Chapter 169 Attack
Vito frowned, his face was not good-looking, and he said: "This monster reminds me of something that happened before. Six years ago, a similar thing happened in the Kingdom of Grant, but the monster is not so powerful, and it is also extremely powerful. Greatly retains the physical signs of human beings and possesses a certain degree of sanity.

When the monster appeared, it happened to be discovered by a passing high-ranking mage, who imprisoned him for research and found that there were many traces of flesh and blood magic on his body. He was subjected to flesh and blood experiments before, although he did not find out who did it. However, it was preliminarily determined to be from the hands of the cultists. Since this incident did not cause any harm, it was not tracked down, and the monster was also disposed of.

Now this monster is somewhat similar to the previous one, but more powerful. I suspect that the two may be of the same type. After six years, they perfected the experiment. "

Lynn, "In other words, this plan started six years ago."

Just as they were talking, the monster's wound had completely healed, and some granulation sprouted, as if it was growing an arm again.

This rate is very slow, but it cannot be ignored.

Lynn asked, "What are the characteristics of that monster?"

He directly ignored why Vito knew such details, maybe the senior mage had something to do with them.

Vito thought for a while, "Show a desire for flesh and blood."

"Flesh." Lin En muttered twice, then turned around and said, "Bring pork."

Darcy moved the pork over and threw it in under Lynn's signal.

Smelling the smell of blood, the monster rushed over as if it had been aroused fiercely, biting heavily, and making a low growl sound.

As pieces of pork were eaten, the monster's aura continued to grow stronger, and its broken arm regenerated faster, and the granulation was like long wriggling snakes, constantly intertwined and entwined.

"This." Karis was stunned when he saw this scene.

Matthew said in a serious tone, "It's a big trouble."

As a person who has experienced countless things and has dealt with cultists, he knows exactly what kind of harm this monster will cause.

Once a monster appears in a place with a large population, it will grow into a terrifying existence in a short period of time. Those serfs and free people who have no strength are no opponents of the monster at all. They will only be devoured to increase the strength of the monster.

Even if you encounter a knight and kill it, as long as you don't kill it completely in the first place, the monster can rely on flesh and blood to recover.

It can fight, recover, and grow. The harm of this monster will be unimaginable.

Lynn said suddenly: "Is the flesh and blood of the previous Warcraft still there?"

"Yes." Matthew replied, he understood what Lynn meant.

Matthew immediately asked Darcy to bring over the remaining flesh and blood of the Warcraft and throw it inside.

When the monster smelled the flesh and blood of the monster, it made a sharp sound, as if extremely excited, rushed up, opened its mouth, and ate twice the amount of meat in one bite.

After taking a mouthful of the monster's flesh, the aura on the monster's body strengthened again, and the granulation on its broken arm grew faster.

After eating all the monster's flesh and blood, the monster roared, its arms regrown, its sharp teeth bulged, and its mouth cracked into four pieces, with densely packed teeth growing on it.

Its body swelled up, its skin was torn apart, but it became tougher, and its height went from 1.5 meters before to 1.8 meters now.

The muscle textures on the monster's body were full of strength, and it was impossible to tell that it was a woman before.

Not only that, black holes appeared on its body, and sharp long thorns grew out of it.

As soon as the long thorn appeared, it was launched instantly.

Lynn and Matthew inspired the knights to protect everyone.

The long thorns bombarded the knight's guard, making the sound of gold and iron intersecting, as if these long thorns were made of iron.

A round of long thorns attacked, and the monster's body grew again, but at a slower speed.

In addition to the long thorns that bombarded the knight's guard, the other part bombarded the wall, and the solid concrete wall was hit to create deep pits.

After the attack, the monster didn't continue to move. Instead, it stood still and looked at the group of people outside. Its eyes were still red, but a thoughtful expression could be seen on its face.

"It's a big trouble."

This time it was Vito who said it.

"It's going to change."

Listening to the commotion here, Hamid, who rushed over, saw this scene, and couldn't help but say such a sentence.

Lynn didn't speak for a long time.

He looked at Vito and said, "If all the missing people in Orlis City turned into such monsters, what kind of consequences do you think will result?"

"Unless high-level knights and mages directly suppress them, once they are given a chance to grow, I'm afraid." Vito paused, "Even the elite of the kingdom are no match for them."

This kind of monster is really terrifying. It hasn't been long since just now. It was only fed once with ordinary pork and a part of the flesh and blood of a monster, and it can evolve to this level.

By devouring flesh and blood, one's strength increases, and the most indispensable thing is flesh and blood.

Things have happened in Olis City for so long, and no one knows how far these monsters have evolved.

If they were given more time, it would be useless to use all the force of the Kais Kingdom.

Unless the legendary mage directly used the forbidden spell to destroy the entire city of Olis.

Vito and Lynn looked at each other, seeing the seriousness in their eyes.

Lynn said: "If you want your results not to be destroyed, it's best to hurry up."

Vito was so shocked that the other party almost declared that he was a dark cultist.

To be able to know that the Kingdom of Keith is their achievement must be a member of the Dark Church. Could it be that Lynn is also a member of the Dark Church.

Due to the constant search of the Holy Church, the dark believers will not easily reveal their true identities, so he does not know how many dark believers there are.

He quietly used the dark church's unique probing magic, and anyone who was a member of the dark church would get a response.

However, he didn't get any response from Lynn. The other party is not a dark believer, so how did he know these things.

Just when Vito was thinking, Lynn said: "Now is not the time for inkblotting, some things will be discussed later."

"Sir, what to do with it?" Caris asked.

"Close it first, apply magic to the surroundings, make sure you won't escape, don't give any food, don't let people approach here." Lynn looked at Hamid, "I need your help to conduct research and see what else it has characteristic."

Hamid nodded.

Lynn ordered a few more words before taking Vito back to the castle and letting the others leave.

He got straight to the point and said directly: "Do you suspect that I am a Dark Cultist?"

Vito didn't expect him to be so direct, so he hummed and waited for his next words.

"I can tell you that I am not a dark believer. The reason why I know so much is because I know some friends. Moreover, I don't care about the hatred between you and the Holy Church. It doesn't matter what happens between you, but now Ollie The problems that happened in Sicheng will affect Ashes Town, so I can only take care of them.

Since you are His Royal Highness of the Kais Kingdom and a dark believer, you should know that there must be no problems in the Kais Kingdom. I hope you can pay attention to this matter and don't send a few powerful believers to solve it. People are devoured by monsters to increase their strength, and then send some people over such stupid things.

Either do it all at once and don't give the monsters time to develop. "

Lynn clearly knows how backward the battles in this world are. From mobilization to the beginning, it takes a lot of time in the middle, and he especially likes to do this kind of wave after wave of free things.

In the end, the monsters grew up completely, and if they wanted to solve them, they could only use the forbidden spell, and in that way, the whole city would be gone.

Vito showed embarrassment, "To be honest, I really can't do what you said. The church is more complicated, and high-level existences have their own affairs. They won't let it go because of such a trivial matter, even if I say this If things are left alone, they will develop into major events, and their attitude is to wait until the development is complete."

Lynn: "."

He couldn't help complaining, "No wonder you guys fail. With such an attitude, whoever fails if you don't fail."

"The reason for our failure is not because of this, but because of the gods." Vito stopped, "Don't talk about this, it's useless."

"How many high-level transcendents can you mobilize?"

"The number of senior knights and mages is more than ten and five or six respectively."

Lynn: "The elite of the Kais Kingdom must be very strong if they can fight against the Church."

"Actually, the Kais Kingdom is not as strong as you imagined, because the vast majority of people have faith, which can make them stronger, but the Kais Kingdom does not allow too many churches to be established, even if they are established, It also needs to be dominated by the kingdom, which has caused many strong people to be unwilling to join the kingdom.

Moreover, there have been some accidents in the kingdom of Kais in the past few years."

Vito sighed.

"Then how many extraordinary people can you transfer over, regardless of level."

"There are more than 200 junior knights and more than 30 junior mages. As for those above the intermediate level, they can only be transferred after the application is answered."

"Well, I overestimated the strength of the Kais Kingdom and you." Lynn was a little speechless.

"Then you transfer all these people over first and give them to me for training, but I want to tell you that these people must obey my words, and there must be no violations. It is best to have a contract limit."

"What do you want to do?" Vito was puzzled.

"If you want to deal with this matter, just follow my instructions. Don't worry, I will not let them die. The contract also has a limited time. As long as the task is completed, they will be free."

Vito looked at him and said what he thought, "To be honest, I don't believe you."

"If you say you believe me, it proves that you have a brain problem." Lynn said mercilessly, "Trusting an outsider easily will only lead to a miserable death for you, but this time you have to believe.

I know your true identity. The reason why you received the letter is because of my suggestion. If I don’t care about Olis City, then there is no need to remind you at all, and there is no need to use the communication bird to send messages. . "

Hearing the communication bird, Vito's pupils shrank suddenly. Only the messenger could know it. If he was not the messenger, how much trust did the messenger have to tell Lynn this secret.

"Count Olis is my father. Once a war breaks out, I will also be affected. With my strength, it is difficult to survive the civil strife in the kingdom and now the monsters.

I don't want to suffer that kind of thing, I don't want to be called a traitor, and I don't want to flee everywhere in the future. You should know what the consequences will be like. "

Vito nodded, that's the case with the dark cultists. He, who is at the top of the royal family, naturally doesn't need to worry, but most of the dark cultists are like sewer rats.

If possible, no one wants to do this.

"I have to do everything I can to change the situation, and everything I do is for myself."

"You are honest." Vito said, "If you say it is for others, for the kingdom, then I will not believe it. Only for myself is the most true. I will transfer the knights here as soon as possible."

After speaking, he left here.

Lynn looked at the back of the other party and didn't speak for a long time.

He went to Master Roland and discussed some things with him.

Time passed slowly, and even Ashes Town, which was in the sunset forest, felt like a storm was about to come.

The workers stopped mining and reclamation one after another, and spent most of their manpower on building the city wall.

The city wall has begun to take shape, but the workers have no intention of stopping.

The two workshops are also working overtime, even at night, especially the forging workshop, where the sound of iron can be heard from morning till night.

Finally, the knights and mages mobilized by Vito came to the town of Ashes.

When seeing these knights, Lynn immediately understood that these people should be Vito's private soldiers, and some of them were dark believers.

What happened to the Kingdom of Keith, even the elite couldn't be transferred.

Lynn suddenly had a feeling that Keith's kingdom was about to end.

But he didn't think too much about it right now, he had to deal with the current problem first.

Vito came to the castle hall and handed over the magic scroll, "This is the contract scroll. All my subordinates have signed their names on it. As long as it doesn't involve life and death, they will obey your words."

Lin En took over the magic scroll, and after confirming that it was correct, he said, "Now it's time for you to see my preparations."

He went out, looked at the many supernatural beings who were fooling around, and said, "Line up, stand at attention."

These people lined up in an instant, facing him neatly.

"Go forward one team at a time!"

Vito didn't know why, but he followed him to the gate of the workshop.

(End of this chapter)

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