Chapter 193 Team Up
Two days ago, Amelia and Harvey separated and returned to the palace to investigate alone. The sudden appearance of outsiders in the palace would inevitably cause riots, as it should be.

Neither she nor the people sent out noticed such movement, which was a good thing and meant that Ron had not been discovered yet.She checked them all in her mind and finally thought of a place.

After confirming that Ron was safe, Amelia secretly left the palace again, informed Harvey of the matter, and reassured him. Then she made some arrangements in secret. When she came to the garden of the palace again, she only saw Anjie. Lika was sitting dignifiedly in the flower pavilion, playing chess with one hand and reading a book in the other. She was indescribably natural and beautiful.

"Mother concubine."

Amelia came closer, looked at it, pursed her lips and called.


A white stone fell on the chessboard, and Angelica said without raising her head: "He has already left~"

"I know."

Amelia responded and then fell into silence. She could see that her mother was in a very good mood at this time, better than ever before, and she also knew why.

After a long time without hearing any sound, Angelica turned her head and saw her daughter who was uncharacteristically different. She put down the comic book and said seriously: "Little Amy, I know you are smarter than anyone else and very independent. Although, I don’t know what you are thinking, as a mother I hope you can make a decision that you will not regret. For me, only you are the most important treasure."

Looking at the mother in front of her, Amelia felt a little surprised. It seemed that her mother was not ignorant of what she was doing, but Angelica wisely chose to play dumb.

"Concubine, do you have a place you want to go?" Amelia asked with a smile.

Hearing this, Angelica tilted her head, frowned and thought for a while, and said, "I'm not very familiar with the outside world, so I can't say anything. By the way, how about Miracle City?"

She said as she picked up the book that had just been placed on the table, opened a page and handed it to Amelia to read. This is the latest version of the Ron Lord series, and the content in it is also going on at the same time. Of course, Veronica is also included in it. The imaginary plot is more attractive.

"Then it's decided, I will definitely take you there." Amelia smiled with determination in her tone.


imperial capital.

In a certain uninhabited alley, a figure appeared out of thin air. This person was Ron. He first looked around to make sure no one noticed him, then raised his feet and prepared to leave.

After walking a few steps, the crowds pouring into the street saw several rows of reward lists posted on the wall railings, one of which clearly read——

Nicholas Zhaosi, reward amount: 80 silver coins
In the center of the paper was the hand-drawn appearance of the person who offered the bounty. When Ron walked in, his expression was a little strange. To say that the portrait was similar to him, it was not at all. He himself was a magician with outstanding temperament, and the portrait The people above are violent men who do all kinds of evil and have a vicious look on their faces.

Someone took action, this thought flashed through Ron's mind, and Amelia's aggrieved and crying face instantly appeared.

But then again, am I worth 80 silver coins?
Ron shook his head and stopped thinking about it. In the current situation, he would not be taken away by the sudden appearance of the knight, but he would not be able to act as an adventurer as 'Nicholas Zhao Si' in the imperial capital. Leaving was his best choice.

It's a pity. It's not so easy to find a good team in other places. Ron frowned. Just as he was worried, a voice came from behind him.

"Mr. Nicholas Zhaosi, it's great that you are okay. Thank you God for answering the prayers of devout believers."

Ron turned around and found that it was the receptionist at the Adventurers Association that day. There was some information that he didn't know hidden in the other person's words.

"So it's you. What do you mean?" Ron chose to ask directly.

The receptionist said: "That day I saw you being followed by a few adventurers. I heard some bad reviews about them, so I told the patrolling security guard."

Case solved!I said how come those knights came by such a coincidence, it turned out to be a good thing you did!
Ron was helpless. After all, he meant well, so he couldn't scold him for meddling in his own business.

Seeing that he was safe and sound, the receptionist was relieved and said with a smile: "Are you going to the Adventurers Association? You should be able to get professional certification today."

Ron shook his head, "I have found a suitable adventure team, and now I am ready to do the commissioned task. However, I still have to thank you for your concern."

He made a fuss, and the receptionist believed him, said a few blessings, and left.

He is a really nice person. It is not easy to remain warm-hearted in such an environment.

Ron thought, the beads on his bun shimmered slightly, and the invisible power of blessing penetrated into the body of the receptionist.

Although the power of this blessing has not yet shown its effect, Ron is sure that it will not be useless.

That's all, Ron turned around and walked towards the entrance of the Imperial City.

After successfully exiting the imperial capital city gate, Ron took out the map to determine the direction and headed towards the Temple Principality.

The Principality of Temple is the territory of Grand Duke Temple of the Olivia Empire. The size of its territory is comparable to that of a kingdom. It can even easily destroy some medium-sized kingdoms in the empire with the strength of the principality.

It is known as a principality due to its territorial strength.

Ron changed his clothes to make himself look more like a magician, and ended up with a white-quality magic wand. He was now a new adventurer, so he couldn't wear it too well.He was very satisfied with his current appearance. No one would think he was a nobleman.

The fact is that Ron encountered several robbers on the road, and everyone stared at him like a fat sheep. There must be something wrong.

After easily getting rid of the robbers who blocked the road, and then conducting an interrogation, Ron finally knew that the magic wand in his hand had betrayed him, and he couldn't accept it for a while.

You must know that this magic wand was not forged by Hadey, but was forged by a blacksmith he randomly found in Miracle City, and it was actually regarded as a good thing by these bandits.

Could it be that the skill level of the blacksmiths in Miracle City is already higher than that in other places?

In any case, the magic wand he brought could not be taken out and used casually. He decided to find a town to rest first and buy a magic wand.

At this time, a carriage loaded with goods came from behind and quickly stopped beside Ron. The middle-aged man driving the car had a smile on his face and asked loudly: "Sir, are you going to Curry Town too?" ?”

Ron glanced at the back of the carriage. There were several men and women in simple clothes sitting next to the cargo box, and he immediately understood the intention of the man driving the car.

Then, he asked: "How much is the travel fare?"

"Fifteen copper coins."

Ron put his hand into his arms, and when he took it out again, exactly fifteen copper coins appeared in his palm and handed it to the man.

The man collected the toll, the smile on his face became even wider, and he quickly invited Ron to get in the car, and then continued to drive on the road.

This was originally a carriage for pulling goods. After loading some cargo boxes, the space was not very large, and it became more crowded with a few more people.

No one spoke a word along the way, and the carriage seemed a little dull. Ron secretly looked at the people on the carriage. They all seemed to be villagers living nearby, and there was nothing special to say.

"Brother, are you a magician?" Suddenly, the little boy in the arms of the village woman next to him asked with an innocent look.

His words caused everyone behind the carriage to look over. The village woman looked a little nervous and worried about something.Ron saw everyone's reaction in his eyes, showed a friendly expression, and asked the little boy, "Oh? Why do you think I am a magician?"

Village woman: "Sir, I."

"If you answer big brother, this candy will be yours."

Ron continued, and took out a delicious-looking candy from his arms. In fact, his words had confirmed the little boy's guess, and he clearly told them that he was a magician.

The little boy was attracted by the candy and answered innocently: "Because I have seen magicians wearing the same clothes as big brother, and big brother you are very good-looking and special."

Ron was stunned for a moment, then chuckled, took out the same candy again, put it on the little boy's hand, and said, "That's a good answer. This extra candy is a reward for you."

After a brief contact, Ron checked the little boy's character card, and as expected, he had a white quality talent entry.

The little boy was very happy to receive the candies and shared one of them with his mother. The village woman did not accept it and nodded gratefully to Ron.

The others felt much more relaxed when they saw that Ron was not as arrogant as other magicians.

The little boy ate the candy and asked Ron something about the magician. Ron selectively answered that for a little boy of this age, knowing too much would not be good for him.

The atmosphere gradually became harmonious, and other people in the carriage couldn't help but join in with curiosity. After all, it was difficult for them to contact the magician due to their status.

After a while, everyone chatted with Ron. Everyone felt honored and a little too excited.

"Sir, why did you go to Curry Town?" As soon as the words came out, the man regretted it. This question was very offensive.

Just when the man was nervous, Ron's voice sounded, "It's nothing. The magic wand I used is damaged and I need to find a blacksmith to make it again."

"That's it, sir. I know there is a blacksmith in Curry town who is very skilled in craftsmanship. Many adventurers come to him to make weapons."

Others who knew about it spoke up one after another. Ron wrote down the blacksmith's name and continued chatting with them, and thus arrived at Curry Town.

After getting off the carriage, Ron found the blacksmith shop and directly explained his intention, and the other party also decisively quoted the price.

15 silver coins.

Ron frowned immediately, not because it was too expensive, but because it was too cheap. His previous magic wand was worth 110 silver coins, which was the worst magic wand he carried.

Can a 15 silver coin magic wand really work?
Ron couldn't help but become suspicious. He asked the boss to take out the forged magic wand and take a look. The blacksmith boss took out several magic wands and gave them to him to choose from.

After much hesitation, Ron chose the one with the best quality. The blacksmith boss raised his eyebrows and said, "What you are getting now costs 50 silver coins."

Ron paid the bill decisively, picked up his magic wand and left.

"Hey, I made a mistake. It turns out he's not a newcomer." The blacksmith boss shook his head and then stopped caring.

Curry Town is not very big, so Ron easily found the Adventurer Association. Unlike the situation in the Imperial Capital, you can see the number of people at a glance when entering the association. There are less than 30 adventurers gathered together in twos and threes.

Learning from the past, Ron decided to upgrade the adventure level to E level first, so that it would be easier to find the team.

Just as he was thinking this, a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy stopped in front of him and said with a bright and sunny smile: "Are you a magician? My team has a strong man like you!"

While talking, a girl about the same age as the boy appeared. The boy introduced Ron familiarly: "This is another member of our team. She is a healing magician. How about joining us? Let’s go adventure team.”

Ron was suddenly a little surprised. It was rare to see a healing magician. Could it be that by chance, he met a top-matching team?

After a brief contact, Ron learned that the boy's name was Quincy and he was a warrior.

The girl's name is Mary. She is a healing magician, but they are the only ones in the team.

This is strange.

"By the way, what type of magician are you? Fire type? Or ice type?" Quincy asked excitedly.

Ron said: "I am a granting magician."

"Giving system? What is that?"

Hearing this, Quincy frowned. It was obvious that he had very little knowledge about magicians. Ron tried to explain in simple words.

"That means you can't use offensive magic. It doesn't seem to be a good idea." Quincy's attitude became cold.

This guy doesn't seem to understand the value of auxiliary professions. Although granting magicians are not as rare as healing magicians, they are still special talents that an adventure team needs.

It is also for this reason that Ron chose to play the role of a granting magician.

"That's okay. As the captain, I can tolerate your joining, but when doing tasks, you need to obey my orders as the captain, otherwise I will kick you out."

Quincy talked to himself to finalize the matter, regardless of Ron's thoughts.Compared to Quincy's impatience, the girl Mary was very happy.

In this regard, Ron did not refuse in a hurry. Anyway, he wanted to upgrade the adventure level to E level. It was okay to mess around appropriately.

In this way, Ron became a member of Quincy's adventure team as a magician.

Teams formed by low-level adventurers do not need to be registered with the association. The members of such teams will not be fixed and may be disbanded at any time, so there is no need to waste resources on recording.

Therefore, you only need to register the name of the relevant person when accepting the commissioned task.

"I just accepted a task of E-class monster materials. Let's prepare for it all night and set off tomorrow morning."

Quincy put the power of attorney on the table so that the two of them could have enough understanding. Ron looked up and saw the words 'E-class' in the upper left corner of the power of attorney.

The main text contains the appearance and mission description of hunting monsters. The association can give E-level missions, which proves that this team has the strength to complete it. It seems that Quincy is still somewhat capable.

First-level monster: four-eared mule deer; a pair of antlers is required, and the reward is 36 silver coins.

Well, I take back my previous sentence. This is a very simple task. Ron is familiar with this monster because it often appears on his dining table.The difficulty of this task is to find the four-eared mule deer and prevent it from escaping.

As it happens, Reagan once said a method that works.

(End of this chapter)

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