I, a fallen nobleman, started the farming system

Chapter 52 Ask a question and you will be rewarded

Chapter 52 Ask a question and you will be rewarded
The three maids, Ellie, Nisha, and Jimmy were cutting potatoes with a knife in their hands. This was the first time they had seen this thing, and they were very curious about what it was.

Putting the sliced ​​potatoes in the jar, Ellie's hands were sticky, her fingers were stretched, and she could still see a trace of crystal liquid connection.

"What the hell is this? It can still be drawn." Allie said.

When Nisha saw her movements, she thought of something, blushed, and lowered her head. Fortunately, the rest of the people didn't notice her appearance.

Lynn replied with a smile, "This is a good thing. If we grow it, we won't need to worry about food shortages in the future."

The maids still don't understand, but they know one thing, everything the lord does has his reasons.

The morning passed quickly, and Carliss and the servants came back with the ashes on their backs. They were exhausted and out of breath, with dust all over their faces, arms and clothes.

"Young master, you got the plant ash back, what are you doing for it?"

Carliss put it down and beat his shoulders. Even though the townspeople went to every house to ask for plant ash, and the individual servings were not heavy, they were not heavy when gathered together. He was already old and his body was not as good as on young people.

He was so happy that he forgot to ask what is the use of collecting plant ash when he heard the young master said that he would soon break through and become a knight.

Lynn and the others have already cut up a large bag of potatoes and put them in multiple jars.

Hearing Carliss' inquiry, Lynn pointed, "Of course it's for potatoes."

"Potatoes?" Karis was puzzled, and came over to take a look. There were pieces, and they exuded a special smell.

"What is this potato?"

Lynn didn't mean to explain any more, there were no potatoes here.

"Grant stayed behind, saying that he could help me solve some of my food shortage problems." Lynn replied casually.

It has to be said that Grant's arrival really provided Lynn with an excuse.

Sure enough, after hearing about what His Highness had left behind, Karis had no doubts.

"You pour in the plant ash, and mix these potato pieces with the plant ash evenly. Be careful, it must be light." Lynn arranged the servants to work.

The servant put the ash into the jar and kept grabbing it with his hands. The potato pieces were soon covered with ash.

Lin En stood at the door and watched them busy, thinking about the past. They used to plant five or six acres of potatoes in their family, and they would do this before planting, pouring the cut potato pieces into the plant ash, First, it can reduce the rot, and second, it can also effectively control diseases and insect pests.

At that time, the three of them had to work for several days to be accurate and complete, and Lin En was so tired that he was busy making potatoes in his dreams at night.

The potatoes they harvested that year were not very big, and they didn’t look so good-looking, because they didn’t use much pesticides. Save it for yourself.

Those good-looking and big potatoes on the market cannot be separated from the irrigation of pesticides.

"Master, master!" Callis called.

Lynn came back to his senses, "What's wrong?"

"It's done, take a look."

Lynn took a look and saw that they were overseeing the work, and the servants were very serious about their work.

"Pack up these potato wedges and let's find old Tom," said Lynn.

The carriage drove on the clean street and soon came to the ground.

The situation here has changed a lot compared to before. Lin En ordered the serfs to cut down trees, reclaim the land, build houses, and plan the layout.

Thanks to Lin En's high status among the serfs, and the fact that these houses were built for them to live in, the serfs were quite motivated. It has only been a few days, and they have already cut down a large number of trees and are cutting them down. Cut it apart.

When the serfs saw the lord coming here, they all ran over to salute and shouted to the lord.

Lynn nodded slightly, "There are two things here this time. The first thing is that I brought a lot of potatoes and I need you to plant them in the ground. This is a high-yield crop with a shorter growth period than wheat. A lot, after harvest, we can solve the problem of food shortage.

The second thing, I hope you will share the things you have encountered recently, the difficulties you have encountered, and your thoughts on deforestation and land reclamation. "

Serfs, you look at me, and I look at you.

For them, this is the first time they have heard of potatoes, but the lord has said that this can be eaten, it is a good thing, they will naturally take it seriously, but the second sentence the lord said made them wonder How did you answer.

Lynn looked at their expressions, understood their worries, and said, "You don't have to worry about me getting angry. What I need is to raise and solve problems. Only when there are no problems can the territory develop."

The serfs still didn't speak, which made Lin En sigh. They have gone through the long-term oppression and influence of the aristocratic system, and they have become numb. They don't see themselves as human beings. They only have one thought in their minds, that is, whatever the lord says , they don't need to disagree, because once they say it, they will be hanged.

Lynn understands them very well. There are good and bad things about this situation. The good thing is that you don't have to worry about their resistance. The bad thing is that they are too obedient and dare not speak out. This has caused a lot of problems at the grassroots level in many territories, but the nobles don't know it at all. It's too late to fix the problem until it affects them.

"My lord!" Old Tom looked up. "I have something to say."

Lynn nodded, "Go ahead."

"Tools are needed to cut down trees, but we don't have many axes here, and agricultural tools are needed to reclaim the land. The wooden shovel is damaged a lot, and there are too few two heavy plows. The speed of reclamation is very slow."

Old Tom hesitated for a moment and said, "The number of serfs is also a bit small. There are not enough of us. Even if we take turns pulling the heavy plow, we still need to rest."

Karis frowned and wanted to say something, but was held back by Lynn's eyes.

"Very good!" Lynn praised, "Old Tom took the initiative to speak out about the problem and should be rewarded. I will provide you with black bread and mushroom soup today."

As soon as these words came out, the serfs were all surprised. They didn't expect that the lord not only didn't get angry, but instead rewarded Old Tom. This is simply impossible.

"Thank you Lord Lord, you are as bright as a ray of light." Old Tom knelt down and bowed.

Lin En glanced around the serfs, "After getting along for a while, you should also know that I'm not the kind of lord who hangs people at will. As long as you obey and do things, what I ask and what you say, then not only will you not be punished, There will be rewards."

(End of this chapter)

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