Chapter 168 Monsters
Ashes Town, at the gate of the castle, Carliss has been standing here, walking around constantly, looking at the end of the road from time to time.

He was so worried in his heart that he couldn't sleep at all, he had to wait until the master came back.

Not only him, but the servants also woke up from their sleep, looking up and waiting.

Finally, the sound of horseshoes sounded.

Karis immediately looked over, and the two horses came towards this side.

When they approached and saw that the master was safe and sound, Karis was relieved.

"Master, it's good that you come back, me."

Before he finished speaking, Karis saw the person on the horse and said in shock, "Is this the castle's steward Galvin?"

"What's going on here?" Karis was completely confused. The master went out to bring the old butler back, but why was he injured.

With a series of questions in his mind, Karis also knew that it was not the time to ask, so he quickly helped the other party into the hall.

Lynn ordered the maid to cook some food and boil some water, and took out the recovery potion for the two of them.

After Galvin and Vito drank the recovery potion, they got better.

At least not as pale as before.

Lynn asked: "What happened to you, why were you hunted down?"

Galvin sighed and recounted their experience.

Vito didn't speak all the time, but was observing Lin En. They met when they were young. How should I put it, he didn't have much impression of Lin En, and he didn't have much contact with him, but his brothers and sisters were very famous. big.

Some time ago, the Earl had separated all his children. He knew about it, but he didn't expect Lynn to be sent to the Sunset Forest. This was obviously letting the children die.

Thinking of the Earl's appearance, Vito felt no surprise.

The more Lin En heard it, the more he felt that it was outrageous. He didn't expect such a thing to happen. The earl's wife would be such a person. From their description, the other party seemed to be planning something.

Even the third highness of the Kingdom of Kais was arrested, and said that this was one of the key points. It seems that all the things that happened in Olis City have something to do with her.

No wonder even the clergy couldn't find the missing person. Behind the earl's castle, how can we find out.

Even Lynn wondered if these priests had colluded with Shani.

Their purpose is to break the city of Olis with the kingdom of Kais and cause civil strife.

After Galvin finished talking about what he knew, he looked at Vito again, "This is Vito Kais, the third highness of the Kingdom of Kais."

Lynn nodded, but there was no respectful expression.

Vito was a little surprised, but he didn't say anything. The other party saved his life, so he didn't need to worry about these trivial matters.

"Your Highness, I would like to know what you saw in the Earl's room?" Galvin asked.

Vito exhaled slowly, and said, "The count is addicted to elf dust."

He described the Earl's appearance.

What surprised him was that Galvin and Lynn didn't have any shocked expressions, as if they knew about it a long time ago.

"You know?" Vito couldn't help asking.

Galvin replied, "Master Lynn reminded me before, and I knew it. Everyone who is addicted to elf dust will become like this."

Lynn said: "The last time I went back to the castle because of Phoenix, I felt something was wrong and went to investigate. I was very angry when I saw his appearance. On the way back, I kept thinking that he is not the kind who is easily caught. Those affected by the elf dust should have some unspeakable secrets."

"You're right!" Vito said, "I wanted to bring the count back to his senses, but I didn't expect to be attacked by a shadow creature. That shadow creature was hiding in the count's shadow and seemed to be watching him."

"It turned out to be like this. No wonder I felt being watched at that time." Lynn thought thoughtfully.

"Shadow creatures are summoned to attack the enemy, and they will return after they are done. Few people can sign a contract with shadow creatures. For example, the creature that attacked us can exist in the real world for a long time. It must have a contract effect, but Shani does not It's not like someone who can sign a contract with a shadow creature for a long time.

I suspect that there should be other people behind Shani, and all the things that happened in Olis City and the surrounding towns are related to them. "

Vito spoke his mind.

Lynn suddenly asked, "Why did the Kingdom of Kais send you to Olis City to investigate?"

Vito was stunned. They were discussing Shani's affairs, but they didn't expect to ask this question suddenly, so he paused before answering, "Father arranged for me to go."

Lynn has been observing his expression, and he knows it when he sees his expression move slightly.

The message sent by Harlem was indeed received, but he did not expect that the upper echelon of the Dark Church in the Kingdom of Kais would be a Highness.

Knowing his identity as a dark cultist, Lynn said, "What is Shani doing for, civil strife?"

Galvin's face changed greatly, "No, this... Olis City doesn't have the strength to engage in civil strife at all, and once there is civil strife, the Kingdom of Kais will fall into war, and it will only give those kingdoms who are staring at them a chance."

"Isn't that exactly what they think?" Lynn asked, "The Kingdom of Kais has always been in opposition to the church. The church has long wanted to capture the kingdom. Now that there is civil strife, it just gives the church a chance. Otherwise, why would Ollie There will be so many churches in Sicheng.

Now that the Earl has become like that, it means that Shani did all these things. "

Galvin was speechless. As an old butler who had fought with the earl on the battlefield, he knew very well what consequences this would lead to.

The Orlis family is not the opponent of the Kingdom of Kais at all, and no matter which kingdom will tolerate the rebellion, in the end they will kill all the people of Orlis, including the servants.

The kingdom of Kais suffered from civil strife and was in a state of serious damage, so the church would take advantage of this opportunity to attack.

Originally, the strength of the Kingdom of Kais was weaker than that of the church, and now it is even less likely to be their opponent.

What a terrible plan.

"But why are so many people missing?" Vito asked the question he had always had. "Since they want to start a civil strife, there is absolutely no need to arrest so many people."

"I don't know." Lynn shook his head, "I always feel that there is something wrong with it."

Galvin thought of the underground of the castle, "When I was saving His Highness, I walked through some rooms and smelled a strong smell of blood, but these rooms are equipped with magic circles, and anyone who touches them will be discovered. I only have one chance , there was no investigation, I suspect that those who disappeared were all locked inside."

Vito recalled his own investigation, "I don't know about the missing people in Orlis, but the number of missing people in the surrounding towns is extremely large, at least five hundred or more."

"More than a thousand people." Galvin replied very briefly, but his tone was extremely dignified.

"That is to say, there are at least a thousand people missing, so why are they arresting them?" Vito was puzzled.

"Could it be that cultists use people to conduct research?" Lynn put forward his own thoughts.

Vito remained silent. As a dark cultist, he has been exposed to some radical experiments, and those people will use people to achieve their goals. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a cultist.

What's more, there are still some cultists who really have no humanity at all.

Seeing that neither of them spoke, Lynn also knew that they had no idea about Shani's plan at all.

"You have escaped for such a long time, eat something first, clean your wounds, get a good sleep, and talk about tomorrow if you have anything to do."

The next day.

Vito has almost recovered, but his own magic power is still imprisoned. He needs the help of a senior mage, which is not available here, so he can only rely on himself to grind a little bit.

Just last night, he had released the communication bird, presumably he would notify the royal family.

On the way back, he would inevitably encounter enemies, so he was not in a hurry to return.

Walking on the street, he found that this place is completely different from other places. The smooth and clean roads extend in all directions, and the planning of each area is orderly. Moreover, the residents here seem to be unaffected, and there is no fear at all.

When he saw the serfs, Vito was even more shocked. The serfs with low status in other places were not here, and even chatted happily with some freemen.

He saw the decree on the bulletin board, as long as he worked hard and earned work points, he could exchange for food, a house, and even the status of a free citizen.

This is incomprehensible to Vito. Why let the serfs become free people? Isn't this just taking the initiative to give away the property of the noble lords.

What puzzled him even more was that these serfs were so motivated to work that they didn't need a supervisor to watch them. Both the speed and the quality were very high.

After looking around, Vito had such an idea in his mind.

Lin En is a maverick aristocratic lord, his actions are completely different from others, if others find out, they will definitely be boycotted, or even launch a war to destroy his heresy.

Like the Holy Church, but anyone who disobeys them is burned.

Just as he was thinking, there was a noisy sound not far away, and he rushed over immediately.

The serfs were fleeing in all directions, and in front was a woman with a strange appearance. Her face was pale, her eyes were red, her mouth was open, sharp and pointed teeth could be seen, and slender nails grew out of her fingers.

Her skin was iron-blue, and she was completely in a state of losing her mind, but her movements were not quick, but she staggered, as if she was not used to it.

Vito directly bound it with a low-level magic, and he walked in to check.

The monster kept roaring.

It is struggling hard, and the low-level magic restraint has a tendency to split under its struggle.

Vito quickly bound two more magic spells, and the monster stopped moving.

But its eyeballs kept turning, driving the blood to slide down and land on the ground, making a screeching sound.

Vito immediately shouted: "Stay away from here!"

At this time, Lynn, Karis and others also came here.

"what happened?"

A serf talked about the situation just now. It turned out that they were going to work after breakfast, but the behavior of this man suddenly became weird. He shouted, said that he was in pain, and that he saw a monster.

People around thought she was sick, and then saw the woman turned into a monster.

"Who is she and where is she from?" Lynn asked.

Carliss thought about it and replied, "Ossana, from Orlis City, is a crystal apprentice."

"Huh?" Lynn frowned, "From Olis City?"

"Yes, a group of people came from there at that time." Karis reacted, "Master, do you doubt?"

"Find out all the people from Orlis City and detain them separately." Lynn said in a serious tone.

Carliss acted immediately, calling the patrol team and asking them to lock up the refugees from Olis City.

Fortunately, as soon as these people came to Ash Town, Carliss made a record for them, so that they could deal with the matter quickly.

In the uninhabited concrete houses, there is a person imprisoned in each of them. Through the windows, you can watch the situation inside.

The detainees were completely in a state of bewilderment, and they didn't know why the lord would do this.

Lynn asked a middle-aged man, "Has anyone turned into a monster in Olis City?"

The middle-aged man shook his head again and again.

After asking many people in succession, they all said the same thing. There is no need for these people to lie about this. That is to say, this is the first time that Ossana turned into a monster.

It's a pity that Ossana has lost her sanity and cannot communicate at all.

He came to the place where Ossana was held. This was a planned prison before, but only a few were built. After all, Lynn didn't expect to use it so soon.

In the prison, Ossana was holding onto the wall non-stop. When she heard someone coming, she ran over immediately. Unfortunately, she was blocked by the iron fence and couldn't get out at all.

Her mouth was drooling, and her eyes were bloodshot.

Lynn looked at her as if he saw a zombie, the two were so similar.

Vito said: "Could this be Shani's plan?"

Lynn agreed with him, "Normal people still have fear and fear, and they often choose to flee during battles, but if they become monsters without sanity, it will be different. These monsters will continue to fight. attacks until they are completely dead."

"These monsters have a certain degree of magic resistance, and low-level magic doesn't have a very good effect on them," Vito said.

"Their bodies are also stronger than ordinary people."

As Lynn spoke, he took out the knight sword and cut off the monster's arm.

The blood fell on the ground, corroding the ground, and the monster was in pain, but it aroused its ferocity even more, and Lin En was surprised to find that its wounds healed at an extremely fast speed.

In a short period of time, the bleeding stopped unexpectedly.

(End of this chapter)

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