Chapter 93 Another Newcomer

Under the scorching sun, a group of extraordinary people were working while wearing imprisonment bracelets on their wrists, and there were guards watching over them.

Although they can't use fighting energy, they still have physical fitness, which is much stronger than ordinary people, and the amount of work is several times that of ordinary people.

Therefore, the efficiency of the construction is once again a little faster. If the superhumans come in a few more waves, they may be able to build the new city within a year.

"You can't do this to us! We are knights who fight for honor and don't deserve such humiliation!"

Someone finally couldn't bear it anymore, threw a big rock on the ground and shouted loudly. He wanted to use this behavior to wake up his companions and jointly resist this inhuman behavior!

The guards on the sidelines were no strangers to it. Ever since these Fastland knights came to work on the construction site, this happened every day. Someone summed up a set of pacification procedures and taught them to everyone.

He came to the fast knight and said, "You should think about it. If you don't work, you won't get food."

"Hmph, how can a knight who fights for honor be threatened by such a trivial matter." The man said disdainfully, and the companions around all cast their eyes on him, which gave him great courage.

"Today there is news that Ms. Irene will come and have new dishes." The guard said again.

The man hesitated for a moment, then stiffened his neck and said, "So what? Our own honor is more important than food."

At this time, a refugee next to him said in a puzzled tone, "But you are all like this, what honor are you talking about?"

The man was left speechless.

"Okay, go back to work quickly. It's time for dinner, and if you are lazy, you will miss it." The guard waved his hands in disgust and urged.

As soon as the man heard this, he immediately picked up the big stone thrown on the ground and followed the team in front.

For these captured knights, Thomas did not abuse them, or let them work with the refugees, which was considered a punishment.

It seems unimaginable to them that high-ranking professionals do dirty work like ordinary people, but when they arrive in Arnold's territory, everything breaks their original concept.

The aborigines live in harmony with the foreign refugees. Everyone has a smile on their face and seems to be full of hope for life.

The officials of the lord's mansion would not beat or scold the civilians at the bottom, and sometimes they would come forward to greet them with concern.

In their view, this is simply fantasy. Before they become knights, those high-ranking people don't need to look down on civilians, and they are already "good people"!

Suddenly, there was commotion in the crowd, and someone asked carefully and found out that it was Fastland who started to attack again.

In front of a blacksmith shop, a special guest came today.

"Boss, do you have a knife for sale?"

Hearing the relatively immature voice, the blacksmith boss turned his head and showed a cheerful smile, "You little boy came to the blacksmith shop to buy a knife, why do you use it?"

Carl replied earnestly: "The lord is very kind to me. I want to do my best to help the lord remove some weeds, but I don't have any tools at hand."

The boss blacksmith looked Karl up and down, thinking he was a child working in the farmland, and gave a friendly suggestion, "It's not suitable to weed with a knife. Let me build you a tool that suits you."

Carl shook his head, "No, the grass I want to mow is quite special, and a knife is fine."

"You are so stubborn, kid." The blacksmith boss muttered, and then picked out a forged knife for Karl and handed it over.

"How much?" Carl asked.

The boss blacksmith waved his hand, "Since it's for the lord, I won't accept the money, and it should be counted as my kindness."

Carl was silent, thanked him, and then left.

When he came outside the city wall, the third territorial battle had ended. The guards were escorting the enemy knights back in less than half an hour. During this time, the captured people could catch up with the cafeteria for dinner.

He looked at it for a while, with an inexplicable look in his eyes, and then walked in the direction of Fastland.

On the construction site in the third area of ​​Arnold's territory, the people who were working saw hundreds of figures approaching in a mighty way. Each of them had ashes on their faces and wore imprisonment bracelets on their hands. They knew the outcome of the battle and their identity of.

"There are newcomers here. I have to say that they came at just the right time." Someone said.

"Shh, don't talk." Someone reminded, and the person closed his mouth after seeing it.

After counting the number of people, a guard came to the knight in silver armor and saluted very respectfully: "Master Marvin, I have counted the number and confirmed that there are 876 people in total, not a few of them."

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

Marvin nodded, and the guard was very excited when he heard this, and quickly said: "This is my duty, you are serious, if there is no other order, then I will go to work."

"Okay, let's go."

Marvin smiled. Time has passed. In just half a year, the entire Arnold territory has undergone earth-shaking changes. He can see that the guard respected him sincerely, not only the guard just now, but also other people with different identities. also the same.

Respect regardless of status, but his personal and sincere admiration, this feeling can only be experienced in person to appreciate the beauty of it.

Recalling that day, the lord stood on the high platform of the training ground and asked them whether the meaning of guarding as a knight was the lord or something else. At this moment, Marvin knew the answer.

"Master Marvin, you should go back first, we are here to watch, nothing will go wrong."

A voice sounded, and the others followed suit, their concern palpable.

Marvin smiled helplessly, and agreed, "Okay, I'll go back and report back. If you have anything to do, send someone to find me."

After Ma Wen left, more than [-] captives were assigned to the construction team by the guards. At the request of construction experts, these captives also accepted a simple investigation in order to do the assignment work.

Some prisoners knew what they were brought here for, and immediately became excited, with a very resistant expression, causing some troubles.

Seeing this, the guard was not used to him, and said in a cold voice: "Remember your current identities, don't make unnecessary struggles, work hard, and live to wait for your viscount to redeem you, if not, Only death."

Soon, they stopped resisting and were assigned to their respective construction sites one by one.

On a construction site.

The captives were being brought in one after another, and the faces of those who were working showed a look of relief. Newcomers came, and it was great to be able to share some things.

A refugee over half a century old with sharp eyes saw one of the captives with an angry look on his face, pointed at the man and said, "I remember this man, he kicked him hard when he fled to the Fast Territory. , My back still hurts!"

When his voice came out, the people around who were also brick movers showed the same hatred, and one person said in surprise: "What? What's the matter? Old man, I'll help you avenge!"

"Wait a minute, we also went to school and received education, don't forget that the teacher said to be reasonable."

"Reasonable? What are you talking about?"

One person picked up the brick in his hand, and saw the word 'reason' engraved on it.

The others were puzzled and asked puzzledly, "Why are you still engraving on the bricks?"

The man smiled, "I used to have no education in my hometown. When I came here, the lord established a school for people to learn. I let my son go to class. When he comes back, let him teach me. After working during the day Just practice in this way.”

Everyone had nothing to say, his 'reason' was so strong that it convinced everyone present.

Just when everyone was beating the prisoner, a construction expert rushed to find him, and said with a dissatisfied expression, "What did you do? This guy doesn't know anything, why send it to my carpenter's workshop."

When the guard heard this, he looked behind the expert, and the 'this guy' he said was the knight who had just been captured and assigned to work as a carpenter.

He glared at the knight fiercely, apparently lying, and quickly apologized, "Master Geffen, this is a mistake in my work, please forgive me, I will deal with it immediately."

Seeing this, Master Geffen waved his hand and said, "I'm not blaming you, it's just that it's too late."

"I understand, next time we will review carefully so that this does not happen again."

"Well, with your words, I'm relieved. I'll leave it to you, and I'll go back to work. Hurry up and finish the work, so as not to miss the hot food."

Master Geffen muttered and walked away.

The new knight looked at the person who was also wearing the bracelet and asked, "Senior, is there any difference between our place and the one just now?"

'Senior'. This address sounds uncomfortable. The person who was asked explained: "If you have special skills, such as carpentry, brick firing, etc., you can have an extra piece of meat when you cook."

"What? Is there such a good thing?"

The new knight was overjoyed, and hurriedly shouted: "Wait, master, don't go, I'm going to be stupid."

'Senior' stared, you fucking have a skill, he quickly covered the newcomer's mouth, the movement here attracted the attention of the guards.

"What's going on over there?"

'Senior' explained with a smile, "It's okay, I'm more excited to meet acquaintances."


Baron House.

Thomas reported the situation and left the office.

In this battle, Fast led 876 people, including ten second-tier knights and more than [-] first-tier knights, and the rest were ordinary people with a little force, not superhumans.

"The opponent's third-tier knight did not appear this time, which means that Viscount Fast no longer trusts him, and has even restricted his freedom." Joyce analyzed.

Amelia shook her head, "The only third-tier knight went back alive, and the rest of the knights were all captured. There is no doubt of distrust. At most, they will monitor his every move in various names, and will not restrict his freedom. After all, he It is the only high-end combat power."

"Your Highness is right, but I am not rigorous." Joyce thought for a while and nodded to admit his shortcomings.

Listening to the boring discussion between the two, Ron stood up and didn't listen anymore. When the opponent sent the highest combat power, it was already doomed to lose.

His main target was never Viscount Fast.

"Don't stay here, go to dinner."

After speaking to the two women, he left the office and walked all the way, passing his room without stopping.

After Colin's transformation, Ron's bedroom can no longer be called a room, but should be called a 'sleeping hall'. The interior space is five times larger than before.

The facilities inside are very complete, and there is an independent bath, which is also very large, comparable to a swimming pool.

Master Colin was not worried about whether the lord could swim or not.

Continue forward, turn a few turns and come to the end of the corridor. There is a locked door here. The door is made of part of obsidian, which is extremely strong.

Ron took out a fine silver key and inserted it into the hole. With a click, the lock was unlocked, and he pushed the door open.

With a bang, the door closed again.

Behind the door is a room with a small space, which is equivalent to Ron's bedroom before.

In front of him are five rows of wooden shelves, each row of shelves is several meters away, and some various items are sparsely placed on the shelves.

If you look carefully, you will find that there are five different characters engraved on the side of each shelf, namely [White], [Green], [Blue], [Purple] and [Gold].

[White] There are the most items on the shelf, nearly a hundred of them, all neatly placed in the grid.

[Green] The shelf is next, and there are more than ten.

[Blue] There are only three shelves.

[Purple] There is one on the shelf, which is a dagger, half hidden in the shadow as if it is a broken dagger.

Only the [gold] shelf is empty, not a single one.

These are the items that Ron swiped the entries for. Although most of them are white entries, they are kept because of their good attributes.

It can be treasured, and when it may be useful, it can also be used as a reward for meritorious servants.

[Green] The items on the shelf can be given as gifts to close friends. The blue items are more difficult to read and will not be easily given away. Purple items are not to mention. Every item in the purple item has a terrifying Attributes.

Except for the miracle fruit, Ron has never seen a second item of the golden entry.

When he has more items, Ron can subdivide them and divide the quality of the items. Most of the items on the shelf now have only one entry slot, and subdivision is meaningless now.

Ron glanced at it and was very satisfied. Day after day, the entry items would soon fill up all the shelves.



Fastland, Viscount's Mansion.

A black shadow flashed by without attracting anyone's attention, even if someone passed by, they would turn a blind eye.

This is Karl's talent. If you don't pay attention, you can't find him, let alone this kind of dark night.

Just like that, he came to the door of a room in the mansion, and cold voices came from the room.

"It's because of you that I'm here."

After these words, another girl's voice sounded. This voice seemed panicked and could not speak clearly, "Master Jim, what do you want to do? Let me tell you, my father is the captain of the knights, you can't"

"Hmph, you also mentioned your good-for-nothing father to me. If it weren't for him, Fastland wouldn't have suffered such a big loss."

Jim was furious, looked at the shivering girl in front of him, and said with a sneer, "Now let you pay for the loss of Knight Commander Byron."

"do not want!"

Seeing Jim approaching, the girl screamed.


No sound, not even a shadow, Jim's eyes widened, his lunge froze, and a bloodstain appeared under his neck.


The girl opened her eyes, and then let out another cry of fear, but she didn't find the half-open door.

That night, Viscount Fast's fourth son died at home, and the murderer disappeared, which became Viscount Fast's heart disease.

Because of this, Viscount Fast once again used Knight Byron, giving him great trust on the surface.

Knight Byron was grateful for the viscount's trust and vowed to win the battle of honor, but only he knew what he really thought.

(End of this chapter)

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