain at 16, competing with Lys, Tyrosh, Myr and even the Summer Isles pirates in the Stepstones. After King Long's rebellion was suppressed, many ironborn were disappointed with King Balon who was seated on the Seastone, and chose to go to the Stone Step Islands to pursue ancient roads and plunder for a living, and many ironborn pirates took refuge in me."

"I was the Pirate Queen for a while, until the damned Lys pirate Salado Saan started targeting me. The Lys pirates have money and power here, and he couldn't beat my ironborn longship fleet, so he spent money to join forces with Tyrosh, Corsairs of Myr, lay siege to me. Salador Thorn also, through his friend Davos Seaworth the Onion Knight, has supplies and ships from Dragonstone."

Ed was a little surprised, "Do you need to face Rhys, Tyrosh, Myr, the pirates of the 'Three Daughters Kingdom' and Dragonstone Island?"

Helen Pike lamented: "No pirate can gain a foothold on the Stone Step Islands with so many enemies, so I can only take my people and flee to the north, to Skagos Island."

Ed asked: "Since you are determined to plunder in the Seven Kingdoms, why did you only choose the North? Skagos Island?"

Helen Pike smiled evilly, "Because the navy in the North is too weak, Skagos Island is more like an uninhabited land. Since Brandon the Burner, there has been no fleet in the North, and The coastline of the northern border is too long, and the territory here is so vast, covered with black soil. Although it is a bit cold, it is still good as my pirate kingdom."

That's exactly what Ed was worried about.The weakness of the sea has attracted the "Iron Bitch" Helen Pike and her pirate fleet. Hunters always look for weak prey and dare not easily provoke powerful enemies. The law of the jungle is always right.

Ed said: "Are you planning to rely on Skagos Island to build your pirate kingdom?"

Helen Pike apologized: "I plan to rely on Skagos Island, unite the rock species, and plunder the northern border and beyond the Great Wall. I even plan to sell the wildlings from the Great Wall to build a stronger longship fleet after accumulating wealth. When necessary, We can unite with Mance Rayder, the king beyond the Wall, to attack the northern border together."

(End of this chapter)

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