Chapter 9

"Things that should be hanged, damn it!"

"I want to throw Couric's stinky shoes in his face!"

Karis, who was walking on the road, was cursing, with an ugly expression on his face. He couldn't help stomping, stepped on feces, and splashed on his pants and face.

He subconsciously stretched out his hand to wipe it, seeing the stickiness on his hand, he felt like he was about to collapse.

He had never experienced such a thing in the castle before. He was always respected by others instead of being fooled like this.

Master Lynn arranged for him to ask Raff for seeds. Now that it is the season of spring plowing, it is necessary to sow seeds in time during this period to ensure that the crops will be harvested in the harvest season.

They have already taken out some of the barley seeds they brought over, but this is far from enough for hundreds of acres of fields.

Now that the curse has been resolved, as long as the fields are sown, there will definitely be a bumper harvest. The key lies in the problem of seeds.

As the mayor of Ashes Town, Raff will definitely not lack food seeds in his family. Carliss' task today is to get the seeds from the opponent.

But as soon as it passed, Raff was always grateful to the lord. After he finished speaking, he finally told him the purpose.

He was dizzy after all the talking, so he left Rafe's house in a daze, and only came back to his senses when he was on the street.

Karis didn't know how to tell Master Lynn about this matter. After all, before going, he had vowed that it would definitely be done.

A figure came in front of him, Karis looked up, and Master Lynn was looking at him with a concerned expression on his face.

"what happened?"

At that moment, Carliss had a feeling that he had finally found support, and couldn't help but tell what happened.

Listening to Carliss' crying voice and his description of Raff, Lynn understood one thing, regardless of Carliss's age, Ralph is more cunning than him.

In front of the opponent, Karis, who had been living in the castle honestly, was completely passive.

"I see, let's go."


"Naturally, it's time to get back!" Lynn said in a bad tone.

In the end, Karis was his housekeeper, and being bullied like this was equivalent to hitting him in the face, and beating a dog depends on the owner, and this matter will not end like this.

"But." Karis hesitated, he was afraid that with the temper of the young master, he would do something to hang the other party.

Carliss was not stupid. Coupled with the inquiries he had made to the serfs and freemen in the past two days, he knew that Raff's status in Ashes Town was not low, and he also keenly noticed something was wrong.

If the young master pushes the opponent too far, some bad things may happen.

Just when he was thinking this way, Lynn's figure had gradually faded away, and Karis quickly chased after him.

On the south side of Ashes Town, there are relatively few buildings here, and the only houses are dilapidated, belonging to the poor areas of the town, but the home of the mayor, Raff, is here.

Lynn looked at the house. It was a simple two-story wooden building with mottled stone pillars on both sides. There were several miscellaneous rooms standing tall with closed windowsills. I don't know what was inside.

He strode into the house, and Raff, who was sitting on the chair, was obviously startled when he saw Lynn, and quickly rolled off the chair and knelt on the ground.

"Respected lord, your presence has brought glory to the humble house."

Lynn sat on the chair and didn't say anything.

Raff just knelt like this, and the room was silent for a while, even the sound of breathing could be heard clearly.

Karis stood next to Lynn, completely confused about what the young master was going to do.

As time passed, Raff couldn't help but asked, "My lord, is there something you are here for?"

Lynn suddenly yelled, "Do you know if you're guilty or not!"

Karis, who was standing by, was taken aback, her heart pounding.

Raff lowered his head, his eyes flickered, but he said, "My lord, I really don't know what crime I committed."

He has a plan in mind, if the other party dares to punish him, then plan ahead, at worst, he will lose some benefits.

"How long have I been here, and you haven't brought out food or drink, are you looking down on me?" Lynn said word by word, with a rather angry tone.

Karis was stunned. He never expected that what the young master said would be such a thing, and he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Raff felt contemptuous in his heart, thinking that the other party had discovered what he had done, and it turned out that this was the problem. He really deserved to be the young master of the nobles, which completely fit his impression of the nobles.

Raff hurriedly slapped himself lightly, "I'm so sorry, my lord, I'll go get it right away."

He ran out, and after a while, he brought over some white bread, two apples, and several bottles and cans.

"My lord, we don't have anything to eat here. Even the white bread was made yesterday, and it might be a little hard. You can spread some honey. If you think the taste is not delicious, there are also nectar and jam." Raff said respectfully with.

Lin En hummed, with an obvious expression of disgust on his face, but he also skillfully cut the white bread, spread honey on it, and took a bite.

The white bread is not as soft as it was when it was just out of the oven, but it tastes okay with honey.

Karis on the one side didn't understand at all, there is also white bread in the castle, why come here to eat, or eat this kind of overnight food.

Raff was thinking, judging by the way the lord eats, it seems a bit like a food shortage. Could it be that he didn't bring much food and gold coins when he came here.

He remembered what the steward had asked him for seeds just now. It seemed that the lord took out the wheat he ate as seeds, which caused him to run out of food.

Speaking of which, when the lord came over, it was just two carriages, and there was not much stuff in them.

Could it be that this noble lord is actually a silver pewter gun head?
After eating a piece of white bread, Lynn took a bite of the apple and said, "The taste is barely there."

He looked at Raff, "You should know that it's the time for spring plowing, and there should be no delay. I took out the seeds I brought from the castle, but it was far from enough. As a mayor, you have been here for so many years, and there should be some seeds in your home. wheat seed."

Just as Raff was about to say something, Lynn said directly: "Don't worry, I won't let you take it out for nothing. In a few days, someone will be sent from the castle to deliver some necessities, and I will compensate you at that time."

Lynn got up and stretched his waist, "Although Ash Town is relatively remote, there is still a possibility of development. Before coming here, my father said that he would give me a certain amount of help. I think he will give me at least three or four times."

(End of this chapter)

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