Western Fantasy: I can brush entries infinitely

Chapter 194 Human joys and sorrows, Level E

Chapter 194 Human joys and sorrows, Level E

During the rest of the time, Ron and the two of them wandered around Curry Town separately, learning about the local characteristics and buying some small items as souvenirs.

After a day of shopping, night came and Curry Town imposed a curfew, so Ron could only return to the hotel to rest.

The next morning, Ron came to the Adventurers Association, and not long after, Quincy and Mary also arrived.

"You came quite early."

Quincy said something unexpectedly, then threw a full luggage in front of Ron and said: "Take it, we have to complete the commission before sunset, otherwise we will have no money to stay in the hotel."

Ron glanced at him, ignored the luggage on the ground and walked away, causing Quincy to glare angrily but Mary came to the rescue and said: "How can he be a magician and carry such a heavy luggage? It's better for you to do it like this Save time on the road.”

Quincy nodded dejectedly, picked up his bags, and Mary caught up with Ron who was walking away. The three of them headed towards the mountains and forests close to Curry Town. On the way, they could meet many groups of adventurers who were out on missions. If they didn't know each other, they would just be far away. You can avoid some trouble by looking at someone from a distance and not choosing to come up to talk.

After leaving the town, there was a mountain. Quincy drew a crude broad-bladed sword and walked in front, saying to the two of them: "Be careful, don't leave me too far."

Mary nodded cautiously. Even though she had entered the mountains many times, she always felt extremely nervous and afraid of the monsters that might appear at any time.

Ron had a clear view of the words and deeds of the two people, and followed the team silently. They walked in the forest for more than half an hour without encountering a single monster. Instead, he picked a few valuable herbs.

At this time, the sound of fighting came from not far ahead, and the three of them got a little closer. Then Quincy frowned and said: "It's a team that is hunting monsters. Let's take a detour to avoid being discovered by them."

In the wild, it is most taboo to have others spy on you when you are hunting monsters. Who knows if you have evil intentions and want to steal trophies?

"We've been discovered."

Ron said calmly, his eyes falling on the group of adventurers fighting. The monster they were hunting was a second-order rock-armored ant. The strongest one among them slowed down his attack, obviously worried about something.

Quincy's expression changed, and just as he opened his mouth to say something, a voice came, "Do you have any healing professions in your team? Someone of ours is injured. Please come and help. We are willing to pay enough."

Hearing this, Quincy's expression turned from worry to joy, "It seems like a team that is easy to get along with. Let's go there and earn some silver coins."

Ron was noncommittal about his choice. It was unclear what the character of that group of people was, and it was impossible to predict what the final outcome would be.

The three of them walked out. The other party was stunned for a moment after seeing clearly. The strongest warrior accelerated his attack and slashed violently at the rock-armored ants.

The remaining members of the team also fought quickly. The second-order rock ants were already in a state of exhaustion, but now they were attacked so fiercely and died quickly.

Their strength was all seen through by Ron. Except for the warrior who was at the second level, the other three were only at the first level.

The three team members are a shield guard, a female archer and a thief, plus the second-level warrior who is the main output. Apart from the fact that there are no auxiliary professional members, it can be considered a relatively good team.

"Introduction, I am the captain of this team. My name is Henry, and I am a great sword warrior."

Henry's team did not deal with the loot first, but chose to contact Ron and the others, and then introduced the other three team members one by one, with an easy-going attitude and did not look at them with contempt.

"Which of you is a healer? Oona was injured just now and needs medical treatment. Don't worry, I will pay you accordingly later."

Henry's eyes fell on Ron and Mary. The Oona he mentioned was the female archer. At this time, his face turned pale and he covered his abdomen with his hands.

Quincy nodded slightly to Mary, and Mary walked towards the female archer. The two came to the side, first checked the injury, and then raised the magic wand with both hands to chant the magic incantation.

A faint light emerged from Oona's injured part, slowly healing her injuries.

Ron noticed the faces of Henry and others showing joy. He didn't know whether it was because they were happy that their teammates had been treated, or because of other reasons.

Taking advantage of the treatment, the materials from the rock ants were collected by Henry's two teammates, while he himself chatted with Ron and Quincy.

It was probably Henry and Quincy who were talking. Ron's attention was focused on Mary's healing magic. He was a full-attribute magician, so he could also do healing magic. From his perspective, Mary's healing magic talent was not very good. , just this kind of injury will take so long.

Of course, it is much more efficient than using herbal medicine.

At this moment, Henry brought the topic to Ron, and he asked with a smile: "Nicholas Zhao Si, are you also a magician? What type?"

Ron frowned. The two were not in the same team, so he didn't need to answer, but Quincy waved his hand and said indifferently: "What kind of magician? He can't use a single attack magic. I haven't seen him use magic yet."

Hearing this, Henry's heart moved, but his expression remained unchanged. He asked with a smile on his face, "Did Nicholas Zhao Si just join the team? That makes me even more curious."

"The team he was asked to join yesterday, he said, was called the Enemy Magician. In the end, I was the only one fighting."

Quincy sighed, not noticing the twinkling light in Henry's eyes next to him. Although he hid it well, he couldn't escape Ron's eyes.

He glanced at Quincy, who had a look of helplessness on his face. It seemed that he was the only one who was stupid. Ron didn't want to remind him. They had only known each other for a day, so they wouldn't be heartbroken.

After all, this was Quincy's own fault.

About 20 minutes later, Mary's treatment ended and the female archer Oona recovered from her injuries. Everyone present was very happy. Henry readily gave 20 silver coins to Quincy.

Ron's eyes narrowed slightly. The object of the gift had a lot to say. He raised the corner of his mouth slightly without revealing it.

Henry's team completed the hunting commission and said goodbye to Ron and the others. On the way back to Curry Town, shield guard Laken said excitedly: "Captain, we must recruit Miss Mary into our team. With the addition of a healing magician, We can complete more advanced commissions.”

He is the shield of the team and bears great pressure. He usually only carries emergency healing potions in his bag, but he has scruples during battle and cannot fight with all his strength.

If a healing magician joins, he won't have to worry too much about this, and he can also save the cost of buying healing potions.

Oona, who had received treatment, nodded in agreement. If a healing magician joined, it would not be an exaggeration to say that there would be one more life.

Henry chuckled, "Apart from Mary, the other boy named Nicholas Zhaosi is also not simple. He is a rare granting magician. He just joined the team yesterday and seems to be not taken seriously in the team."

The last thief, Carey, cursed, "That boy named Quincy is so lucky to have two rare types of magicians at the same time."

"Are you lucky? I can't see." Henry sneered.

"Captain, tell me what we should do."

"Don't worry, let's go back to the town first, they can't escape."


In the forest, three figures were fighting a snake-like monster that was three meters thick and three meters long. They were Ron and his party.

In the process of searching for the four-eared mule deer, he encountered the first-order monster Black Rock Python, and the encounter began.

"Primary speed enhancement!"

"Enhanced primary strength!" "Improved primary defense!"

Ron released three types of magic in succession, and the three-color magic light fell on Quincy, strengthening his three attributes.

Quincy was concentrating on fighting with the black rock python. He only felt that he was much more relaxed in dealing with the monster. Without thinking much at the moment, he raised his sword and slashed at the black rock python's rock helmet. A piece of stone flew away, but he didn't hit it. Monsters cause substantial damage.

Seeing this scene, Ron frowned. With his enhanced magic, Quincy was able to kill the black rock python in front of him, but the weapon in his hand was really poor. Before the monster died, the weapon was more likely to disintegrate.

The battle came so suddenly that he had no chance to enchant Quincy's weapon, otherwise the battle would not be so intense.

Thinking of this, Ron said: "It is not our entrusted target, there is no need to continue fighting."

His words had no effect. Quincy seemed to be hit on the head and didn't pay attention to his surroundings. He felt that he was stronger than ever at this moment. He could easily dodge the monster's attacks and the watch case was no longer hard. With more force, he might be able to break it. Open its defenses!

A roar came, awakening Quincy above. He turned around and his pupils shrank, and he exclaimed: "No, it's a velvet-tailed lion, run!"

The velvet-tailed lion, a second-level monster, was invincible to him. The three of them moved in unison and ran away.

Ron was last. He wanted to stop the monster secretly, but found that the velvet lion did not catch up. The three of them continued running for a while and stopped next to a big tree.

"It's really unlucky. If the second-level monster hadn't suddenly appeared, I would have killed the black rock python. That would be worth at least 70 silver coins, which is much higher than the bounty we received for the mission."

Quincy gasped and said angrily, feeling bored when the other two didn't respond.

The three of them corrected themselves on the spot for a while and continued to search for the goal of this trip.After several twists and turns, we finally discovered a group of four-eared mule deer foraging for food next to a waterhole.

Although four-eared mule deer are monsters, they are not very aggressive. They are also food for other monsters, so they live in groups and are good at escaping.

The question now is how to catch one of the four-eared mule deer, cut off a pair of antlers, and keep yourself safe.

Just because they are not aggressive does not mean that there is no danger. Facing a herd of four-eared mule deer, one should not be reckless.

Quincy frowned and said: "It seems we can only wait and see if there are any lone targets before we go up."

After waiting for several hours, the perfect opportunity finally came. A four-eared mule deer left alone and did not follow.

Quincy's eyes lit up, and he grabbed the broad-bladed sword and rushed out. Ron applied the strengthening magic to him in time.

In an instant, the four-eared mule deer was killed by the sword. Quincy was so surprised that he turned back and said with a smile: "I am in good condition today and can return to town early."

Ron: "."

Not to mention Quincy's inexplicable self-confidence, he was lucky to complete the E-class monster material task, and Ron had not yet used the method taught by Reagan.

The three of them returned to the town in the afternoon and came to the association. As the captain, Quincy went to submit the commissioned task and brought back the bounty a moment later.

36 silver coins, if divided equally, it would be 12 silver coins for each person, but only two were in Ron's hands.

He just glanced at Quincy, said nothing, and silently put away the two silver coins.Quincy's reward for Mary was not divided equally. Instead, he gave her 10 silver coins and put the rest in his pocket, including the 20 silver coins given by Henry.

In his words, he was fighting alone throughout the whole process. It would be good if those who had no contribution could get paid.

Ron didn't care too much. He only joined this team for the adventurer level. Mary seemed to be used to it and happily accepted it and said thank you, which made Ron look strange.

Subsequently, Quincy accepted another commissioned task, this time it was to defeat an E-class monster, and it was an 'old acquaintance' - the first-class monster Black Rock Python.

"Gather here tomorrow. I'll leave if I have something else to do." Quincy said and left quickly, as if something was really urgent.

After Quincy left, Mary looked shy and said: "Nicholas Zhaosi, you are not familiar with it just here. Let's go shopping nearby."

This was not the first time that Mary showed affection. Ron knew the other party's intentions very well. He declined politely and then left directly.

When Mary was feeling lost, a figure sat down next to her and said, "Miss Mary, we meet again, what a coincidence."

The next day, the three of them were ready to go. Ron noticed that Quincy had changed to a long sword, which was much better than the previous broad-blade sword. It seemed that he was indeed busy yesterday.

With the new equipment and the enchantment Ron had given to Quincy's weapon in advance, they easily killed the Black Rock Python and completed the commissioned task earlier than the day before.

Quincy attributed the reason to his new weapons and increased strength. Under his dictatorship, for the next period of time, the team took on two missions every day and still completed them easily.

During this period, Ron learned from the conversation between the two that they came from the same village and were considered childhood sweethearts.For similar reasons, both of them became adventurers. They left the village a few months ago and came to Curry Town to form a team to make a living.

six days later.

"Hey, Mary, have you put on a new magic wand?"

As the number of missions increased, Quincy put on a set of equipment and armed himself from beginning to end. As for Ron, his outfit remained unchanged.

Mary looked a little unnatural, and she nodded vaguely. Quincy only thought that she bought the new magic wand by saving the money for the commissioned task.

"Let's go. Today's two tasks are relatively simple." Quincy laughed, feeling vaguely high-spirited.

Ron glanced at Mary who had her head lowered without leaving a trace, shook his head and followed behind. He would not interfere in troublesome matters. He would leave after today, because after completing today's two commissioned tasks, he would be an E-class adventurer. .

The task was completed smoothly, and a total of 78 silver coins were obtained for the two tasks. When Quincy was about to distribute the rewards with a happy face, Mary pushed back her 17 silver coins.

Quincy looked at her doubtfully, and Mary hesitated and said: "Mr. Henry invited me to join his team before, and I have already agreed. Today I will withdraw from the team. These silver coins will be regarded as Quincy's love for me during this period." Pay for taking care of me."

Hearing this, Quincy's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.Mary didn't dare to look at him, so she stood up, her eyes fell on Ron, she opened her mouth, swallowed what she wanted to say, and then left quickly.

During this process, Quincy remained silent, as if he was suppressing something. Ron said quietly: "I'm also telling you to quit the team."

"Are you going to his team too? You will all betray me. Without me, you..." Quincy's eyes were red and he was extremely angry.

Ron's eyes were indifferent. Henry had indeed approached him privately many times, but he ignored them. However, Mary was different. She was no longer bound by Quincy, understood her own value, and made the choice she thought was right.

"I'll give you one last piece of advice before I leave. Don't think too highly of yourself. Young man, use your own eyes to see the world clearly. It's more complicated than you think."

After saying that, Ron lifted his foot and left. The two of them might never see each other again.

 The coding software got stuck, and I almost lost the few thousand words I coded. Fortunately, I used a backup to retrieve it.Otherwise, if your mentality is broken, you will not be in the mood to write.

  Recently, fewer people have watched it, and the reviews have been bleak, alas.

(End of this chapter)

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