Chapter 115 Are You Dior?
In the mining area, after many days of mining, it is completely different from before.

A large amount of iron ore was mined, put into bags, and then carried out by serfs, and sent to a special location for storing ore.

The work of mining ore was very tiring, and for those inexperienced serfs, it was a kind of torture at the beginning.

But for the serfs with relevant experience, the work here is simply extremely brisk. They used to mine ore in other territories, and they had to enter the mine before dawn, and they worked until night without any time to rest. .

Moreover, there is an ore task, and more than a certain amount of ore must be mined every day. If it is not reached, then there will be no food for the day, and the supervisor will whip him.

They were already weak, and it would be a problem for them to walk with two whips, and some people would even be whipped to death directly. Anyway, for nobles, serfs died when they died, and it was a big deal to buy some back.

Here, there are no whips and no overseers.

They divided into groups, and each group had a group leader, who played the role of supervisor, but he had to work harder than others in order to maintain his status as group leader.

After getting up every day, they will get breakfast, which makes them know the importance of breakfast, who have no concept of breakfast at all.

If there is something in the stomach, they will be more energetic when mining. After breakfast is consumed, it will be lunch time. After eating, they will continue mining, and then until the afternoon.

Before it was dark, they could leave the mine and return to their houses.

Of course, these breakfasts, lunches and dinners all need work points to exchange, the most basic meals can be eaten with only one work point, a bowl of porridge, a black bread, if you are willing to spend more work points, then you can eat better Meals, even meat.

As for the team leader, he can drink meat porridge.

This is real meat porridge, without any adulteration, and you can see the sliced ​​meat inside.

This also made everyone else make up their minds that they must become the team leader and drink meat porridge.

Those team leaders who drank meat porridge naturally didn't want to go on like this, which formed a competitive relationship.

What they compete for is the efficiency of mining, rather than doing things deliberately, because the last person who made trouble has been canceled all work points.

At this time, the fifth team was mining in their area.

"Hey, Dior, you can't dig like this, you should do it this way." The team leader was explaining to a thin man.

As he talked, he demonstrated his movements. For senior miners like them, mining is also a kind of technology and experience. There are many ways to dig at what angle, how much effort is used, and what kind of ore is dug.

It is like a particularly hard ore, so you can't use ruthless force, you must start from the side and mine bit by bit, otherwise it will be useless no matter how you dig.

The man named Dior held a tool in his hand and knocked feebly on the stone. The force from the shock made his arms tremble.

He has been here for several days, and he has not adapted to mining at all, and his learning speed is also slow.

The team leader was also very anxious seeing him like this, with mixed emotions in his heart, including joy and anger.

The happy thing is that Dior is in such a state that it is impossible to compete with him for the position of team leader. The angry thing is that his arrival will slow down the mining speed of the whole team. In this way, there is no way to compete for the best team.

Although there is a seven-day buffer period for each newcomer, this period of time is not included in the overall calculation, but it will be included after seven days. With his appearance, it may be the same no matter how much he adapts.

Every 30 days, the housekeeper will conduct a statistics, and all members of the team with the most overall work points will be rewarded with meat porridge, and the team leader can even eat a large piece of meat.

Many team leaders work hard for meat.

Dio waved the tool according to his movements, the team leader shook his head when he saw it, "Hey, your body is too weak, and you just came here, you are not used to mining at all, I am very strange, normally, you don't You will be assigned to the mining area, your body is suitable for farming."

Dio said nothing.

The person on the side said: "Don't talk so much, he hasn't spoken since he came here, I wonder if he is dumb."

"Yes, I guess he must have done something wrong to be assigned to the mining area. Otherwise, look at his small body, he is not even as good as a woman."

"Okay, okay, don't say so much, after all, he is a member of our team." The team leader said quickly.

The team leader looked at him and persuaded him: "Dior, I don't know what you did wrong, but since you have work points, it means that you still have the possibility to go out, work hard, accumulate work points, maybe at that time Then you can leave the mining area and go out to farm, after all, your health is too poor, and you have been here all the time, so you are really afraid of accidents."

Dio still didn't answer, didn't even answer him.

The team leader shook his head helplessly.

The entire mining area is divided into multiple areas, and each group is in the area to which it belongs.

In the second team, one of the team members held a tool and hit the ore heavily. As the ore shattered, a little light appeared. He was a little curious and picked it up. It was a little reddish powder, which was still a little hard to hold. , emitting a faint light.

He didn't think much about it, and just threw it away.

In the afternoon, after a day of mining, the miners left the mining area with tired faces.

"I'm too tired, I must eat something good to nourish my body."

"We've eaten enough, what else do you want to eat?"

"I want an egg."

"Are your work points still enough? I remember that you used to spend your work points very quickly because of frequent extra meals. Don't forget, you said before that you need to save all your work points to exchange for the status of a free citizen."

"I know, but you can't treat yourself badly. Anyway, you don't know when you can become a free citizen. It's better to have a good meal first, and you too. Don't suffer yourself, just eat a little every day. If you want me to say, you should Exchange for two eggs."

"I don't dare, but you are right. If you eat well, your body will be strong, and you can mine more ore. Then I will add an egg."

The miners talked and laughed, and came to the bulletin board, where there were already two large buckets, with porridge inside, soup, eggs, etc. beside them.

As they ate, they discussed the messages on the bulletin board.

"This young man is really amazing. His work points have risen too fast."

"I don't even look at who the other party is. Darcy is the first person to live in the house. Not only does he have to participate in the training of the militia every day, he also has to plant the land and cut trees. It is said that he also wants to go to the mining area to mine, but he was caught Refused."

"Ah, why?"

"It seems that I don't want him to be too tired. Think about it, just training is so tiring, and you have to do so many things, and you have to learn to read and write at night, so you won't have much energy the next day, and it goes on like this. His body definitely couldn't take it."

"I think he is in good health. I have spoken to him before, and he is a very energetic young man."

"Anyway, I think it's pretty good. Think about it, if he goes to mine, he will compete with us for the position of team leader."

"Isn't it? If we work for one day, he will only work for half a day. Can he still be as good as him?"

"What do you think?"

The man was speechless and nodded, "You're right, let's go."

"Come, come, here comes Darcy."

For a moment, everyone looked over.

Not far away, Darcy walked towards this side. Compared with the beginning, he was in better condition, not at 01:30, his body became stronger, his eyes were bright, and he was full of confidence. Many women stared straight at the uniformly issued clothes.

Darcy felt their eyes, he didn't know what was going on, and he didn't care, but ordered two bowls of porridge and two eggs.

"Darcy, you have a lot of food. Everyone in the militia will provide food. Why are you still eating here?" Someone asked curiously.

Darcy took the porridge and eggs, and replied embarrassedly, "I don't know what's going on. Recently, my appetite has increased a lot. The same is true for other people in the militia, but they are not as good as me."

In fact, there is still a word left, even if I eat these two bowls of porridge and eggs, it will not have much effect, at most it can relieve the hunger in my stomach.

He is also very grateful to the lord, who can use work points to exchange, otherwise, he will be hungry at night.

"Oh, it must be that you have a lot of training. You run laps around the town every day. I heard that you have added two more laps recently?"

"Six laps have been added." While speaking, Darcy finished the porridge in one go.

It was added on the day after the lord left. Not only did the number of laps increase, but also the amount of daily training was greatly increased, and a battle event was added.

Not only will you fight with your companions, but you will also fight with the captain.

Captain Miles is an official knight, and Darcy can learn a lot every time he fights with him.

Even Captain Jack, I don't know if it's an illusion, but Darcy always feels that his mood is not very good.

He didn't think too much, he just needed to do his own thing well.

After dinner, Darcy patted his ass and left. He was going to learn to read and write with Butler Carliss. He had to go every day, which was a mandatory requirement.

It is more torturous for other members of the militia, but he doesn't think so. Instead, he thinks this is a very interesting thing, even if he keeps writing on the ground, he doesn't know when he will be able to write on paper.

Although he left, the serfs were still discussing. Some even took Darcy as their goal, thinking in their hearts that sooner or later they would become like him.

"Dior, is Dior there?" Little Tom ran over and shouted loudly.

Under a tree not far away, Dio raised his head when he heard the sound.

"Did you see Dior?" Little Tom asked.

"It's over there. I usually eat alone and don't talk. It's really strange."

"I wonder if he is dumb?"

"Probably not, butler Karis asked him."

These people were eating and chatting, and the content of the discussion was nothing more than the affairs of the people around them.

Little Tom dragged Dio up, "The lord has something to do with you."

Lynn put down the papyrus and picked up the soap. After using it a few times, he found that the fragrance lasted very well. He didn't just put the juice of the flowers in it, otherwise it would be dyed at most, and it would not be so good. fragrance.

"My lord, I brought Dior back." Little Tom's voice came from outside.

The two came in and stood at the door. Lynn waved his hand, and Little Tom left immediately to go about his own affairs. He also helped Carliss housekeeper teach those people to read and write.

"Are you Dio?" Lynn asked.

"My lord, I am Dio."

Lynn looked at him a few times. This was an extremely thin man who couldn't even support the clothes on his body, resulting in baggy clothes and yellowish-white hair, which seemed to be caused by excessive lack of nutrition.

His cheeks were sunken, but his eyes had a different expression.

His information is recorded on the papyrus. According to the description of Carliss, Dio was a serf, but his parents were not.

(End of this chapter)

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