I, a fallen nobleman, started the farming system

Chapter 123 Can Everyone Become a God?

Chapter 123 Can Everyone Become a God?
Darcy, an ordinary person, has never learned the breathing method, nor has any foundation of knighthood. Before coming to Ash Town, he was just a working serf, but now he is starting to gather the seeds of life, which is definitely a rare thing in the history of knights thing.

Lynn didn't know if similar things had happened before, but the changes in Darcy really surprised him.

Not only him, but even the senior knight Matthew.

Matthew used to be a high-level knight, and even had the potential to become a land knight. Although he was young at that time, he had been to countless places and experienced many things, and he had a lot of knowledge, but this was the first time he heard about it.

Lynn continued: "What is the essence of a knight?"

Matthew replied, "Gather the energy to condense the life seeds, and use the life seeds to continuously temper the body, so that the physical fitness will continue to increase until the bottleneck. Once the bottleneck is broken, then enter the next level."

"So how to break through?" Lynn asked.

"Everyone has a different way of breaking through, but senior knights used to keep tempering their bodies to break through their limits, just like making weapons, they need continuous forging, but materials also have advantages and disadvantages. Thousands of times of forging can survive, and it will become even sharper, and inferior materials will shatter in just a few dozen times of forging.

Knights with outstanding talents will have a higher probability of advancing. Knights with average talents may remain as junior knights for the rest of their lives. As for advanced knights, they need to forge their spiritual power. I haven't entered the land knight yet, so I don't know much about it. "

Matthew thought about it, and said the knight's advancement.

"In addition, the breathing method is of great help to knights. The ordinary breathing method is completely different from the advanced breathing method. The latter will increase the probability of advancement. It is said that there is a legendary breathing method in the royal family. After practicing, it is possible to enter the legendary breathing method. , However, this also requires the support of talent, otherwise, legends would not be so rare."

Lin En pondered for a moment and asked: "Darcy knows nothing, but he breaks through to knights without a teacher. Does it mean that his talent is too strong, if he is asked to practice breathing, will he become a legend? "

Matthew opened his mouth, but fell silent again.

After a long time, he said: "I haven't heard of such a thing, maybe some old legends will know, as for talent."

He was silent again.

"Perhaps it is really like what you said, he practiced high-level breathing techniques and would become a legend."

Matthew was silent several times. It was the first time in his knight career that what happened today was the first time he encountered it.

Lynn shook his head slightly. He still felt that something was wrong. Even if the talent was so powerful that it could condense the seeds of life simply by standing in a military posture and running in circles. Same level spells.

Again, what is the essence of a knight?
In the past, Lin En would think that practicing breathing method is a way of continuously tempering the body and then assisting in concentrating energy, because he obtained the life seed directly through rewards, and he didn't know much about this.

But now, he has new doubts, is it possible for everyone to become a knight in theory?

Lynn voiced the idea.

Matthew directly vetoed, "Impossible, as I said before, a knight is not a title, if everyone can become a knight, then a knight is not a knight."

Lynn said: "According to what you said, people are all people, so are people still people?"

"You" Matthew's expression froze, "You are just talking nonsense here, how can people compare with knights, there are nobles, serfs, royals, mages, and there are differences in rank among people."

"But they are all human in essence. No matter whether they are nobles or serfs, their identities are different. Humans are human beings, and they are a group, which is different from elves, orcs and other groups." Lynn retorted.

"You can say such things, which means that after you became a knight, you have taken yourself out of the category of human beings, and you are higher than others, but you are still human." Lynn added.

Matthew's face changed, he did not refute Lynn's theory, but thought deeply.

He murmured, "After I became a junior knight, I seemed to feel that my identity had changed, but at that time I only felt that knights were more powerful than ordinary people, and there was no difference in essence. After intermediate knights, looking at ordinary people is like looking at trees and stones on the side of the road. I was young at that time, so I didn’t think much about it, but I remember hearing a word from an old knight.”

"The longer you become a knight, the closer you are to the God of Knights!"

Lynn stroked his chin, thinking about the meaning of this sentence.

Matthew continued: "The old knight has lived for a long time. He didn't say it specifically, but I guess he must be at least 100 years old. He has a devout belief in the god of knights and said that he will definitely be able to go to the gods after death." Kingdom of God.

And it didn't take long for me to break through to a high-level knight. Speaking of which, my mentality seemed to have changed significantly at that time. Even the nobles were not in my eyes. Those livestock were no different. "

Lynn asked, "Is that why you don't want to be a nobleman?"

Matthew shook his head, "No, I just have hatred against the nobles, I saw their incompetence and calculations, and I was young at the time, so I said that, but I have never changed, until now I will not be noble."

Lynn suddenly thought of another point, "Do other high-ranking knights have the same idea as you? I'm referring to your analogy between humans and livestock."

Matthew thought for a while, "I have come into contact with many knights, some of whom are devout and pan-believing, and their ideas are similar to mine, but there is one difference. It’s not so single anymore.”

"What about the believers of other gods?"

"Almost, because I haven't had much contact with people of other faiths."

Lin En Mingwu said, "I understand. People with deeper beliefs are full of gods. They no longer regard themselves as human beings in their bones. They are out of the scope of human beings and are in a half-god and half-human stage. But gods are Where did it come from?"

Matthew replied, "I don't know about the other gods, but the god of knights is said to be a person who finally ascends to the gods after continuous practice."

"Gods ascend from humans step by step, so does that mean that everyone can become a god." Lin En put forward his own point of view.

Matthew was shocked, "You can't say this kind of thing, but if you are heard by those churches, you will be defined as a heretic and will be burned at the stake."

Even though Matthew is a pan-belief and looks down on nobles, he dare not provoke the church. Those church members usually look normal. Once someone insults the gods, they are like madmen, no, like mad dogs. The opponent is torn apart.

Lin En understands what Matthew said. The church is powerful and absolutely does not allow anyone to slander the gods. In the eyes of church members, people are divided into levels, ordinary people, nobles, and superhumans. As for serfs, they are not even human beings.

But Lin En still felt that his point of view was correct, and he couldn't help but raise his head. If it is said that other gods become gods after continuous practice, does it mean that no new gods have appeared for such a long time? It is because they have monopolized this channel.

Lynn did not say this sentence, let alone whether Matthew believes it or not, this kind of view will definitely make him doubt life.

A new question arises again, if the gods have monopolized the way, then how did the knights come into being, or is it that the gods just blocked the final door to becoming a god.

Lin En was puzzled, and he couldn't discuss this kind of matter with others, because he was probably the only one who didn't have faith.

Lynn took the initiative to change the subject and looked at Matthew, "Myers has become a knight, and the town is constantly developing. Now an ordinary person is also starting to gather the seeds of life. Other serfs rely on the work point system and work hard to earn money. Take work points, redeem food, everyone is changing, what about you."

This is an opportunity. Lynn knows that Matthew is in a state of turmoil. He wants to use this opportunity to pry open Matthew's heart and let him speak out about himself.

"Yeah, me." Matthew murmured.

"Don't you want to say something, like the curse?" Lynn asked.

Matthew breathed out, "It can be seen that you really want to know the reason for my curse."

Lin En didn't speak, and waited quietly, thinking in his heart, nonsense, I can only help you get rid of the curse if I understand the process.

In addition, he also needs to see whether his guess is right or wrong.

Matthew opened his mouth slowly and said what was in his heart.

He was high-spirited back then, and he received the attention of countless nobles, who all wanted him to be their guardian knight, but he would not agree at all. Even the leaders of several large churches of the God of Knights sent him olive branches, I hope that the other party can enter the church and will definitely hold an important position.

However, Matthew himself does not have a deep belief in the God of Knights. What he wants to do is to fight more powerful people, which is commonly known as a battle madness. With this idea, he fights with knights, warriors, mages, Assassins, and even found wizards to fight.

Later, he was not satisfied with humans, and went to fight with elves, dwarves, orcs, etc. He also thought about looking for dragons, but he couldn't find them.

In the process of constant fighting, he also did some other things along the way, such as not being used to the behavior of some nobles, not only destroying, but even killing a few nobles.

The crime of killing nobles is quite serious, but he is a high-level knight, and ordinary knights are no match for him at all, until he was counted once and cursed.

(End of this chapter)

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