Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 81 Iron Ore and Quartz Sand

Chapter 81 Iron Ore and Quartz Sand
Ed ordered the Winterfell soldier Jax.

"This kind of white stone is called quartz stone. You stack it together, and I will find a craftsman to process it into quartz sand."

The mountains are really a cornucopia, and quartz stones can be dug out of iron ore.Now this piece of iron ore, the iron ore taken out is directly smashed by the craftsman with a hammer, and the refined iron is transported to Winterfell.Ed thinks that a quarry can be built here in the future, and the quartz stones can be crushed and refined into quartz sand, which can be transported to Winterfell.

However, it is far away from Winterfell, and transportation costs are a problem.

When passing by Long Lake, Ed noticed that there were also quartz sand beside Long Lake, many small rivers and ponds, and it was also found in the upper reaches of the White Knife River.

The tributary of the White Knife River is relatively close to Winterfell, and there are many small rivers in the wolf forest near Winterfell. Maybe Ed can collect quartz sand from there.

Helen Pike played with a quartz stone in her hand, "Master Ed, I have seen this kind of white stone at many seasides. What is the use of this?"

Ed pointed to the Myr lens on Helen Parker's waist. The female pirate often used the Myr lens to observe the enemy's situation at sea. "When the Myr lens is made, this kind of stone is needed. Glass is also needed."

Helen Pike was amazed, "Myr lens and glass are actually made of stone?"

Domilik said: "I heard that Mir's glass crafts are sold well in the Seven Kingdoms and the Nine Free Trade Cities. The glass panes they make are expensive handicrafts, and the price is equivalent to gold."

Helen Parker's eyes widened, "The glass panes are so expensive?"

"Ordinary glass is of course not so expensive. Glass panes, like Mirish carpets and Norvos's tapestry, are works of art. Art is for royal families, nobles, wealthy businessmen and the like, so the price is of course expensive." Ai De explained.

Jon Snow added: "Our glass garden in Winterfell can grow and harvest vegetables even in the cold winter. During several consecutive years of cold winters, the glass garden is the vegetable basket of Winterfell."

Helen Pike pondered for a while, "I knew that when I was a pirate in the Stone Step Islands, I would plunder more Myr ships. Take those Myr glass craftsmen as slave labor."

"Actually, many glass craftsmen in Mill are slaves." Ed said, "In addition to having no freedom, this kind of glass craftsmen are treated very well, and their food and housing conditions are good. After all, their masters have to rely on their craftsmanship to make money .”

Helen Pike disagreed, "If you don't even have freedom, what's the point of living?"

Domilik said: "I have read some books on Mir crafts, which said that many slave craftsmen in Mir lived in the master's mansion and enjoyed a feast of larks and candied fruit. However, their wages were very little, and many craftsmen did It takes a lifetime to earn money for redemption. When they are old and useless, the master will 'magnanimously' pardon them and give them freedom so that the slaves can be driven out of the house."

Myr is located on the shore of the Sea of ​​Myr to the east of the Stepstone Islands, with sunny weather and a warm climate. Compared to Myr, Winterfell is obviously a bitterly cold place. Ed wondered if Klare could help him find a glassmaker.It might be difficult to be a free man, but there is still hope to find a slave glassmaker. After all, Winterfell can give slave craftsmen the status of a free man and a large reward.

Ed hopes that the financial advisor Klar has hired a glass craftsman from Myr for him. By then, Winterfell can make its own glass, expand the glass farm in the winter escape town, and eat the glass farm grown in the cold winter Vegetables and grain.

The glass farm, like the Great Wall's food reserve plan, is an important part of Ed's preparations for the severe winter.The fishing boats in the northern border sent seafood and fish from Ice Bay, Shivering Sea, and Seal Bay to Fort Greenguard, Westbridge Lookout, Long Night Fort and other places on the Great Wall of Desperation for storage. The glass farm allows Winterfell to grow in winter grain vegetables.

Ed and his followers walked around the iron ore field.

Helen Pike said: "We also have a lot of iron ore in the Iron Islands. Almost every island has iron ore, and almost all the miners are slave labor. The real iron species will choose to sail to sea and conquer the waves and waves."

Theon didn't take it seriously, "Only men from the Iron Islands have the right to talk about conquest. An iron bitch like you will be regarded as a different kind in our hometown. What kind of warrior are you pretending to be?"

Helen Pike showed an evil smile, "Theon, I am a bitch, but I have defeated many men at sea, and there are many iron men under me who are willing to work for me. Have you ever been a captain? Managed Are you an Ironborn sailor? You were a child when you left the Iron Islands, what do you know about the Iron Islands?"

Theon was a little angry, "I am the heir of the Iron Islands. One day, I will succeed my father, King Balon, as the Seastone and become the leader of the Iron Islands raiders. Iron bitch, you'd better remember this .”

Helen Pike bowed mockingly, "Your Highness, I would have forgotten if you didn't tell me, you are the son of King Balon."

Jon Snow and Domeric Burton all laughed. Recently, Helen Pike has gradually become one with Ed's illegitimate sons and adopted sons. Although Helen Pike often bickers with Theon, most of the time, the two get along well.

When Theon looked at the round and beautiful Helen Pike, his eyes were always hungry.Domeric Burton was gentle and gentle, and he couldn't help sneaking glances at Helen Pike's graceful waist and hips.Jon was still young, and he always deliberately avoided the eyes of Helen Pike, and Helen Pike would touch Jon openly and call him "pure chick".

Helen Pike was a few years older than Theon, Domilik, and much older than Jon.For young people, Helen Pike is undoubtedly a mature woman full of charm.

They passed by a tavern, and Ed and his entourage went in to eat. The tavern owner saw Ed's direwolf coat of arms and immediately greeted him warmly.

"You are the Duke of Ed? When the army of Winterfell triumphed, they also passed by my house. Lord Ed, you have protected the people of the northern border and defeated the rock species and ironborn pirates. You are from the northern border." hero."

The tavern owner took out wild boar meat and ale and entertained Ed. Ed said, "How is your business?"

"Business is okay." The tavern owner lowered his voice, "It's just that the price of goods is rising, especially salt. It used to be three copper coins for a pack, but now it costs fifteen copper coins. Lord Ed, I heard that you are promoting the Yantun plan, A lot of salt can be produced every day, so how come the price of salt has risen?"

The financial advisor Kral has repeatedly reminded Ed that the lack of supervision in the Yantun project will lead merchants to collude with the northern lords along the coast, hoarding and hoarding, and the rise in salt prices is inevitable. Ed has long expected it, and this is exactly the plan part.

Ed said seriously: "Someone must be using the Yantun project to make trouble. Don't worry, I will deal with the matter of Yantun when I return to Winterfell, and the salt price will return to normal."

 Thanks to the book friend "20220826102301782" for the monthly ticket, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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