Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 78 Cooperation with the Night Watchman

Chapter 78 Cooperation with the Night Watchman
In the hall of the night watchman, facing the suggestion of the old commander of the night watchman army, the old bear Mormont, Ed shook his head.

"No, our soldiers in the north have just finished the battle on Skagos Island, and the north has just conquered the rock species, so we will not rush to attack the savages outside the Great Wall."

Old Bear Mormont was a little disappointed, "It's understandable. However, sitting and watching Mance Rayder's army of wildlings grow outside the Great Wall, once the army of wildlings attacks the Great Wall, it will be difficult for my old bones and Brother Night Watchman to support me. I hope Ed My lord, rebuild the castle on the Impassable Great Wall as soon as possible, and help the night watchman to defend."

Faced with the reality, the Night Watchman couldn't argue with Winterfell anymore.

Ed said: "Winterfell is in the military camp of Houguan Town, and there are enough people. When I return to Winterfell, I will transfer people from Houguan Town and send them directly to rebuild the castle."

Old Bear Mormont smiled and said, "Lord Ed, I heard that there are some thieves and poachers in the military village of Houguan Town. Wasn't scum like this sent directly to the Great Wall before? If there are criminals in the future, leave them to me!"

Ai De agreed, but he didn't intend to send offenders to the Great Wall.Putting on black clothes, these people became soldiers of the Night Watch. They might as well stay in the military camp and serve as soldiers for Winterfell to atone for their sins.Many criminals don't want to be night watchmen. After all, if they become night watchmen, they swear that they will never have children for the rest of their lives. Serving as a soldier in Winterfell in the military camp at least has the hope of being free.

What's more, Ed rebuilt the castle on the Great Wall of Impossibility. These castles need the garrison of Winterfell, and Ed needs more manpower.

Once Winterfell rebuilds Greenguard, Long Night Fort and Westbridge Lookout on the Great Wall, Ed will use these places as icehouses for Winterfell to store seafood, meat, and grain. On the south side of the fort, he opened up a manor, set up a military camp, and shared food with the night watchmen.

In this way, Ed solves the problem of food preservation, and the winter reserves will be more sufficient. At the same time, he strengthens his control over the Great Wall and his influence on the Night Watchman Corps.

Commander Mormont looked at the Haunted Forest on the map, "Benyan and I will send out good rangers to increase the number of patrols in the Haunted Forest, lest Mance Rayder gather an army in the Haunted Forest, and we will be fooled." In the drum."

"Commander Mormont, it's better for the rangers not to patrol outside the Great Wall." Mormont and other night watchmen officials couldn't foresee the threat of the White Walker, Ed persuaded, "It's better to strengthen the patrol on the Great Wall, anyway When wildling raiders cross the Wall, they always climb the wall."

Commander Mormont's crow landed on his thick shoulder, and the crow cried, "Climb the wall! Climb the wall!"

Commander Mormont said: "Lord Ed, the number of rangers going on patrol these days is less and less, and it is dangerous for rangers to enter outside the Great Wall, but if the patrol is completely abandoned and the wildlings dig holes in the wall outside the Great Wall, we will Probably don't even know."

Afterwards, Elder Xiong asked about his sister, Countess Maggie Mormont, Ed said: "Maggie Mormont Countess and her daughter Daisy, led the warriors of Bear Island to fight against rock species and She was valiant in the battle of the Ironborn. She has now returned to Bear Island with the warriors of Bear Island."

Elder Xiong sighed, "If my son Jorah hadn't done anything to shame the family, it would have been Jorah who led the army from Xiongdao."

Sir Jorah Mormont sold poachers to slave traders. After the incident was revealed, Duke Ed decided to punish him severely—this was what Duke Ed did before the crossing.Ser Jorah fled to the Free Cities across the Narrow Sea, but was never heard from.

Today's Ed is not so rigid and inflexible. He said: "Ser Jorah has been wandering for so long, and he has been punished. If he is willing to come back, I will allow him to put on black clothes. If he is not willing to put on Black clothes, I am even willing to let him go to Winterfell to serve me."

Old Bear Mormont smiled, "Jorah would be happy if he knew that Duke Eddard had pardoned his crimes. It's a pity that I can't get in touch with him at all."

After the Night's Watch officials had left, Eddard sat drinking with his brother Bunyan.

Since the Impassable Great Wall is the northernmost line of defense in the North, members of the Stark family have served in the Night Watch Legion since ancient times. It is not uncommon for members of the Stark family to serve as commander-in-chief in history.In Ed's generation, Bunyan joined the Night's Watch and became the chief ranger of the Night's Watch.

Since his eldest brother Brandon was burned to death by the mad king Aerys, Ed inherited Winterfell and the North, but what Benyan got was the black clothes of the night watchman and the Great Wall. The Druid and the Night's Watch are loyal.

Bunyan patted Ed on the shoulder, "For thousands of years, the rock species on Skagos Island have only surrendered to Winterfell in name, and it is difficult for the ancestors of our Stark family to make the rock species truly submit , but you did it."

Ed said happily: "The blueberries on Skaggs Island are delicious. I also brought back the beast grass, a unicorn, and a keel. People think that Skaggs Island is barren, but in fact there are also berries there." Lots of properties."

"I heard that you are doing a lot of construction work in the winter resort town." Bunyan smiled, "Many people say that the winter shelter town has built a forge, military camp, stables, and a big market, and has undergone earth-shaking changes. I will come back next time Home, won’t you get lost?”

"Benyan, Winterfell is your home, how could you get lost?" Ed squeezed Benyan Stark's hand, "Benyan, promise me, try not to go patrolling the Haunted Forest, maybe you will encounter What about the Others!"

Benyan Stark let out a hearty laugh, "Is there really a different ghost? That's a good relationship! Our rangers will become the saviors to save all mankind."

Bunyan took Ed, Jon, Theon, Domilik, Helen Parker and others to the top of the Great Wall in a cage.

Ed stood on the top of the Great Wall and looked beyond the Great Wall. He saw the Milky River glowing golden in the sun, the Ghost Forest above the white snow, and the Fist of the First Men covered in snow in the distance.

This is a vast land waiting to be conquered.Ed believed that one day, when Winterfell got rid of its debts and became rich and powerful, he would definitely bring the army of the North, together with the Night Watchmen, to wipe out Mance Rayder, the king beyond the wall, and merge the land beyond the wall.

Defeating the wildling army of Mance Rayder, the king beyond the wall, Ed can expand the territory for the Stark family and obtain the resources of Ghost Shadow, Fist of the First Men and Milk River. In order to play for the city, Ed expanded his power.

The free folk have lax discipline and poor weapons and equipment. Due to the lack of forges and blacksmiths outside the Great Wall, the night watchman strictly prohibits smuggling items outside the Great Wall, making it difficult for the free folk to own iron weapons and armor.Some raider chieftains become toubob beyond the Wall with old, notched longswords salvaged from ranger corpses.

 Thanks to the book friend "Simarllion" for the monthly pass, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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