Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 97 Roose Bolton's Allegation

Chapter 97 Roose Bolton's Allegation

The next day, Lord Roose Bolton of the Dreadfort arrived at Winterfell with twenty Dreadfort cavalry.The men of the Dreadfort have brought some fox and buckskins as a present to Winterfell.

In the study, Roose Bolton greeted Domilik, the heir of the Dreadfort, and presented a sword engraved with the skinned man's pattern as a gift for Domilik on his name day.

Domilik took the sword, "I heard that Ramsay Snow came from the Dreadfort. He is the illegitimate son of my father and my brother. I have never seen him. Why didn't Ramsay follow his father? Come to Winterfell?"

Roose Bolton glanced at Ed with pale ice-like eyes, "According to Lord Ed's order, Ramsay is beating Reek, Sour Erin, Bones and others, and is busy arresting the Dreadfort The salt dealer who smuggles salt around here, he has no time to come to Winterfell."

After Domeric left, Roose Bolton and Ed exchanged a few words, and Roose Bolton quickly got to the point and talked about the salt ban.

"Lord Ed, as soon as Winterfell's ban on salt came out, the price of salt dropped immediately. Many unscrupulous merchants, smugglers, and salt dealers who hoarded and speculated to drive up the price of salt were all deprived of their property and exiled to the Great Wall. The people cheered and supported Lord Ed's ban on salt."

"However, some people are happy and others are sad. Lord Ed, even in the era when the Stark family ruled the northern region, the kings of the winter and the north did not deprive the people of the right to produce and sell illegal salt. Is Winterfell's ban on salt too strict?"

"It's nothing harsh." Ed took out the list of salt dealers who were arrested, "How many ordinary people have money to invest in salt farms? The northern coastline is often attacked by pirates, and ordinary people don't even dare to go fishing. They go to the beach to bask in the sun." Salt? Look at the list yourself, these salt smugglers are all merchants, and of course, these merchants gave out the names of many nobles."

"The smugglers colluded with the nobles and used the salt village to defraud Winterfell's money and drive up the price of salt. I must act like a thunderbolt, otherwise the wealth of the people and Winterfell will be drained by these smugglers. The lords from all over the world It has been proved that they have no strength to combat salt smuggling, so the production and operation of salt must be controlled by Winterfell."

There was no trace of emotion in Roose Bolton's dirty ice-like eyes, he whispered softly: "Master Ed, do you think that a large amount of smuggled salt was mixed in the salt village because of the collusion between merchants and nobles in the northern border? Those nobles and smugglers in the northern border are like fleas on their bodies and lice in their hair. They use salt to suck blood. They are really disgusting and must be severely punished."

"However, the smugglers in other places in the northern border are nothing compared to the smugglers in White Harbor, Master Eel. The smugglers in White Harbor use the customs to smuggle a large amount of salt in the black market. Earl Wyman colluded with the smugglers, like a leech, Madly sucking up the wealth of the northern region, Lord Ed, with all due respect, it was a mistake when you asked Baigang to be responsible for the settlement of the Yantun on the east coast."

Roose Bolton, Earl of Dreadfort, has been accusing each other of using the salt village to make black money with Earl Wyman Manderly of White Harbor. Now that he has arrived in Winterfell, in front of Ed, Roose Bolton is still Don't give up.

Ed smiled, "You said that Earl Wyman colluded with the smugglers, what evidence do you have?"

Roose Bolton tapped the table with his right index finger, "Some smugglers I caught, they can confirm that Earl Wyman colluded with the smugglers from the Three Sisters Islands, and took the salt from the Three Sisters Islands, Braavos, and Seagull Town , smuggled to White Harbor, pretended to be salt from Yantun, and defrauded Winterfell’s money. Lord Ed, White Harbor is the mouth of the northern border. The price of salt there was raised by sister and male smugglers, and other places in the northern border followed suit. Suffered."

"Earl Wyman is greedy, just look at his whale-like physique. His sons, Sir Willis and Sir Wendell, are also very fat. They rely on smugglers to resell salt and make a lot of money , Your brain is full of fat, Lord Ed, you must be severely punished!"

If the smugglers captured by the Dreadfort were willing to come forward to testify against the Manderly family in White Harbor, then they must have been tortured in the Dreadfort, which Ed knew very well.

Ed cautiously said: "Earl Wyman also wrote to Winterfell, accusing your illegitimate son, Ramsay Snow, and a servant named Reek, not only colluding with smugglers to resell salt, but also going to the vassal of White Harbor On the site, snatch the salt."

"This is slander." Roose Bolton denied it outright. "In fact, Ramsay is a simple and honest person, his mother is a woman who runs a mill, and Ramsay has the simplicity of a farmer. In fact, Ramsay and Smelly Dude, to catch the smugglers who fled to the fief of White Harbor, and the Knights of White Harbor protected the smugglers, so Ramsay and the Knights of White Harbor clashed."

Roose Bolton leaned forward, "Lord Ed, Lord Eel, and the Manderly family are not trustworthy. They were originally nobles in the Reach, and they were attacked because of greed and infidelity more than 1000 years ago. The exile of the River Bend King Gardener family. The Mandalay family has wandered around for hundreds of years, and the nobles and kings everywhere are unwilling to take them in."

"Later, the Mandalay family came to the North. The Stark family, the king of the North, took in the Mandalay family and enshrined the Mandalay family in the wolf's lair at the mouth of the White Knife River. I always thought that this was a serious matter. The Mandalay family is a southerner who believes in the seven gods, and they don’t believe in the old gods, so how can they occupy such a fertile fiefdom as the mouth of the White Knife River?"

"Now the mouth of the White Knife River has developed into White Harbor, the only city in the north. Instead of being grateful for the kindness of the Stark family, Lord Eel has colluded with smugglers from the Three Sisters Islands and the Valley to smuggle salt from the Valley and Braavos. Go to the northern border and extract the wealth of the northern border. You must be severely punished!"

Ed did not believe Roose Bolton's accusation. He said: "White Harbor can be developed into the only city in the north. There are certainly geographical reasons, but don't forget that the Mandalay family spent a lot of money to build White Harbor." Thanks to the large amount of real money brought by the Mandalay family from the River Bend, the Mandalay family spent a lot of money and worked hard for hundreds of years to have White Harbor."

"As for what you said, Earl Wyman colluded with smugglers, if it is true, I will not tolerate it."

Roose Bolton nodded slightly, "Lord Ed, as long as the problem of smuggling through the customs in White Harbor is resolved, I believe the price of salt will return to normal, so there is no need to implement the ban on salt. Since ancient times, the people have the right to sell salt , I am sure that Lady Ballerina of Barrowton, Lord Roderick Rythwell of Brookland will support my view."

This is the strength of the Dreadfort to protest Winterfell, and Ed is depressed by the triangular alliance between Streamland, Desolation and Dreadfort.

"I believe Lord Rickard Karstark of Cahoe City, Greatjon Umber, and even Lord Eel of White Harbor would not support the ban on salt."

At this time, the steward, Vayon Poole, opened the door.

"Lord Ed, Lord Wyman Manderly of White Harbor, please see me!"

Ed frowned, the farce of the ban on salt became more and more lively.

(End of this chapter)

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