Chapter 8 Planting
The raging flames in the farmland burned for two days, and the whole land was covered with ashes. The serfs rummaged through the soil, but no more squirming insects were seen.

The evil was burned, and the glory of the lord shone on the earth.

This is the idea of ​​the serfs, who firmly believe that under the leadership of the lord, they will eventually lead to a glorious future.

In the dilapidated house, Old Tom looked at the sleeping child lying on the ground, with a happy smile on his face.

The child was only seven or eight years old, his face and body were muddy, and he was thin and weak, but in the eyes of Old Tom, this was his greatest treasure.

He absolutely does not allow any accidents to happen to the child. Before the farmland was cursed, he was worried every day that the child would also be cursed. Fortunately, the lord successfully wiped out the curse with the help of the power of the flame.

Old Tom felt that the lord was more reliable than the mayor, who did the thing of forcibly burning the serfs to death.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, the lord has said that those lines were scratched by the serfs themselves, and they are not so-called curses at all. Those serfs who have been reduced to ashes are really wronged.

Speaking of which, since the mayor came here, the town of Ashes has been worse year after year. It was obviously profitable before, and he felt that the behavior of the mayor was a bit weird. He had seen the mayor walking through the Farmland, I don't know where it went.

Why is the mayor not afraid of the curse?

Old Tom couldn't understand it, and he didn't dare to think too much about it. There was a huge difference between the status of a serf and a freeman.

"The Lord is here!"

There were noisy sounds outside, followed by the sound of serfs rushing out.

The son opened his eyes, not knowing what happened, Old Tom grabbed his arm, "The lord is here, let's go out quickly."

Lin En got off the carriage, looked at the black land not far away, and nodded slightly. After burning the straw, the bugs in it were naturally burned to death.

Under the sunlight, the surface of the black soil glows with oil. If you plant crops, it will definitely lead to a bumper harvest.

The serfs scrambled out of the dilapidated house, knelt down on the ground, and shouted for the lord.

Compared with the previous two days, their spirits were much better. Although they were still sallow and emaciated, their eyes were brightened, they were no longer affected by the curse, and they had hope for their future lives.

And all of this was bestowed by the lord.

Lin En was very satisfied with this. Although they were serfs, they also represented people. As long as people have faith, they will exert greater power.

Lynn walked to Old Tom, looking at the little boy beside him.

The little boy was not very old, with only a few pieces of rags to cover his body, his face and body were pitch black, but his eyes were very bright, with the curiosity of a child.

He looked up at Lynn, not knowing what was going on in his mind.

Old Tom noticed his son's disrespect, quickly pressed his head to the ground, kowtowed, "I'm sorry, my lord, my son didn't mean to offend you."

He was really afraid that if he looked directly into the serf's eyes without the permission of the nobleman, it would be an insult to the nobleman and he would be hanged.

"This is your son. It seems that the age difference between you is a bit big." Lynn didn't blame him, but asked suspiciously.

Serfs were allowed to have children, and every child born meant an extra territory for the lord. In the territory, the number of serfs was very important, which meant that more people could work.

Old Tom quickly explained that the birth of the child was an accident. When he was about four years old, his mother got sick and died. It's called Little Tom.

Lynn understood. To put it bluntly, Old Tom didn't control himself, and he had a hit. He wanted a child so much, so he simply let the woman give birth.

"The land is cursed, how did you survive with your child?" Lynn was a little puzzled.

The serfs themselves couldn't eat enough or wear clothes, and if they brought such an oil bottle, the difficulty of surviving would definitely increase several times.

Old Tom said: "The land was not cursed before, and the crops planted would have a good harvest every year. We didn't have to worry too much about the food problem. Just five years ago, due to the curse, the crops stopped growing and the children were hungry. I can only Venture into the forest to find something to eat"

After Old Tom's description, Lynn also had to admire him. He had indeed fulfilled his father's duty. Everyone in Ashes Town knew that there were monsters in the forest. Resolutely go in.

"Mushroom, the mushroom you said?" Lynn's eyes moved slightly.

Old Tom said with some pride: "My lord, there are many kinds of mushrooms. Some mushrooms will make your body weak if you eat them, and some will die if you eat them. I can distinguish more than a dozen kinds of mushrooms. Many people survived, and later the mayor said it was too dangerous to do so, so I was not allowed to enter the forest again."

More than half of the serfs here survived after eating the mushrooms he found, and Old Tom had a certain prestige among them.

"You don't have to worry about food in the future!" Lynn raised his voice.

He asked his servants to take out the wheat seeds in the carriage, "I will provide you with wheat seeds for planting. These are the high-quality wheat seeds I brought from the castle. You should plant the seeds first, and I will continue to give them to you later. Bring the seeds."

When he left the castle, Lynn brought a lot of seeds with him. He mixed the high-quality wheat seeds rewarded by the system into it, so that no one would be bored to check it.

In order to make sure the matter was safe, he hadn't asked Karis to follow him.

After obtaining consent, the serfs stepped forward to look at the wheat seeds in the bag, and made a surprised sound.

The wheat seeds they had seen before were small and deflated, but they were not as full as this one.

The serfs were all shocked. As expected of the lord, even the high-quality wheat was willing to take out high-quality wheat for planting.

With no curse and high-quality wheat seeds again, the serfs were as excited as if they had been injected with chicken blood. They took their tools and started farming.

Lynn left a servant behind to let him watch the serfs plant crops, and he went all the way back to Ash Town. If he wanted to know the territory, he couldn't just stay in the house and wait for his subordinates to report, he had to go there with his own eyes. Look at the specific life of the people.

The roads are covered with feces, and the stench is lingering. Even if there are not many people in Ash Town, the amount of feces accumulated every day is not a small amount.

(End of this chapter)

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