Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 96 The Widow and the Marksman

Chapter 96 The Widow and the Marksman
In the dim catacombs, Ed holds a torch and stands in front of the statues of Brandon and Lyanna with Countess Barbaret, who fondly caresses the statue of Brandon.

The statues of the ancestors of the Stark family, the King of Winter, the King of the North, and the Duke of the North seem to be watching Ed and Ballet with cold eyes.

Mrs. Ballerina sighed, "The statues here are all the rulers of Winterfell. Brandon was the heir of Winterfell before his death, but unfortunately, he died before becoming the Duke of Winterfell. Shouldn't have a statue, you erected one for him anyway."

Ed moved: "He is my brother. Both Brandon and Lyanna should have a place in the catacombs, and the North will never forget."

Barbaret smiled bitterly: "Master Ed, you are still far behind your brother Brandon, but you still became a good lord, and you are a person who values ​​emotions."

Ed nodded in agreement, "Brandon is the real owner of Winterfell. If he is alive, he will marry you. Together, you will rule the entire northern border in Winterfell. And I will most likely belong to a certain manor. Little lord, or I'll be like Bunyan, dressed in black and serving the Night's Watch."

Ballet's hand lightly brushed on the arm of Brandon's statue, "You became the wolf king of Winterfell, but Brandon became a statue, the gods are so cruel. You married the beautiful Caitlin Tully, Catelyn spawned you heirs like a trout, but Brandon left no children."

Ed smiled, "You're jealous of Caitlin."

"Of course." Ballet withdrew her hand stroking the statue, "I have no ill will towards Mrs. Caitlin, but I am jealous of her. Caitlin and I used to be rivals in love. She relied on her natal family's influence to snatch Brandon away. Langdon is dead, and she passed on to you as the Duchess of Winterfell, with a bunch of children, and I'm a widow at Barrowhamn."

"The coat of arms of House Dustin at Barrowton is the rusty crown on crossed battleaxes. Barrowton is full of graves. It's a desolate place. My first love, Brandon, died in King's Landing, and my husband, Willem Da Sting died in the Tower of Bliss, and I changed from a young woman to a lonely widow in spring. When the night is quiet, I always think of my husband and Brandon."

Ed put his hand on Mrs. Ballerina's shoulder, "You are in your 30s, if you want to find a husband and have a baby, it's completely in time."

With her dowry of Barrowton and the vast estates of the Dustins, Lady Baller is the most popular widow north of the Neck.

Ballet's husband, Earl William, had just died in battle, and there were many suitors for Ballet, including Gabriel Glover from Deepwood Castle, Amber from the Amber family's 'whore nightmare', and Marlon Mann from White Harbor. Sir Deleur, Deron Dustin of the Dustin family, and even some cousins ​​of the Leswell family in the natal stream of the ballet family are all pursuing ballet.

However, Ballet always spoke coldly to these suitors. Over time, the suitors wisely stayed away from Huangzhongtun, and Ballet has been a widow until now.

"Balballet, if you want to get married, I can introduce you. Nobles in the north and southern aristocrats are fine." Ed told Ballet.

Ballet was a little unhappy, "Master Ed, are you going to marry me? Let's save it? My passion has long since passed away. When my father and Roose Bolton arrive in Winterfell, we will finish celebrating Domeric On the name day, I will return to Huangzhongtun."

Roderick Lathwell, Earl of the Streamlands, was Domeric's grandfather, and Roose Bolton was Domeric's father. They came to Winterfell, and it was absolutely impossible for them to celebrate Domeric's name day. Getting up to Winterfell could only be to protest against Winterfell's salt ban with Barbaret.

It seems that Ballet is still unwilling to give up on the matter of the ban on salt. Ed tentatively said: "Ballet, the ban on salt was originally Brandon's idea. I implemented this policy, but I inherited Brandon's will. Do you still insist on opposing it?"

"People say I'm a mean widow, moody." Barbaret had an evil smile on her face, "Lord Ed, be nice to me."

Ed and Barbaret walked out of the cellar and returned to the hall. In the following time, Barbaret was in the school grounds, watching Domilik and sharpshooter Ferran, and guarding Dawson to practice swords together in the school grounds.

The sharpshooter Phelan was fighting against Domilik without losing the slightest bit. Mrs. Barbaret looked at Phelan, "Are you the new soldier of Winterfell? I've never seen you before?"

Marksman Phelan has red hair and a pockmarked face, which earned him the nickname "Red Pockmark". Phelan often flirts with the maids of Winterfell, but he is surprisingly nervous when he meets the ballet. He avoids the ballet. Ballet eyes.

"Mrs. Ballerina, I'm Ferran. Some people call me Marksman, while others call me Hongmazi."

Ed introduced: "Phelan was a hero who emerged during the Skagos Island War. He shot and killed many rock warriors on the battlefield, and also captured the Lord of Driftwood Hall, the leader of the Stern clan profit."

Barbaret frowned and looked at Ferran, "I think you look familiar, which family are you from?"

The guard Dawson interjected: "Mrs. Barbaret, Ferran is not an aristocrat. He is a horse thief and poacher. You think he looks familiar because he was a stable boy on your father's horse farm since he was a child. He stole A horse escapes, hides in a wolf forest and becomes a poacher."

Barbaret found it quite interesting, "The horse thief in the streamland actually became the guard of Winterfell, and also the hero in the Rock Seed War?"

Ferran's forehead was covered with sweat, and he bowed his head and said, "Mrs. Barbaret, I have already paid the price for my crimes. I hope Mrs. Barbaret will forgive me."

Mrs. Ballet said with a smirk: "You are Lord Ed's favorite, the hero of the North, and I have no choice but to forgive you. But Ferran, you stole my mother's horse, and you must take good care of my nephew Domilik. It's called paying the bill, understand?"

Phelan nodded in fright. After Mrs. Ballerina left, Syrio Forel, guarding Dawson and Domeric, immediately surrounded her.

Domilik sneered, "Ferlan, when you see my aunt, it's like a mouse seeing a cat."

The guard Dawson said harshly: "It's clearly like a eunuch who was castrated. He saw the noble lady. Ferran, why did you lose your mind when you saw the pretty widow?"

The water dancer Syrio Forel observed carefully, "You don't even dare to make eye contact with Mrs. Ballerina. You are either guilty of guilt, or have unreasonable thoughts about Mrs. Ballet."

Ferran blushed angrily, "You guys are talking nonsense, I only have respect for Madame Ballerina!"

Ed looked at the lonely back of Mrs. Ballerina in the distance, and then at Ferran beside him, and had an idea in his mind.

 Thanks to the book friend "Sword Art Online Xiaojun" for sending the monthly ticket, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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