I, a fallen nobleman, started the farming system

Chapter 114 Conception of New Textile Machine

Chapter 114 Conception of New Textile Machine
The results of Farr and Neji were beyond Lynn's imagination. He did not expect such a big change in the town during his absence. Using water power to clean wool is just the beginning, and fully applying water power to various industries, then It represents the saving of a lot of manpower, and the transition from the traditional manpower era to the water power era.

But in this way, it is necessary to plan the river more specifically.

There is no danger upstream, but downstream, Lynn recalled the blue lake, if he guessed right, there should be monsters hidden in it.

Lynn fumbled his chin, thinking about things. He could deal with monsters on land, but he had a headache when it came to monsters in water.

You can't drain the water!

"My lord, there is one more thing I want to tell you." Farr said.

Lynn came back to his senses, "What's the matter?"

"When we were researching the operation of the rotating shaft, we discovered the principle of the rotating shaft. In fact, if the pure rotating shaft is driven and only uses manpower, it can reduce a lot of effort. I think that when Nezel and the others are weaving, they still need to comb the wool. The messy wool was not so easy to evacuate, because many were tangled together.

We used the rotating shaft on it, and we only need to rotate it, so we can comb it continuously, which can save a lot of time, and one person can do the work of two people. We also installed the rotating shaft on the textile machine , Turning with one hand, the other hand is used to pull the thread, which can also save effort. "

While talking, Farr also made movements to describe in more detail.

The astonishment on Lynn's face never disappeared, and he said directly, "Let's go to Nezel to have a look."

The group left and came to the commercial area of ​​the town.

This place is planned to be a commercial and trade area. There are shops on both sides of the clean street. Compared with before, the number of shops has increased a lot, but there are not many customers. There are still too few people in Ashes Town, and the trade channel It's only one-way, which leads to the things they produce can only be sold in other towns.

There is a large amount of linen and woolen cloth in a shop, and a clerk in the shop is watching boredly.

When he saw the lord coming over, he quickly stood up, "Good day, my lord."

"Yeah!" Lynn nodded and came out from the back door of the shop.

This is a large yard, many people are sitting in it weaving, there are men and women, most of them are women, some are civilians, and the rest are serfs who came to earn work points.

When they saw Lynn, they saluted immediately.

Lynn waved his hand, "Go on with your own business and don't worry about me."

He saw the new method of weaving that Farr said, adding a rotating shaft, but it can drive more power. Even women without much strength can easily weave carded wool into threads, and the speed and efficiency are greatly improved.

Nezel heard the lord coming, and immediately ran out from the back room, "My lord!"

Lin En entered the area where he was working. The area was not small, and many skilled tailors were working, but it was not messy. The woven threads were arranged in an orderly manner, and then were woven into cloth.

When building the commercial area, Lynn fully considered this point. Some shops integrate production and sales, selling items in the front, and manufacturing in the background, especially textile and blacksmith shops.

Therefore, a larger area will be reserved for them to work in the future, but this is only temporary. After their scale expands again, they will need to go to the factory area.

"Tell me about the recent situation."

Nezel immediately replied, "Now we only leave a small number of people to make sachets, and the rest are all weaving. At the beginning, the speed was very slow. Cleaning, combing and other steps took a lot of time and took up a lot of time. It took a lot of manpower. Later, Farr and the others developed the operation of the rotating shaft, and the speed of cleaning wool was greatly accelerated.

Two days ago, they designed this kind of rotating shaft for us. It was relatively slow in the familiarization stage. Once you get used to it, the thread that a person can weave in a day can compare with the previous two days, and the weaving speed is also much faster. "

Lynn nodded. It seems that labor makes people confident, and money makes people more confident.

When I met Nezel for the first time, he didn't have any confidence and was called a sissy by others, but now he has no thoughts of inferiority at all, and he has let go a lot no matter what he says or does.

He put forward his own ideas, "Have you ever thought about one thing, this hand-operated loom still occupies one hand, and when a person sits there, his two legs are actually idle."

Nezel thought about it.

Karis asked: "It's normal to have two legs idle, just like when serfs cut down trees, they only use their hands instead of their legs."

Lynn looked at Nezel, "It looks like you have a different idea, speak up."

After getting permission from the lord, Nezel said: "In fact, in the past, I felt that weaving with my hands alone was not only tiring, but also inefficient. At that time, I wanted to weave more in order to improve my family's life. When the hands are too tired to lift the thread and cloth, the feet will be used to assist, which can relieve part of the fatigue of the hands.

Later, the town was attacked by monsters, and we couldn't sell the cloth, so we didn't do it anymore. However, not everyone can do this way of using hands and feet together. I have taught others before, but the quality of the woven thread too bad.

Sometimes I wonder, since the rotating shaft can be turned by hand, is it possible to use the feet to drive it, so that two hands can be used for spinning, so it can be faster. "

Lynn patted him on the shoulder, "Your idea is really good, and I can say that it is indeed possible. The rotating shaft has been made, and a pedal can be made to connect the pedal to the rotating shaft, and the two feet can move the pedal to drive the textile. "

Farr suddenly said, "Yes, that's it, my lord, you are too powerful. Niji and I have been thinking about how to make better use of the shaft. Your words gave us more ideas."

Lynn thought about it, and decided to give them some ideas, "I saw that the looms here all use one spindle, so is it possible to use multiple spindles to run together?"

He was talking about the Jenny textile machine, a machine that symbolized the beginning of the industrial revolution. Although it is still driven by manpower, one person can use the textile machine to do what eight or even ten people can do, making the textile speed extremely fast. Great improvement has led to economic development.

Lynn didn't know the specific design of the Jenny loom, but he had seen some general principles in history textbooks.

Sometimes, the basic principles he knows can often make people here expand their thinking and break their inherent ideas.

"Multiple spindles." Naiji muttered, "It should be possible. My father used to make a two-spindle loom to relieve my mother's fatigue."

Lynn frowned, it's your father again.

"I remember when my father made it with the spindles sideways, he wanted to install more spindles, but then the spindles collided with each other, causing the threads to get tangled up, and he could only install two."

"So, is it possible to put the spindle upright?" Lynn said.

He looked around, walked to a textile machine, and set up the spindle directly.

His movement startled the spinning people and stopped immediately, but the spindle didn't stop, it was still spinning.

Lynn didn't know how or who invented the horizontal spindle, but obviously, everyone followed the rule that the spindle must be horizontal, and they never thought of setting it up. stand up.

The man who invented the spinning jenny at that time discovered this only by accident.

"You see, the spindle is still turning, whether it is horizontal or vertical, it does not affect it, but it can affect the quantity. The horizontal spindle needs to be straightened from time to time. In this case, a certain amount of energy is required. It's on the spindle, but it's upright. It's already upright, so how can it be straightened?

After the spindle is vertical, you can install multiple spindles without affecting each other. You said that your father once made a loom with two spindles. If he thought of placing the spindles vertically, then there will be different same result. "

Hearing what the lord said, Naiji opened his mouth slightly, and he was surprised.

The textile machine made by his father was always used by his mother. Naturally, he often saw it and helped repair it. He was quite familiar with the textile machine, and he was imagining it in his mind at this time.

The parts of each textile machine are assembled together, plus the spindle, and a person steps on the pedal to drive the shaft to operate.

"Yes, yes, Lord Lord, your idea is too correct." Naiji said excitedly.

He was extremely admired in his heart, he did not expect that the lord would actually solve the problem that had puzzled them for a long time.

Farr and Nezer also thought about it. A senior carpenter and a skilled weaver can imagine that if this kind of loom is made, the thread spun in one day is even comparable to five days, ten days, or More.

Lynn smiled. Although they are very creative, their thinking is still limited by the current cognition. Even if they have the inspiration to transcend, they will not exceed too much.

He just said what he remembered, and didn't even explain the specific structure. The detailed design can only be done by themselves.

"Can you make this new type of loom?" Lynn asked.


Farr and Niji looked at each other and gave an affirmative answer.

"Okay!" Lynn was in a good mood. He looked at Nezel, "How is the result of you teaching others to weave?"

"Those who are already tailors don't need to teach much, and the learning ability of others is quite fast." Nezel replied.

"Speed ​​up this speed. Soon, you will welcome a large number of textile workers, and you must also be prepared to move."

"Moving?" Nezel didn't know why.

"You'll know when the time comes." Lynn patted him on the shoulder.

He left here, and Farr and Naiji left in a hurry. They needed to put today's ideas into practice. After all, they were not just making new textile machines, but also transporting shafts in the mining area.

Fortunately, the lord sent them a group of people to help, and said that they don't have to worry about money, as long as they are produced.

This puts a lot of pressure on them, but it is also very exciting. For a carpenter, it is an honor to see the things he made being widely used.

Lynn came to the fork of the canal. From here, it was divided into three streams, which flowed to different places.

However, the water flow in the canal is too turbid to be used for irrigation, but other aspects are a big problem.

"River!" murmured Lynn.

"Master, what happened to the river?" Karis asked curiously.

"You have also seen the importance of river water to us. After all, there are some problems with the river where the waterwheel is located, and the waterway over there can be used for mining. For textiles, it is a bit troublesome. We need to develop another river."

(End of this chapter)

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