Chapter 53 Raph's Secret

Lin En's tangible rewards changed the minds of the serfs. All along, they had been taught not to say anything. Not only was it useless, but it would also arouse the anger of the nobles, and they lost their lives for nothing.

But the current lords are completely different, breaking their inherent impression of nobles.

Lynn naturally noticed the change in their expressions, and said again, "Now, let's talk about the problem."

The serfs rushed to answer in order to get a reward.

A few minutes passed, and Lynn rewarded several people with black bread and mushroom soup. The other serfs felt regretful, and wished they had answered earlier.

Lynn said in a timely manner: "If you have any problems in the future, you can directly tell Old Tom and let him come and tell me, but I need to say one thing, don't talk about some small problems that you can solve by yourself."

The serfs nodded quickly.

"You guys go plant potatoes, remember, this is the way to go."

Lin En told the serf how to grow potatoes, which was similar to growing wheat, and it was not difficult.

Standing on the ground, Lin En watched the serfs work. Their speed was not fast, they lacked agricultural tools, and they did not have horses to pull heavy plows. Even if they were highly motivated, they could not improve their efficiency too much.

"Caris, have you heard all the questions the serfs said?" Lynn asked suddenly.

"heard it."

"Remember, these problems are the most basic agricultural difficulties, and agricultural planting is very important in the development of the territory. Without food, the serfs will starve, and naturally they will not have the strength to do other things. This will delay the improvement of the territory's economy. Speed, reduced income, and less money will affect our purchases, forming a vicious circle." Lynn said in a serious tone.

"To solve this problem, there are two methods. One is to open trade routes. We enter other towns for transactions. Caravans from other places can also come to Ashes Town to trade. The other is war plunder. The latter needs to bear too much risk, and we don’t have the strength to do it.”

Lynn said to himself, "Don't look at everything is developing steadily now, but the speed is still too slow, and there are still unstable factors, especially this factor, which must be resolved."

Karis couldn't keep up with the young master's train of thought, but he understood the first sentence.

"Master, after you become a knight, we don't have to worry about it, we can do it then."

Lynn didn't listen to Karis' imagination, because he didn't know that he had become a knight, and he didn't know what the unstable factors he said were.


Lynn thought in his heart that he hadn't taken care of it on purpose before, and at most let little Tom follow it. Now it seems that it has to be dealt with. He is also curious about the iron mine.

The potato pieces were planted one by one by the serfs. Lynn didn't stay in the farmland for too long. Seeing that they were not lazy and they were doing well, they returned to the castle.

In the afternoon, Lynn asked Carliss to deliver black bread and mushroom soup.

Seeing that the lord really did what he said, the serfs praised the lord one after another, and Lin En's prestige was once again enhanced.

night time.

In the darkness, a figure hid in a corner, staring at Raff's door.

"Mission [-]: For a long time, townspeople and serfs have been drinking light beer, but due to the poverty of Ashes Town, most people cannot brew beer and choose to drink unclean water directly, which leads to physical problems. To improve this phenomenon, reward the citizens Increased sense of happiness, drawings of waterwheels. (Completed) [Whether to receive rewards]"

Lynn was taken aback, this task was completed a little too fast. I thought it would take a few weeks to improve, but I didn't expect it to be completed in a few days.

He was not in a hurry to claim the reward.

During the day, he thought about getting rid of the unstable factor of Raff, and by the way, he came to see if Raff would go out at night. He was already planning to stay up all night.

Time passed bit by bit, the moon was covered by dark clouds, and Ashes Town was pitch black.

There was a creaking sound, and Lynn looked over immediately.

Raff opened the door, looked around cautiously, and left quickly after making sure that there was no one there.

Lin En came out from the corner and followed behind. He didn't follow too closely to avoid being noticed. After becoming a knight, I don't know if it is the same for all knights. His eyesight has been enhanced, and he can see even at night. See clearly what is far away.

Raff came to the field, did not stay, and got into the forest.

He didn't go deep at the first time, but hid in the tree, looked at the direction he came from, and after waiting for ten minutes, he made sure that no one came down from the tree.

Lynn appeared, his brows were tightly frowned. Raff was a little too cautious. He didn't notice Little Tom's stalking before, but he was still so cautious. It seemed that something was wrong. Could it be that his secret was so secret that he had to be so cautious? Do.

Raff went up the river until he came to the water pool. After walking to the right for a while, there appeared a lot of tall trees, with vines entwined on them and connected to each other, like a huge net Same.

The thick tree roots are exposed on the ground, forming tree holes, and the vines above hang down. If you are far away, you will not notice the situation here.

Lynn watched Raff get into a tree hole. After waiting for a while, he came over and looked at the situation inside. It was so dark that he couldn't see anything clearly. He hesitated and entered inside.

The water droplets fell, making a clear sound, and there were a lot of tiny roots on both sides of the passage.

After he walked a few hundred meters, the space in front of him instantly opened up. The surrounding walls were steep and full of traces of artificial mining. It was like an abandoned cave, with many stones on the ground.

Lynn noticed a different color inside the wall. He observed it carefully and raised his eyebrows. It was iron ore.

As he continued walking, he heard Raff's voice.

Lynn hid behind a stone, approached slowly, and saw Raff talking with another thin man.

"How many days are left?"

"Depending on the situation, it can be completed in another three or four days, my lord, by then you will be a distinguished nobleman, and you can still become a..."

"Okay, you haven't broken the seal yet, so don't think too much about it. His highness came to the town suddenly a few days ago. He didn't know what the purpose was. It scared me so much that I didn't dare to come here. I suspect that they discovered the secret here. , fortunately the other party has left."

"Now is the last period to break the seal, so don't make any problems."

"My lord, today I heard from the serf that Lynn brought out some potatoes for them to plant. It seems that he wants to stay in Ashes Town forever."

 Thanks to book friend 20210421222709091 for the reward

(End of this chapter)

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