Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 77 The Threat of the King Beyond the Wall

Chapter 77 The Threat of the King Beyond the Wall

Maester Aemon was originally named Aemon Targaryen. He was the son of Maekar I and the brother of Aegon V. He himself experienced more history than the history books that the doctors of the Academy City had read.

When Maester Aemon pointed out that the White Walkers were a potential threat, Bowen Marsh, the Bursar at the table, Alliser Thorne, the instructor of Castle Black, and Osiel Yawick, the chief craftsman, immediately became nervous.After all, the tales of the White Walkers are far from reality, and the Maester's references to history make the potential threat of the White Walkers believable.

Old Commander of the Night's Watch, Old Bear Mormont, looked at the blind Maester Aemon, "Maester Aemon, does it mention in the ancient books how to deal with the White Walkers?"

"Obsidian, also known as dragon crystal, or frozen fire. When the ancestors arrived in Westeros through the land bridge, the children of the forest used obsidian weapons to fight the ancestors."

Old Bear Mormont frowned and said, "However, the children of the forest have disappeared for thousands of years, probably extinct long ago. Where can I find the Dragon Obsidian?"

Ed took out an obsidian arrowhead from his pocket, shining with luster, and handed it to Mormont, "This is the obsidian arrowhead given to me by the rock species. Obsidian can also be used to make daggers. There are many obsidian arrowheads on Skagos Island." Mine, I have ordered the rock species to mine obsidian. Winterfell will process obsidian weapons in the future."

Old Bear Mormont, Benjen Stark, and Alliser Thorne passed around to check the obsidian arrow in turn. When Alliser Thorne touched it with his finger, he was immediately cut open by the obsidian arrow, bleeding profusely.

"Be careful, obsidian is very sharp." Ed took the obsidian arrow, "but it's easy to break."

Maester Aemon said: "According to some books, in addition to obsidian, dragonsteel, that is, Valyrian steel swords, can also cause powerful damage to the White Walkers."

Ed owns the Valyrian sword "Ice", the ancestral Valyrian sword of the Stark family, and Mormont the bear, the commander-in-chief of the Night Watchman Legion, has the Valyrian steel sword "Claw", the ancestral Valyrian steel sword of the Mormont family. It was originally passed on to Jorah Mormont, the son of the old bear, but Jorah sold some poachers to slave traders, which offended the laws of the North. The sword returned to Xiong Lao's hand.

However, it is obviously unrealistic for the Night Watchman Legion to reserve Valyrian steel swords. There are only a few hundred Valyrian steel swords in the world, and many nobles have lost their ancestral Valyrian steel swords, such as Casterly Rock City. Lannister family.As rich as a Lannister, he can't buy a Valyrian sword with gold, let alone a poor Night's Watch.

Ed put away the obsidian, "According to historical records, it was the Night Watchmen who defeated the White Walkers and saved mankind during the last Long Night. Regardless of whether the White Walkers will make a comeback, we should be prepared. Winterfell will Prepare obsidian weapons."

"Even with obsidian weapons, they can't stop the White Walkers." The female wildling Osha said, her hands were tied, "The living cannot fight the dead."

The senior officials of the Night Watch Corps turned their heads to look at Osha, Allisa Thorne said disdainfully: "Do you need to hear the opinion of a female wildling at the meeting between the Night Watch and the Duke of the North? You, a spearwife, crossed the Great Wall, and it is a death penalty." , she should be executed immediately."

"Sir Thorne, Osha is my prisoner." Ed told Alliser Thorne with an unquestionable air, "I will take her back to Winterfell for slow interrogation."

Alliser Thorne said scornfully, "What can a spearwife ask?"

Eddard turned to Osha, "Tell me, Mance Rayder, King Beyond the Wall, how many troops has he assembled?"

Osha thought for a while, "I don't know, there must be tens of thousands of people. Anyway, 'Giant Buster' Tormund, 'Crow Hunter' Afin, 'Weeper', 'King of Bones', 'Dog Head' 'Hama, the leaders of these raiders are all under the command of Mance. It is said that Mance has gone to Thenn now, and he is going to win the support of Magnar, the leader of the Thenn people, and he is also going to contact the giants."

"Giant?" Chief Steward Bowen Marsh smiled exaggeratedly. "This wild woman is lying. Everyone knows that giants, like the children of the forest, are dead long ago."

Osha said coldly: "The giants live outside the Great Wall. You kneeling people of the Seven Kingdoms don't even know how big the territory is outside the Great Wall. How do you know there are no giants there?"

Benyan Stark said: "Whether the giant is real or not, I don't know, but the raider leaders mentioned by the wild woman have indeed surrendered to Mance Rayder. Once Mance Rayder gathers enough Enough army of wildlings, he will attack the Great Wall."

Old Bear sighed wearily, "Compared with the White Walkers, the threat of Mance Rayder is obviously more serious. Lord Ed, once the wildlings attack the Great Wall, the Night Watch Legion may be difficult to sustain. Today's Night Watch is just a group of sullen people." The young and the weary old are struggling and we need the support of the North."

Osha said: "You crows don't understand. The reason why the wildlings want to break through the Great Wall is because they have to hide to the south of the Great Wall to avoid the threat of the White Walkers. There are very few White Walkers outside the Great Wall now, but in winter, it will only become more and more. More and more. When winter comes, you crows will all die!"

This angered the night watchman.Allisa Thorne, Bowen Marsh, and Oser Yawick all threatened and cursed at Osha, so Ed had to let the guard Dawson take Osha away.

Waiting for everyone to calm down, Ed tentatively said: "Do you think what Osha said is true? The ghosts are raging outside the Great Wall, so Mance summoned the wildlings. Maybe we should talk to Mance Rayder negotiation."

"Mance Rayder is an oath-breaker." The old bear said decisively, "He was a wildling orphan since he was a child, and was raised by the Night Watch Corps. He used to be a member of the Night Watch Corps, but he broke his oath. What do we have to talk about with oath-breakers, chameleons?"

Bowen Marsh said: "The veterans of the Night Watchman Legion all know Mance Rayder. He is very cunning. The White Walker is just a means for him to win people's hearts among the wildlings. Even if the White Walkers do exist, they are outside the Great Wall. What have we got to lose by killing the wildlings?"

Osiel Arwick echoed, "Yes, the wildlings are the enemies of the Night's Watch, and the more dead the better."

The Night Watchman and the Wildlings are mortal enemies, and the two sides hate each other. Since Mance Rayder is a deserter from the Night Watchman, this makes the officials of the Night Watchman Legion not consider negotiating with the Wildlings at all.

Elder Xiong clenched his fists, "Lord Ed, we don't need to negotiate with Mance Rayder. If you are worried about the threat to the kingdom beyond the Wall, Winterfell can send troops together with the Night Watchman. I think a thousand elite soldiers are enough to wipe out the Wall and make Mans S Raid and his wildlings fled into the mountains."

(End of this chapter)

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