Chapter 19
After drinking two pots of mushroom soup in a row, everyone present, whether it was old Tom who had eaten it long ago, or Karis who came from the castle, were deeply attracted by the mushroom soup.

Even though their stomachs were already distended, they still looked at the empty soup pot.

Karis couldn't help admiring: "I didn't expect there to be such delicious mushrooms. If the Earl knew about them, he would definitely like them. Young master, should we pick some and send them to the castle?"

Lynn shook his head, "These mushrooms are just freshly picked, and they will be dry long before they are delivered to the castle. My father may not only praise me, but blame me instead."

Carliss thought about it, but it was the same reason, who made it so far away from the castle.

Lynn continued: "Since this mushroom can be eaten, it will be used as a dish in the future. There are a lot of mushrooms in that place. Old Tom, you take a few people to pick them regularly, and keep a small part for you to eat, and the rest will be given away." to the castle here.

In addition, pay attention to protecting the mushroom production area, and do not allow casual people to enter and exit at will. If you dare to violate it, you will be hanged directly. "

This is the first time Lynn has issued such a strict order, and the protection of the chicken fir fungus is self-evident.

He thought of another thing, and added: "Any wood or soil from the mushroom production area cannot be taken away, otherwise the wood destroyer will be brought out, and the consequences are unimaginable."

Old Tom knelt down, "Follow the Lord's orders!"

Carliss asked a question, "Master, what should we call this mushroom? As its discoverer, you have the right to name it."

Lin En thought for a while, and wanted to call it a chicken fir mushroom, but gave up, and said: "It looks a bit like an arrow, so let's call it an arrow mushroom."

"Good name!" Karis took the lead in praising.

After confirming the name of the new variety of mushrooms, Old Tom also left the castle, and went back to find a few nimble people to pick mushrooms.

Farr did not leave, he seemed hesitant to speak.

Lynn noticed his appearance and asked, "What's the matter, what's the matter?"

Farr felt embarrassed, "Dear lord, the mushroom soup just now is so delicious that people can't forget it after drinking it. I still have Tiny and the children at home. Can I buy some and let them also eat it?" Try it."

Lynn nodded, "Of course, I picked a lot, and you can take some away."

"No, no, I have to give money. Anything found in the territory is your personal property, Lord Lord. It is illegal to take it away without permission." Farr shook his head repeatedly.

Lin En's heart moved. He was in a good mood when he found the arrowhead mushroom, so he ignored it. This place is not like the place he was in before. All the lords are inviolable. Anyone who violates it can be hanged immediately.

At the same time, he also thought about the sale of arrowhead mushrooms. Although Ashes Town is poor, it is still a town after all, and there are still some free people.

"My lord?" Farr said carefully.

Lin En came back to his senses, asked Farr to pay five copper coins and took away two arrowhead mushrooms.


The moonlight is bright and clear, and it falls on the earth.

Lynn sat in front of the desk with five copper coins on it, looking at the panel in front of him.

Task [-]: The townsman Farr has encountered some troubles recently. The wooden furniture in his home has become broken for no reason. Help to find the problem. After completing the task, you can get a continuous bow and crossbow. (Completed) [Whether to receive rewards]

After Lynn chose Yes, a repeating crossbow suddenly appeared on the table.

The shape of the crossbow is special. Overall, it looks like a pistol with a big head. There is an arrow slot on the top, which contains arrows. The stem of the crossbow is curved, and the weight is not too heavy.

Lin En's mood was a bit complicated. He thought that the iron continuous crossbow that he would be rewarded with was a very powerful weapon. Even low-level knights could not compete with it, and it could be a great help for him.

Unexpectedly, the continuous crossbow is made of wood, and it can actually be called a Zhuge crossbow.

Lin En held the crossbow in his hand and aimed it at the wall, and as he pulled it, he heard a whistling sound.

There is a slender crossbow on the wall, firmly nailed to it.

Lin En pulled again, three times in a row, and all three crossbow bolts were nailed to the wall.

He walked over and pulled out the crossbow with all his strength. The crossbow had penetrated more than two inches. If it were a human being, it would be fatal at close range.

There are twelve crossbow arrows in the arrow groove, and the crossbow arrows can be shot out only by pulling differently.

Compared with bows and arrows, except for those powerful archers who can shoot two arrows and three arrows, ordinary people use it, but continuous bows and crossbows are more practical.

As for the crossbow, it is not that difficult to make. The raw material is wood, and the most important thing in Ash Town is wood.

It's a pity that Ashes Town doesn't have iron ore, otherwise iron crossbow bolts would be far more powerful than wooden crossbow bolts.

After playing with it a few times, Lin En hid the bow and crossbow.

He saw that the second task hadn't been completed yet, so he knew that someone was still throwing dirt on the street.

There was a knock on the door.

"Master, are you asleep?"

Lynn: "."

"come in!"

Karis came in from the outside and said, "Master, I came here to tell you something."

He looked like he didn't know how to speak, which made Lynn helpless, "Tell me, I won't blame you."

"Aren't you a bit too majestic without a lord?" Karis said.

After speaking at the beginning, Carliss's follow-up words were all thrown out in one go.

"You are a little too kind to the serfs. Serfs are obviously the most humble people. They should do things for the lord, and they don't deserve to enjoy those arrowhead mushrooms. Not only did you let them eat, but you didn't collect money.

Also, even though the free people are very important to the territory, there is no need to pay attention to them blindly. If things go on like this, it will only give them the illusion that you have no majesty, and cause a lot of trouble. For a lord, this is not a good thing In the past, there were aristocratic lords who were friendly and kind to the people, but they were killed by the free people and the serfs."

Karlis gave many examples. Some lords are kind-hearted, some lords are cowardly, and some people are pure virgins.

Lynn patiently listened to Carliss' babbling, he knew that the other party was thinking of himself.

"Caris, if you blindly squeeze these serfs, what will happen?"

Karis was stunned, "You are the lord, and the serf is your property. You can do whatever you want, and there will be no consequences at all."

Lynn said seriously: "Caris, you should know one thing. Serfs are human beings, and they also have anger. You can't push them hard. For other lords, they don't care because they have great power, but I don't."

(End of this chapter)

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