Chapter 195 Dungeon

It has been more than half a month since he left Curry Town, during which time Ron formed two teams.

Because his adventurer certificate does not have a profession, he can change professions and join the team at will without anyone suspecting him.

After becoming an E-class adventurer, Ron found it easier to find a team, so he was lucky enough to join a team with a healing magician as a first-level swordsman.

Then he discovered something was wrong with the team.

The frontline warriors of this team are very brave, and even the long-range archers rush to shoot arrows in the face of the monster desperately.

The healing magician in the team released healing magic crazily regardless of whether his teammates were injured or not. Ron often felt a warmth coming from behind him during the battle. He turned around and found that the healing magician's teammates were drinking magic potions while looking at them. Everyone threw healing magic, with ferocious expressions as if they were drinking stimulants instead of magic potions.

That day, Ron chose to quit despite his teammates' enthusiastic attempts to stay.

After that, he joined the second team. Ron used the healing magician profession. The captain was a second-level shield warrior with relatively good equipment. The professional configuration of the other teammates was also quite satisfactory. It was because of these factors that he decided to join the second team. Ron then agreed to join.

However, the problem lies precisely with the captain.

Rather than saying he is cautious, he is better described as timid and afraid of death. Whenever he encounters a second-level monster when he goes out, he will choose to avoid fighting and retreat. In Ron's opinion, his team is fully capable of fighting, and can even kill without injury. Kill him, let alone having him, a healing magician, join him.

But the captain would always refuse righteously and tell him about the horror of the monster he just encountered.

"Besides, I have a wife and children, and I have to think about them."

The captain's words won unanimous approval from the other team members. At this moment, Ron knew that this team was not suitable for him and immediately resigned.

After that, he traveled as a solo adventurer and finally arrived at the capital of Temple Principality on this day.

"I kind of understand why Reagan said the adventure team is the most important thing."

Ron lamented that if he couldn't find a suitable team in the Principality's Adventurer Association, he would decide to form his own team and choose suitable team members.

It took some time to find the Adventurer Association. This time, he still presented himself as a magician. Since he was an E-level adventurer, the receptionist accepted his request to find a team without making too many requests. If there were any qualified The team will go and notify him.

After staying in the association for a while, Ron overheard a special word - dungeon.

Some adventurers also said 'secret realm', and the two were the same 'thing'. Ron suddenly became interested and secretly inquired about the details.

After a while, Ron knew what the so-called dungeon was. It was an ancient ruin that existed in the Principality of Temple. It had been transformed by the Temple family and became a place suitable for ordinary adventurers to explore and hunt for treasure.

Of course, those main precious items have already been confiscated by the Temple family, and the remaining items are also valuable treasures for ordinary adventurers.

Therefore, the Temple family sent its knights to guard the entrance to the dungeon, and any adventurer who went in to hunt for treasures had to pay a certain fee in order to make money.

It is said that there are two underground cities in the principality, and tens of thousands of adventurers enter the underground cities every day. You can imagine how great the benefits are.

Ron thought of the ancient ruins that Sig and the others had visited, which was the former royal capital of the Kingdom of Khvam. This meant that the two underground cities in the principality had existed in the history of the mainland, but it was unknown how many years ago.

He decided to go and see them all.

A square in the city.

"Let me introduce to you, Mr. Nicholas Zhaosi is a new member. He is a granting magician, proficient in various strengthening magics, and a senior adventurer. Starting today, he will join the team Assuming an important role, let’s all get to know him.”

Captain Garner said that he is a giant ax warrior and a second-level professional with great strength.

Ron looked at the others and nodded in an easy-going manner. This was a five-person team, three of whom were melee output professions, and the other two were archers and healing magicians. Obviously, they lacked a human shield role.

Upon hearing Ron's profession, the team members all showed joy and welcomed him eagerly.

After a brief understanding, Garner took out an E-class power of attorney and threw it to everyone to read, and said: "Let's all take a look. This is the task entrusted to us by the association. With Nicholas Zhao Si joining us, this task will be much easier, but Don’t be too careless.”

The task entrusted by the association means that the association believes that they have the strength to complete the entrusted task, perhaps because the team Ron joined has two second-level professionals.In addition to the captain, the other second level is the archer.

Ron quickly read through the content of the commission. It was about the infestation of the nearby villages by the monster Cangye Demonic Wolf. According to the information collected by the association, it is estimated that the number of demonic wolves is about 30 to 50. Such a number is not something that an ordinary adventurer team can deal with. Come on.

"Is it the Blue Leaf Demon Wolf again? Are there more of these monsters nearby?"

"I heard that another team went to eliminate them once, but I didn't expect them to show up again."

"Isn't this the case with monsters? We can't kill them all no matter how hard we kill them. Captain, let's set out quickly. This time, Nicholas Zhao Si is joining us. I want to see how many demon wolves I can kill."


The team members each expressed their opinions and did not think these demon wolves were threatening. After everyone fully understood the contents of the commission, they packed their bags and headed towards the target village together.

Todd in the team is a thief and is also the scout of this team. On the way to the village, he will check the situation on the road ahead to avoid wasting time on the way.

As noon approached, everyone finally arrived at the target village. The villagers working in the fields looked surprised and asked in an uncertain tone: "Who are you?"

In this case, Steven, the kinder-looking healing magician in the team, came forward to negotiate. He said: "We have accepted the task entrusted by the association. Let your village chief come over and explain the specific situation to us."

"That's great. Please wait a moment."

The villagers were overjoyed. One villager dropped his work and left quickly. After a while, he helped an old man over.

"Thank you all for coming. I am the village chief of this village. My name is Quebatis. If you have any questions, I will tell you all."

The village chief's body showed an unhealthy morbidity on the surface, and he looked shaky as if he would collapse at any time. He spoke very slowly, making the listeners a little anxious.

Captain Garner frowned and asked aloud: "How long have those monsters been around? Where were they found? Does anyone in the village know the scope of the monsters' activities?"

The village chief answered one by one.

The Blue Leaf Demon Wolf first appeared near this village five days ago. At that time, three villagers were killed by the monster. The village chief decisively reported the matter to the Adventurer Association and requested that adventurers be sent to attack it.

"Sir, those damn monsters are in the mountains and forests behind the village. In recent days, people in the village no longer dare to go hunting in the mountains. You..."

Garner didn't listen to what the village chief said. He turned around and looked at Ron and the others, saying: "You have heard the specific situation. Let's go now." From the time they entered the village to now, no one stayed for more than half an hour. Garner Then he led the team members into the mountain.

The terrain in the mountainous forest was difficult to walk on, and they had to be on guard against monsters that might sneak up on them. Everyone walked cautiously. About an hour later, Ron and others came to a bush and stopped. Garner glanced at Todd. He nodded understandingly, then hid his figure and left.

Garner looked at the remaining team members and said: "We are waiting for news here. When Todd confirms the traces of the Blue Leaf Demon Wolf, Nicholas Zhao Si, you will enchant our weapons. By the way, I haven't asked you if you can How long does it take to enchant a weapon?”

There is a time limit for enchanting equipment with magic, and there are many factors that affect it. The most important ones are two points. One is that the person who applies the magic will have a different time limit based on the magic talent and magic power.

The second is the quality of the equipment. For example, equipment forged with mithril takes the longest to be enchanted.

Ron took the time for enchanting Quincy's weapon as an example and said: "It's only about 1 hour. It will no longer be effective after this time."


Including Garner, everyone looked at Ron. They looked surprised and then became excited.

At this time, Ron also realized that he seemed to be a 'genius' in their eyes. He had never met other first-level magicians, so he didn't know what the normal level was.

Soon, Todd returned from reconnaissance and said: "We found it. Five miles away to the west, I probably counted more than 40 of them and no more than 50."

Garner nodded, with a confident look on his face, and said, "Thank you for your hard work. Let's go over without further ado."

"Yes, I can't wait."

Everyone's reaction puzzled Todd, but Steven told him the reason. Then Todd looked at Ron with wide eyes, and his expression gradually cheered up.

The five-mile journey was not very far, and Ron and his party quickly found the target of this mission, the Blue Leaf Demon Wolf.

Garner and others took off their weapons to apply magic to Ron. Suddenly, Steven asked, "Nicholas Zhao Si, do you have enough magic power? The battle will not end for a while, and you are still fighting. Support them, but don’t let your magic power run out.”

Hearing Steve's reminder, Garner looked cautious and nodded: "Steve is right. If you don't have enough magic power, just add magic to my ax and Hillary's bow. It's a pity that I didn't buy you magic power. Potion, otherwise it wouldn’t be so troublesome.”

Hillary is the second-level archer, but Ghana's arrangement is reasonable.

Ron smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have enough magic power. Moreover, I have prepared my own magic potion."

After hearing this, everyone's worries disappeared, and Ron began to enchant the equipment according to their requirements.

The first is Garner's giant ax. Ron has applied three magic spells on it, namely 'primary attack enhancement', 'primary fire attribute attachment' and 'primary wind blade'.

The first one, as the name suggests, can increase the user's attack power, and the second one is an inherent elemental attribute. Every attack of the user can be accompanied by corresponding elemental damage. The fire attribute happens to be the weakness of the Blue Leaf Demon Wolf.

The last one is to increase the sharpness of the weapon, allowing the user to slice through the target more easily.

Garner was dumbfounded and asked in surprise: "Is it going to be fine so soon?"

He didn't know much about enchanting magicians, but he had never heard of someone who could successfully enchant someone so quickly. Is this a genius?

Garner marveled in his heart, and at the same time felt lucky to have Nicholas Zhaosi in his team. With his addition, the strength of his team could be greatly improved, allowing him to complete more tasks and obtain better resources.

It took less than 10 minutes in total for Ron to complete the equipment enchantment for everyone except Steve.

Afterwards, the captain designated a detailed combat plan. Ron listened for a while and nodded silently.

"Nicholas Zhaosi, I'll rely on you for support later." After discussing the battle plan, Garner looked at Ron. Although they could also deal with the group of demon wolves themselves, Garner, as the captain, wanted to see Ron join him. The degree of integration of the team after that.

"Captain, please feel free to leave it to me."

A hundred meters away, a group of gray-haired demon wolves were wandering, unaware of the danger hidden in the bushes in the distance.

Garner stared into the distance and shouted in a low voice: "Up!"

The three melee professionals in the team rushed out in the blink of an eye. Hillary stood up and took aim at a demonic wolf with a bow. Ron applied primary strength enhancement to him in time. Hillary's fingers loosened and the arrow flew out. Whistling in mid-air, the three of them passed by each other.

In front of everyone's eyes, it stably penetrated the left side of the head of a demon wolf. This was not over yet. The arrow's power was not reduced, and it passed through the waist of a demon wolf and shot into the third demon wolf. in the eye sockets.

In just one breath, the three demon wolves were killed by an arrow. The pupils of the three people rushing at the front shrank, followed by excitement, and they obviously understood something.

Hilary was shocked when he shot this arrow. He looked at Ron deeply and continued to draw the bow and shoot without saying anything.

Every arrow he shoots can take away one or two demon wolves. When the three Garners rush into the wolf pack, there are less than forty demon wolves.

With a serious look on his face, Garner jumped up high with a giant ax in both hands and struck hard at a demonic wolf. The demonic wolf split into two parts in an instant. Garner felt that the giant ax in his hand was like it was chopping into water, without any blocking force.

So strong!

This was much easier than cutting a melon. He couldn't help but smile, and rushed into the pack of demon wolves, swinging the giant ax wantonly. His efficiency was much more efficient than Hillary who was shooting arrows from behind. Each swing could kill three or four wolves. Demon wolf.

The other two were much worse than him, but they were still guaranteed to kill a demonic wolf within a few seconds.

When they fight, Ron's magic always appears at critical moments to assist them in fighting.

One by one, the demonic wolves fell down. As the number of monster corpses on the ground increased, the pressure on the three of them suddenly decreased. Hillary was swooping in the distance, killing the demonic wolf that wanted to sneak attack on the three of them with arrows. The battle soon came to an end. settled.

"Haha, this mission is too easy. I feel like three times the amount is not a problem." Todd said with joy.

"Whose credit do you think it is? Nicholas Zhao Si, I will cover the magic potion you will use in the future." Garner said grandly.

Everyone looked at him in surprise, and Steven joked: "I don't even get such treatment. Captain, you are a bit biased."

There was no malice in his words, just a simple joke.When Garner heard this, he just made a harmless joke. The others were all first-level professionals. Only he and Hilary knew how powerful Ron's magic was, and it provided them with great strength for second-level professionals. increase.

In some cases, if a team is very confident in its own strength, the status of a granting magician is higher than that of a healing magician, because the improvement brought by the granting magician to the team is huge.

You can even cross levels to challenge higher monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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