Western Fantasy: I can brush entries infinitely

Chapter 92 Luo NPC En: Come Next Time

Chapter 92 Luo NPC En: Come Next Time

Abel rushed in front of the enemy with the momentum of a thousand horses, then leaped high, raised his sword with both hands and slammed into the ground, a half-meter-wide ravine spread forward, dividing the battlefield in two.

Seeing this scene, the cavalry led by Faster were stunned. The man in front of him must be at least a third-tier knight. Didn't he say that the third-tier knight was bald?
Looks like she has hair too.

"Go find someone else! Leave this person to me!" Knight Byron arrived on horseback, looking at Abel with cautious eyes, and with just one move, he knew that he was no match for the person in front of him.

Not only the advantages in weapons and armor, but also the control over power, which is the result of daily hard work.

The surrounding cavalry heard the commander's order and rushed to another place, but Abel ignored it completely, and his eyes only stayed on Byron.

"You are strong."

Byron said in a deep voice, since there is no guarantee that he can win against the opponent, he can only delay time and pin his hopes on other knights.

But Abel is not a fool. Knowing the other party's intentions in an instant, he raised his eyebrows, "You are not bad. If you want to rely on them to solve my companions and deal with me together, then you will be disappointed. "

After being found out, Byron's heart sank. Hearing what the other party said, there was also a third-tier knight among the group of people, the bald knight they said!
Seeing the change in Byron's face, Abel smiled lightly, "It seems that Kid Sig has a great reputation among you."

"Hmph, two third-tier knights are hidden in a small baron. I have seen Baron Arnold's methods. It's useless to talk, let's fight!"

Byron didn't hesitate anymore, and with a shout, he rode his horse and charged at Abel.

There was excitement in Abel's eyes. This was the true meaning of his battle with professionals of the same rank. At this moment, the blood in his whole body was boiling, as if longing for a glorious battle between life and death.

"Come on! Please do your best! Otherwise, you will die."

Abel laughed and rushed forward, and the two started a fierce fight. Both of them were third-tier knights. The aftermath of the battle was not something a group of first-tier knights could bear. As a result, there was no one around them.

the other side of the battlefield.

Because they couldn't kill the enemy, Sig and others didn't fight so easily, but that's all.

They are second-level knights, and they have at least two blue quality entries that Ron has brushed up on them.

Among the 11 people, Seeger was the most relaxed. He directly lowered the temperature of his body to freeze the enemy, restricting their actions, but not endangering their lives.

Followed by Victor, who has never attracted much attention, his performance on this battlefield is the most eye-catching, which shocked the jaws of the people watching the battle on the distant city wall.

Victor sat on the devil-scaled horse, and the aura on his body blended with the devil-scaled horse, growing rapidly and becoming one. A majestic and extremely oppressive momentum spread in all directions, like waves.

He looked coldly at the enemy rushing towards him, and he didn't know whether a coercive cold snort came from his breath or from the breath of the demon-scaled horse.

The horses under the enemy in front suddenly trembled and braked rapidly. The cavalrymen on the horses were terrified. They were at a loss for such a sudden situation, and they sat on the horses blankly.

At this time, another cold snort sounded.

All the war horses immediately prostrated themselves on the ground, bowing their heads in Victor's direction as if they were kneeling to worship the king among the horses.

What the guards on the city wall saw was far less shocking than the cavalry who faced Victor. It was the fear that originated from the soul.

"Whoever descends will not kill."

As Victor's voice fell, a knight's sword slipped from his hand and plunged into the ground, and the same thing happened one after another. The knights dropped their swords and chose to surrender.

Only by looking directly at him can you feel the oppressive force that cannot be resisted. This is definitely another third-tier knight!
The knights of Fastland were in despair.

Thomas still had the energy to observe the situation on the field during the battle. He was surprised to see Victor's performance. He didn't look at it, but turned to look at the others. They all showed their strength perfectly, and there was no need for him to intervene. room for.

Thinking back to the past, Thomas sighed in his heart. At that time, they couldn't even deal with the Black Crow Organization with only three second-tier professionals. In the end, they had to be protected by the lord, but now they can easily fight dozens of people alone.

This is a gift from the lord.

In order to respond to the lord's expectations, Thomas felt that he had to work harder and use this gifted power to complete what the lord wanted and wanted even if he risked his life.

Thinking of this, Thomas swung his sword horizontally, passed a ray of sword light, looked around in a bird's-eye view, and said solemnly: "For the Lord Lord, please dedicate your strength."

At this moment, Thomas is majestic and looks like a general.

His attacks were wide open and closed, preventing the enemy from getting close. Each time, the enemy suffered a dull blow, and then fell to the ground and could not continue to fight.

Looking at the small battlefield where Malcolm is, there are endless sword skills, and every move is just right and exquisite, making it impossible for the enemy to parry.

On the other hand, it is not as easy as the previous ones.It would be easy to kill the enemy, but the order Thomas gave was to take prisoners, so the difficulty rose sharply.

Fortunately, their strength is far superior to that of the enemy, coupled with sophisticated weapons and equipment and inexhaustible alchemy potions, they can continue to fight until the end.

Time passed, and as the enemy surrendered one after another, there were very few people on the side of Faster who were still fighting.

In the end, Knight Byron was the only enemy left. The others either surrendered and were captured or died in battle. Those knights who died in battle were all loyal to Viscount Fast, and they were all second-tier knights.

Three hours have passed since the start of the battle, and the battle between Abel and Byron has entered the final stage. The others have already ended the battle, but they have not come to intervene.

At this time, a group of guards came out of the city and came to the battlefield. Each of them held a special device in their hands.

This is the imprisonment bracelet that Thomas asked Hadey to create. People who wear the imprisonment bracelet cannot use fighting spirit. This device refers to the slave collar, but it is not so overbearing that it can cause death.

It is worth mentioning that the reason why the imprisonment bracelet appeared was because Taylor was able to slip out of the dungeon made of obsidian. Facts have proved that only one dungeon is not safe.

"Mr. Thomas, here we come." A guard saluted.

Thomas nodded with a smile, "You showed up at the right time, put them on."


The guards received the order and immediately went to put the imprisonment bracelet on the captured Fastland knight.

Seeger's face changed when he saw this, and he said quickly, "I'll help recover the weapons."

Then quickly followed, Buprofen looked at Sig picking up weapons everywhere on the battlefield, and asked the others suspiciously, "When did he start picking up junk?"

Frank said lightly: "I don't know, he took off the weapons and armors that he brought back one by one."

"Oh, what the hell is he doing? Why don't you ask Mr. Thomas what they are doing to capture these people? Ask Viscount Fast for a ransom?" Anthony said.

Hearing this, Thomas smiled, "If it's really a comparison of financial resources, Fastland may not be as good as us, and Lord Lord doesn't like that much money."

"That is?"

Harvey was puzzled, and Marvin looked thoughtful.

"Think about it carefully, these are [-] professionals, what a useful labor force, and now the reconstruction of the territory needs their contribution." Thomas said.

Everyone was surprised by his remarks, and then admired them, saying that they learned it.

"Since that's the case, why didn't we do this in the first battle, and there were more than three hundred people?" Taylor asked.

It was Marvin who answered him, "That's different. During the first battle, the citizens didn't trust them. Only by winning Liwei can Miss Joyce and the others handle the following work easily, on our behalf."

Thomas nodded. Although Marvin didn't say it comprehensively, he probably meant the same thing. It was enough for Taylor to understand.

In the distance, the battle between Abel and Lord Byron was extremely ferocious, purely a battle of strength and skill.

Because the fighting time was too long, the battle energy in Byron's body was exhausted, and one of them was accidentally knocked out by Abel, and fell hard on the ground.

This scene fell into the eyes of the captured fastlander knights, all faces were ashen, and there was no hope at all.

The strongest third-order knight leader among them has been defeated, so what else can they use to win?
"You won, I am not your opponent, kill me." Byron said, Abel did not see surrender in his eyes, such a person has his own persistence, and will not surrender his dignity to the enemy.

"Your strength is good, so I can enjoy myself to the fullest. For this reason, although I want to help you fulfill your last wish to die with honor, my vice-captain said he will let you go."

Abel's words shocked Byron, and he said in an unbelievable tone: "Are you crazy? Are you trying to win me over in this way? That's impossible. Moreover, your lord will allow such reckless behavior the behavior of?"

The other party's expression was clearly caught in Abel's eyes, and he smiled and said: "You don't have to worry about us, the lord handed over the command of the territorial battle to me and my deputy captain, and it is our responsibility to let you go." within the scope of power."

Byron's expression was a bit complicated, would he trust his subordinates with such power?What kind of bearing is that, I really want to meet that Baron Arnold in person.

At this time, Abel's voice sounded again, "As for the wooing, you are thinking too much. In the words of the lord, I want you to go back and call more people to deliver."

Byron: "."

Byron is the only third-tier knight on the side of Fastland, and he belongs to the trump card. If he is captured, how can Fastland fight and send people to move bricks?
In the end, Byron returned to the territory of Fast alone with humiliation. As for what Viscount Fast would think, I don't know.


Blacksmith workshop.

There were more than a dozen sets of damaged knight equipment in front of Hadey, surrounded by Sig and others, waiting for his reply.

It's been a long time.

Hadey finally said: "That's right, I forged this. Although there are traces of repairs on it and the appearance is different, it is indeed made by me."

Hearing this, everyone frowned.

"This is strange. We took all these equipments from the fast knights. How could they have your products, Master Hadey?"

Hadey blew his beard and glared at Anthony who said this, "Do you mean that I secretly funded the enemy?"

Thomas hurriedly said, "Master Hadey misunderstood, it's not like you don't know that this guy can't talk. Let's not gossip, let's solve the current problem first, and I will report to the lord later."

After uttering the words of the lord, Hadey was no longer angry. He said, "The things I forge have detailed whereabouts. You should know this matter better than me."

Marvin said: "That's true. The weapons and armor forged by Master Hadey have two destinations. One is Alfred's leader, and the other is Darren Knight."

Immediately afterwards, Harvey continued: "Well, the former is the battle between Marquis Alfred and Earl Eugene. We sold thousands of sets of weapons and armor to them at a low price as funding. The latter only has weapons but no armor. .”

"In other words, these more than ten sets came from Marquis Alfred." Cliff said.

"Don't talk too hard, let's listen to Master Hadey's opinion first." Malcolm felt that there was something inside about this matter.

"You're a clever kid. I'll buy you a drink next time."

Hadey looked at him with a smile, and then said: "There are traces of repairs on these equipment, and they were recast by others. The forging method is very rough, which destroys the material properties, resulting in a decline in quality."

Hearing this, Thomas had already found the answer, "Thank you Master Hadey, I have to report to the lord immediately."

After speaking, he left quickly, and Anthony asked suspiciously, "What's wrong with him?"

Marvin said helplessly: "Are you stupid? The facts are already in front of us. The person who gave Viscount Fast these equipments is Earl Eugene who is still fighting with the Marquis Alfred! These equipments were obtained by Eugene's leader on the battlefield The spoils of war were transferred to the hands of Viscount Faster."

On the other hand, Thomas told Ron everything he had guessed, but only got a rather perfunctory reply of "I see".

From Ron's attitude, Thomas noticed something different, and he stepped back with a thoughtful mood.

Not long after Thomas left, Seeger came to Ron with an excited and apprehensive face. He knelt down on one knee, with his shiny head on top, and Ron put his hand on it, which was smoother than the pebbles he usually rolled.

This kid's hair is hopeless.

Today is not the day to write entries for Sig, but Ron made an exception and gave him the privilege. As long as Sig brings back something valuable from outside, he will give him a chance.

I hope today is not crooked, Ron thought inexplicably.

Because of the particularity of Sig's entry 1, every time you brush an entry for Sig, it seems to be a strengthening program in the game.

He is the NPC in the game, and Sig is the player. Sig gave him the strengthening funds and materials, and he came to help strengthen the attributes.

If the strengthening is successful, it will be +1, if it fails, it will be reset to zero, and the strengthening will be restarted, and the funds and materials consumed will not be refunded.

The more Ron thought about it, the more he felt like it.

After a while, Ron withdrew his hand and said, "Come again next time."

(End of this chapter)

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