Chapter 82

In the next few days, on his way back to Winterfell, Ed kept asking the common people in the north about the price of salt, and every common man complained about the increase in the price of salt.

When Ed arrived in the winter shelter town, people saw Ed, and immediately stopped to watch, shouting "Long live Winterfell", "Long live Stark", and people celebrated Ed's triumphant return from conquering the rock species.

Ed rode on a tall horse, "I went to Skagos Island, and it took me a few months to leave. If you have any questions and need to petition me, just tell me!"

A fat woman selling bread said: "Master Ed, the price of salt is too expensive. I need salt to bake bread, and the price of salt has increased by more than five times. The price of my bread has increased, and fewer people are buying it. what to do?"

An old woman said: "I can't even afford the salt to pickle vegetables. Lord Ed, where does the salt produced in the salt village go? We often see horse-drawn carriages on the west coast, pulling loads of salt into Winterfell city."

"I think that Braavosi man Klar took all the salt for himself?" A fat butcher crossed his arms and looked angry, "Lord Ed, you shouldn't have hired a foreigner to manage the accounts, sure It was Klare who played the trick."

"Some people say that Earl Wyman of White Harbor did the trick." A fisherman said, "I heard that the salt in Yantun on the east coast is brought to White Harbor to settle directly with Earl Wyman."

"It's the damn merchants who are responsible. Those merchants will speculate. Before the price of salt rose, some smugglers were still buying salt from the common people in winter escape towns! Lord Ed, the profiteers must be severely punished! I hope the price of salt will come down!"

More and more people surrounded them, from hundreds to thousands, and the surrounding area was completely surrounded. Captain Jory Cassel and Deputy Captain Harris Moran of the Winterfell Guard hurriedly led a team of spearmen , come to maintain order.The financial advisor Krall also came, and many residents of Winter Town glared at Krall.

Amidst the uproar, Klar came to Ed.Ed frowned, "Krall, the price of salt has risen, and the common people are excited, what's going on?"

Klauer said helplessly: "Master Ed, I have reminded you many times that the Yantun project is doomed to fail due to lack of supervision. You promised the lords of various places that Winterfell would buy back the salt in Yantun at the market price. It’s just a bottomless pit.”

"This time I went to Skagos Island, many noble family heads led troops to Skagos Island, and those who stayed at home were acting city owners. Of course, it is entirely possible that the acting city owners got the lord's instruction."

"The lords colluded with merchants to buy salt from the people at low prices, or they opened salt farms to dry the salt, and the salt mixed into the salt village was sold to Winterfell. The city is getting poorer and poorer, and the people can't afford salt, that's all!"

Krall's words made the residents of the winter shelter town on the side even more excited.

"Duke Ed, Winterfell must control the price of salt!"

"Crack down on unscrupulous businessmen! Crack down on those law-breaking lords!"

"Lord Ed, Stark must manage the salt, how can the people live without salt?"

Hundreds of residents were roaring, Ed showed a satisfied smile, he raised his fist, and the roar of the people gradually subsided.

"I obey your wishes. From now on, without the permission of the Stark family, anyone in the northern border is strictly prohibited from producing and selling private salt! I will severely punish those unscrupulous merchants and lords who hoard salt and make people unable to eat salt. Anyone who reports to Winterfell about others selling private salt will be rewarded with a silver deer after verification!"

A silver deer can almost buy a plow horse, which is a lot of money for ordinary people.

The people in the winter shelter town cheered and cheered, and Krall thought about it.Amidst the cheers of the people, Ed was riding a horse with his entourage, and Osha, a wild woman, was riding on a horse with a chain in her hand.They walked through the downtown area of ​​Winterfell towards Winterfell.

The barracks, forge, and stables, which were in charge of the architect Downs Ayling, have basically been completed and put into use.The head of the forge, Mikken, is leading the apprentices to forge weapons and armor together with the ironman blacksmith Walter, blacksmith Caron and others.There are more and more war horses in the stables, and there are also many plow horses. Hu Lun, the head of the stables, is leading a group of grooms, and the stable boys are busy.

The pig pen, cow pen, and sheep pen of Ji Wen, the manager of the farm, are full of cattle and sheep. Ji Wen has already fed a group of sheep, and some female workers are shearing sheep.Not far from the sheepfold is the unicorn, which feeds the unicorn cub brought by the soldiers of Winterfell from Skagos Island. This little unicorn is the master of Driftwood Hall, A gift from Billy, the leader of the Throne clan, to Ed.

Ed walked through the gate of Winterfell amidst cheers, and Caitlin and the children were waiting for him.

"Ed!" Caitlin fell into Ed's arms, "You are finally back, it's time for you to go out, and I pray for you in the church every day."

Robb, Sansa, Arya, and Bran stepped forward to hug their father one by one, and Ed kissed the baby Rickon in Sister Mordane's arms.In the months since Ed had left, little Rickon had grown up a lot.

The rock species Nongda Maple Leaf brought the children of the rock species leader to meet Ed. These are the children of the rock species leader, who were adopted by Winterfell as adopted sons to ensure the loyalty of the rock species.

When Ed went to Skagos Island, Nunda Maple Leaf, the rock species guide, helped Ed. After Ed conquered Skagos Island, Nonda Maple Leaf chose to continue to serve Ed, and he took his family along with him. Winterfell soldiers came to Winterfell to settle down together.

Ed held the hand of his old friend Roundup, "Are you still used to living in Winterfell?"

"I'm in charge of feeding the unicorns now," said Roundup Maple Leaf. "Some of my sons are apprentice blacksmiths in the forge, some are grooms in the stables, and my wife works in the kitchen. Our family is well taken care of." Your rockseed adopted sons have also arrived, and they receive daily training from Ser Rodrik Cassel, and Master Luwin gives them lessons, teaching them knowledge and etiquette."

The relationship between the rock species and Winterfell will be closer. Ed talks to every proton. The most notable ones are the children from Driftwood Hall, Abyss Castle and King's Hall. These three rock species castle clans are The most powerful of the rock tribe.

Ed, Financial Advisor Kral, and Maester Luwin entered the study. Ed took off his wool coat, sat on a chair, and stretched his waist.

"it is good to come home."

Clare smiled and said: "Lord Ed, you are finally home, but our problem is probably very difficult, as you have seen, the people in the winter escape town are excited because of the problem of rising salt prices. When I went to inspect the market, many vendors spat at me, and they all thought that I had embezzled money from Yantun and caused the price of salt to rise.”

"This is slander at all. If I want to make money, I don't think much of Yantun's little money."

Ed said: "I believe that is innocent. I have already announced that private salt is strictly prohibited in the future."

Clare frowned, "I'm afraid those merchants will be unhappy."

Maester Luwin said sadly: "Lord Ed, it's okay for the businessman to complain. I'm more worried about the lord. Private salt is strictly prohibited in Winterfell, which will violate the lord's interests. In fact, because of the incident in Yantun, Lu of Dreadfort Lord Bolton and Lord Wyman of White Harbor both wrote to Winterfell, accusing each other of making money from the Salt."

 Thanks to the book friend "20171212083553286" for the monthly ticket, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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