Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 98 The Dispute Between White Harbor and the Dreadfort

Chapter 98 The Dispute Between White Harbor and the Dreadfort

In Ed's study in Winterfell, when Roose Bolton heard that Lord Wyman Manderly of White Harbor was coming, doubts flashed in his dark eyes.

Roose Bolton originally wanted to give the heir of Dreadfort Domilik the opportunity to celebrate his name day, and join Barbaret Dustin, Countess of Barrowton, and Earl Roderick Lathwell of Streamland, together Protest against Winterfell's salt ban to Eddard.Roose Bolton never dreamed that his enemy, Lord Wyman of White Harbor, would arrive at Winterfell at this time.

The Dreadfort and White Harbor have been accusing each other of using the salt to defraud them of money.

White Harbor has never responded to Winterfell's salt ban before, and Earl Wyman's attitude remains a mystery.White Harbor is the only city in the northern border, and the Mandalay family occupies the mouth of the White Knife River, east of the White Knife River in the northern border, and owns a hundred property knights.

In addition to the vassals under the flag, the Flint family of Widow's Hope, the Locke family of Old City, and the Horwood family of Hornwood City have a close relationship with White Harbor.

Now Roose Bolton, Mrs. Ballerina and Streamland are against Winterfell's ban on salt. If Earl Wyman also joins the ranks of banning and opposing the salt ban, many northern vassals who are still on the sidelines may follow suit. The ban on salt, in this way, it is difficult to carry out the ban on salt planned by Ed in the northern border.

Ed made up his mind that he must make good use of the contradiction between Dreadfort and White Harbor.

Ed said to Roose Bolton across the table: "You accused Earl Wyman of using White Harbor Customs for smuggling, and Earl Wyman accused the Dreadfort of reselling salt. Now that Earl Wyman is here, you can just confront him face to face."

Roose Bolton's extremely thin lips curled into a negative arc, he pondered for a long time, "Lord Ed, the Dreadfort is innocent, so I am not afraid to confront the hypocritical Lord Eel. Since Mrs. Ballerina is also in Winterfell Why don't you invite her to attend?"

Mrs. Ballerina is the younger sister of Roose Bolton's second wife, Bethany. The two are related. It seems that Roose Bolton wants to have another helper.

Ed immediately ordered the supervisor, Weiyan Poole, to invite Mrs. Ballet to the study. After a while, Earl Wyman of White Harbor and Mrs. Ballet arrived together.

Earl Wyman was dressed in a blue velvet coat with the male mermaid of the White Harbor Manderly family embroidered with silver thread on the chest, and a black moleskin cloak. He was fat and bloated but had a smile on his face.

Madame Ballerina wore a black wool coat, her hair was tied into a widow's knot, and her pretty face still looked charming.

Waiting for Earl Wyman and Mrs. Ballerina to sit around the desk, Earl Wyman patted his walrus-like belly, "Lord Ed, I took a boat all the way from White Harbor to the upper reaches of the White Knife River, and then changed to a sedan chair. Only arrived at Winterfell."

Earl Wyman can only travel in a sedan chair, because he is too heavy, and no horse can bear his weight.Ed smiled, "You have worked hard all the way, you arrived in Winterfell, what's the matter?"

Earl Wyman gestured with sausage-fat fingers, "Lord Ed, it's not because of the smugglers. I received a letter from the Raven of Winterfell and immediately ordered the White Harbor City Guard to arrest the smugglers. After a few days, we arrested less than 200 people, and the prison in Wolf's Den was almost full, but there were still many smugglers who fled to the Three Sisters Islands."

Ed glanced between Earl Wyman and Earl Luce, "Lord Wyman, Earl Luce accuses you of colluding with smugglers, using White Harbor Customs to smuggle salt from the Three Sisters Islands, the Valley, and even Braavos. , transported to White Harbor, mixed with salt in Yantun, and defrauded Winterfell's money."

The smile on Earl Wyman's face disappeared, and he glared at Roose Bolton, "Lord Ed, this is slander! White Harbor has always cracked down on smugglers, but smugglers are just like poachers in the wolf forest. A fish that slipped through the net."

"Smugglers are street rats in White Harbor. Lord Ed, the Dreadfort uses the salt to make money. Lord Luce's illegitimate son, that Ramsay Snow, not only collects salt in the territory of the Dreadfort, but also runs to White Harbor Recruitment in the territory, Ramsay Snow and that bastard are still on the territory of White Harbor and injured my knights."

Roose Bolton said indifferently: "The smuggler fled to the territory of White Harbor, and Ramsay went to chase the smuggler, but was beaten by the Knights of White Harbor, this is the truth.

Mrs. Ballet blinked, "What is the truth?"

Roose Bolton turned to Ed, "Lord Ed, the soldiers of the Dreadfort are on Skagos Island, following the direwolf, fighting bloody battles, I will never bear Earl Wyman's slander!"

Earl Wyman patted his belly and said with a smile: "The war against the rock species was originally caused by the looting of the rock species and the ironmen along the coast of your Dreadfort? Didn't you send troops from the Dreadfort, but I didn't send troops from White Harbor? Don't forget Yes, the ships are provided by White Harbor. The Knights of White Harbor are fighting the enemy bravely under the direwolf banner!"

Roose Bolton gave Earl Wyman a mocking look, "What a hero to kill the enemy. Earl Wyman, if I remember correctly, your sons Willis and Wendell were in charge of guarding the grain ship, but the grain ship was captured. The Iron Bitch’s Ironborn pirates were burned down, and then Wendell and Willis were in prison, sleeping like piggies through the entire war, is this a heroic killing of the enemy?”

Earl Wyman said angrily: "My sons Willis and Wendell, they are knights anointed with holy oil and blessed with colorful light. I will not allow you to slander them."

Mrs. Ballerina smirked and said: "Master Wyman, the knights are precious pearls in the north of the Neck! This is the land of the old gods. People in the north will not believe in the Seven Gods just because the knights are glamorous and pompous. Man The Dele family has been in the north for nearly a thousand years, don't they know this land?"

Earl Wyman ignored Mrs. Ballerina's choking, and continued to say to Roose Bolton: "My son has performed heroically on the battlefield, and you dare to slander them! Roose Bolton, I completely understand You, after all, you bred a bastard like Ramsay Snow, completely uneducated, what are you going to do with my Willis and Wendle?"

"In terms of weight, Ramsay Snow is indeed no match for your two sons." Roose Bolton said coldly, "Master Wyman, your noble Sir Wendell, Sir Willis, can only bully My bastard? Have a fight with my Domilik, who can easily defeat them, he has made his mark in the rock race."

Earl Wyman was about to retort when Ed said: "Enough! The soldiers of White Harbor and Dreadfort are very brave on the battlefield. I will not allow you to attack each other."

"Regarding the mutual accusations between you, once I find out that someone is colluding with smugglers and using Yantun to defraud Winterfell of money, whether it is the Dreadfort or White Harbor, I will not tolerate it!"

 Thanks to the book friend "Wangjiang Hanyue" for sending the monthly ticket, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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