I, a fallen nobleman, started the farming system

Chapter 122 How to Become a Knight

Chapter 122 How to Become a Knight

Ashes Town is getting busy, oh, it doesn't seem to be busy all the time.

Darcy pushed open the door, felt the sunshine outside, moved his body a bit, with a confident glow on his face, he took the soap to the side of the ditch, and greeted the passers-by.

The water in the canal is relatively turbid. It is said that it is caused by the erosion of mud upstream, but the lord said that as long as the cement can be produced in batches, the situation can be improved.

Darcy didn't care, anyway, he just washed his face, it didn't matter if the water was muddy or not, because there was soap.

Since the lord made soap, some serfs with more dexterous hands were sent to participate in the making. They were able to make a lot of soap every day, and some unqualified soap was given to the militia for free.

The adults have various requirements for the members of the militia, such as washing their faces with soap every day, taking a bath every two days, and learning to read and write every night. In addition to the most basic training, they also need Participate in farming, felling, etc.

Many people don't understand why adults ask for this, but it must be done.

Darcy likes it very much. Before he didn't take a bath, he had a thick layer of mud on his body and a strange smell. After he got used to it, he couldn't smell it. But once he took a bath, especially with soap, all the mud on his body was washed away. After that, he got used to the smell.

And learning to read and write, he found it very interesting, and he worked very hard to learn it. Even Butler Carliss praised him, saying that he was the fastest learner among these people.

After a while, people from the militia team came over one after another. After they finished washing, they immediately rushed to the designated place to stand in line, first stood in a military posture, and then ran around, doing this every day.

Some people think that washing your face after sweating is better than not washing it in the first place, but Darcy doesn't think so.

Darcy stood upright, looking forward, and Captain Jack was with them.

I heard that Captain Miles left the town, and he didn't know what to do.

Darcy stood very relaxed, and he was still in the mood to think about other things. Thinking about it reminded him of the appearance of standing in the military posture at the beginning.

At that time, he still thought that standing is such a simple thing, but standing still is not enough, and he realized that standing in a military posture can be so scary.

He almost fainted that time, and felt pain all over that night, and it lasted for several days before he got better.

Now, he feels relaxed. Of course, he can't stand all day long, otherwise he will still feel tired.

Time passed slowly, and with Captain Jack's order, they quickly moved towards the middle, lined up neatly, and began to run around the town under the leadership of the captain.

After one lap, Darcy didn't feel anything, but felt that running laps was a way to relax.

But on the second lap, for some reason, he suddenly felt very hungry, and his stomach kept growling, which his teammates heard.

Darcy was a little strange. He had eaten in the morning, so he shouldn't be hungry so quickly.

But the hunger didn't disappear, on the contrary, it became more and more intense, and he obviously felt his stomach deflate.

The sound of stomach growling even reached Captain Jack's ears. He walked over to take a look at himself, but didn't say anything.

On the fourth lap, Darcy felt that he had no strength at all, his eyes began to turn black, his legs seemed to be bound, and he didn't want to move at all, but he still remembered that he had to finish, as long as he ran It's time to eat.

On the fifth lap, with a sound, Darcy fell to the ground.


In the castle, Lynn was writing a plan, and was a little surprised when he heard Little Tom's shout.

He went out with little Tom, wondering in his heart, could it be because of hypoglycemia, but he made a rule that he must have breakfast before training, just to prevent this from happening.

Harvey followed up bouncingly, "Is someone fainted and needs treatment?"

Lynn ignored him.

They came to Darcy's house, surrounded by many people.

"My lord!" Jack and the others shouted immediately when they saw Lynn coming.

Lynn looked at Darcy lying on the bed. His eyes were tightly closed, his face was pale, he was sweating constantly, and his body was still trembling slightly.

He tried his forehead and found that it wasn't hot, but there was a feeling of emptiness from his appearance.

It shouldn't be, if it is normal for Darcy to faint because of Xu when he first came here, but he has been training here for so long, and meals are provided every day, and he is often rewarded with meat porridge because of his good performance. It can't be false no matter what.

"Do you want treatment?" Harvey asked again.

Lynn glanced at him, looked at his money-greedy appearance, and nodded.

The door was closed, and there were only a few of them in the room. Harvey stretched out his hand, and a little light green light appeared, and then fell on Darcy.

Darcy's body stopped shaking, slowly opened his eyes, and saw the lord, he wanted to stand up, but found that he had no strength.

Harvey pointed his hand at Lynn, "Money!"

"Ask Caris for it!"

Lynn asked, "How do you feel now?"

Darcy struggled a few times, but still did not sit up, and said weakly: "Lord Lord, I just feel hungry."

"Hungry?" Lynn was surprised.

"Well, I felt very hungry when I was running the circle. I thought about going to eat after the run, but I didn't expect to faint." Darcy was very embarrassed, and he didn't expect that he would faint because of hunger.

Lynn thought of something, reached out and grabbed Darcy's arm, "How is this possible."

"Have you ever studied breathing?"

"No, what is breathing method?"

"What's the matter, my lord, am I suffering from some kind of disease?" Darcy became frightened when he saw this.

"No, you lie here and don't move." Lynn pushed open the door and went out, telling Little Tom, "Go and call Matthew Knight over, and let Carliss prepare a lot of meat."

Little Tom left in a hurry.

Lynn looked at the other members of the militia team and said, "Don't worry, Darcy is just too hungry. You all go about your own business."

The militia members left one after another, only Jack stayed. He is the captain and needs to be responsible for his team members.

Not long after, Karis and a few servants came over, holding large pieces of air-dried meat in their hands.

"Master, here is the meat, what are you using it for?" Karis asked curiously.

"Go and cook!"

There was no cooking stove in Darcy's room, so Carlisle asked his servants to simply build one, put the pot on it, and as the flame continued to bake, the meat in the pot gradually became cooked.

Lynn asked them to bring the cooked meat into the house for Darcy to eat.

At this moment, Matthew also came here. He couldn't see clearly, but he didn't want to let little Tom help him, so he came over by listening.

"There is something you need to check." Lynn said in a serious tone, "I'm not sure, only you, a senior knight, can be sure."

"What's the matter?" Matthew was puzzled. It was a bit strange to call him over in such a hurry and let him be checked by a cripple.

Lynn took Matthew into the house, and Darcy was eating meat with big mouthfuls. It seemed that because of eating, his face was no longer so ugly.

"He's Darcy. He fainted today because of hunger. Check the reason for his fainting."

Matthew frowned, "You said it was because of hunger, so there's nothing to check."

"You can find out by looking it up."

Matthew had no choice but to reach out and feel for it. When his hand touched Darcy, his expression changed slightly, and he said, "Are you kidding me? It's because his body lacks energy and hasn't been replenished in time. Fainted, that is to say, he is about to become a knight, your luck is good, you have breakthroughs one after another."

When Darcy heard this, his mouth stopped chewing, and he was surprised.

Jack on one side shook his body, with an unbelievable expression on his face.

"That's the problem. Darcy hasn't received any special training, nor has he ever learned how to breathe." Lynn said solemnly, "But he wants to condense the seeds of life and become a knight. Don't you think it's strange?"

Matthew was puzzled, "I remember that he is a member of the militia, and he participates in training every day. Miles became a knight because of this training. You say it is strange, but it is true. What is your training method? Before and after But it’s only been a few days, and someone is about to become a knight.”

Lynn shook his head. The training he set, such as standing in a military posture, running circles, and timing, and a series of orders are all to cultivate the loyalty and obedience of these people.

It is more reliable to say that running laps can make them knights, it is more reliable to use the reason that they practice radio gymnastics.

Lynn glanced at Darcy, "You continue to eat, eat as much as you want."

He and Matthew left the house, away from the others.

Lynn said: "That training method is useless for them to become knights, and Darcy has never been exposed to any breathing techniques. He is just an ordinary person. Can an ordinary person become a knight?"

"No!" Matthew replied directly, "If ordinary people can become knights so easily, then there are knights everywhere. Knights are not a title. They need to condense the seeds of life and be able to use combat skills. Are you sure he didn't practice secretly? Overbreathing?"

"You are a high-level knight. Although your strength is declining now, you can still feel whether a person has learned the breathing method. Do you think Darcy has learned it?" Lynn asked back.

Matthew was silent for a while before he said, "No!"

"This is the question. Why did a person who had never learned the breathing method start to condense the seeds of life and become a knight? Have you ever seen someone like this before?"

"No!" Matthew shook his head again.

(End of this chapter)

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