Chapter 20 Gifts
Only strong strength can suppress everything. This sentence can be called the truth for Lin En, who has been a man for two lifetimes.

Before he has enough strength, he doesn't need to force the serf too hard, otherwise he will inevitably suffer backlash.

Karis is purely aristocratic in thinking. Although he is a freeman, he has a heart to become a nobleman, and his thinking tends to be noble. Naturally, he looks down on these serfs and treats them like slaves.

Lin En is not, he is very aware of the strength of the peasants, regardless of the low individual strength, but if tens of thousands of serfs unite together, it will be different.

"Caris, you said that I lack the majesty of a lord. In fact, majesty is not formed by endless pressure. My father once said to me that a moderate relaxation of restrictions will make the people more sincere to you. said Lynn.

Carliss looked enlightened, "So that's the reason, my thinking is too narrow, young master, you are worthy of being the son of the Earl, I believe Ashes Town will eventually achieve glory under your leadership."

Lynn waved his hand, "I'm tired!"

Carliss leaves the room.

Lynn shook his head slightly, and felt more and more that Caris had a sense of stupid cuteness. The Earl had never said such a thing to him, and it was nothing more than he used it to fool Caris.

The knocking sounded not only in castles.

In front of a house on the south side of the town, a man stood at the door.

"Sir, it's me!"

As the door opened, a bearded man in rough clothes and bark shoes walked in.

Raff sat on the chair and yawned, "Ava, what are you doing here so late?"

The man called Ava put the thing in his hand on the table. It was a pair of exquisite cowhide boots, brushed with tree oil, which reflected the luster under the candlelight.

When Raff saw the boots, his eyes moved. For a man, a pair of exquisite boots represents a noble status, especially the material of these boots is good, and the value is naturally not ordinary.

"My lord, this is the cowhide I have treasured for a long time. I originally wanted to make a pair of shoes for myself, but later I realized that my humble status is not worthy of using such a precious material. You are the best choice." Awa Dai Said flatteringly.

There was a flattering smile on his face, and he rubbed his hands together nervously.

Raff looked at his boots and asked, "Don't forget, our lord is here, and he is a real nobleman."

Ava hurriedly replied, "That nobleman is just a child. Being assigned to Ashes Town is nothing more than that the nobleman wants to experience it, and he might leave after a while. After all, Ashes Town is so backward, it's not that the nobleman is willing to stay for a long time. You are the real ruler of the town."

Raff was very pleased with his words. He took the boots and put them on his feet. It didn't fit well, but the most important thing was the identity represented by the cowhide boots.

"The boots are nice, I like them very much, what do you want to do?"

Ava breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that the matter was settled, he quickly stated the purpose of this time, "My lord, the lord has issued an order to clean the streets and not to allow random spilling of dirt, which seriously affects my life. For business, I just want to ask if I can stop doing this."

Raff smiled, and was not surprised by his question. The shoemaker came here to look for him, just for this matter.

"We can't stop the lord's decision, but I know that many nobles are just thinking for a while. It has been a few days now, and the lord has changed."

Ava was no longer worried or afraid, and his face was covered with a light smile, "Thank you, my lord. I will make a pair of boots for you when there are new cowhide in the future."

"Damn it, who threw feces at my door!"

"Damn it, don't let me catch it."

Early in the morning, the sound of cursing came from the streets of the town.

After two days of cleaning, the dirt on the street was finally cleaned up. They found that the shoes in the past two days were much cleaner, and they didn't have to wash them.

The townspeople thought they could work harder, but after one night, they would still see dirt the next day.

Especially today, some people's doorways were splashed with feces. When they went out, they accidentally stepped on it and had to clean it.

Ava was bouncing and walking on the road, with a smile on his face like a flower.

"It's just feces, so what's the matter? If you want me to tell you, this is normal. Why do you have to clean it? It was fine like it used to be."

After hearing his words, the townspeople said, "This is an order from the lord!"

"The order is the order. Maybe it was a sudden thought of the lord. He will forget it in a few days. Besides, if you are not allowed to throw dung on the street, where should you throw it? Is it possible that you have to go all the way and throw it somewhere else?" It’s a waste of time to come and go.” Ava’s tone was full of indifference.

Some people couldn't help but nodded. They were used to splashing outside the door as soon as they opened it, which saved time and effort, and they didn't understand the orders of the lord.

But some people think differently.

"Ava, looking at you like this, I suspect that you poured the feces at my door. Who doesn't know that you have been complaining."

"Yes, the street is clean, and it will definitely affect your business."

Ava's eyes were wide open, and his neck was stuck, "I was the one who splashed it, what's wrong."

The townspeople were speechless, they didn't expect Ava to admit it like that.

Among the crowd, there was a small man who ran away quickly.

"Aren't those noble castles all like this, we are just a small town, why clean this?"

On the street, Ava yelled, and with the mayor's words, he felt very confident.

As a shoemaker, his business is quite good, but the number of people coming to the shop has decreased in the past two days. He is keenly aware of this. After some investigation, he found a problem.

If the roads become clean, the townspeople will reduce the frequency of cleaning their shoes, which will prolong the life of the shoes. Originally, they would come to the store every few days to repair them, but now it may take a long time to come here.

If he earns less money, his own quality of life will naturally decline.

What's even more frightening is that if the streets are kept clean in the future, he will continue to make less money. This is something he cannot accept, so he will ask the mayor with his cowhide boots.

The mayor gave a clear answer. Of course, Ava is unscrupulous. If there is not enough feces in the house, he even wants to pave the entire street.

"But that's the Lord Lord's order." A townsman said again.

(End of this chapter)

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