Blood of the True Dragon

Chapter 25 The First Step in Rise of the Empire

Chapter 25 The First Step in the Rise of the Empire

The killing in the square continued, but Aegon slowly walked towards Krazny lying on the ground.

At this time, Krazny was not dead, his body was still convulsing, and the blood in his mouth kept spitting out.

"My lord, you say they are tame sheep, but I want to tell you that there are beasts hidden in the sheep's heart!"

After saying this, Aegon turned his head and no longer looked at the slave owner.

Krazny's eyes were full of remorse. After lying on the ground and twitching for a long time, he stopped moving, and his eyes were wide open.

The killing outside quickly ended, and the hundreds of slave owners were all torn to pieces within a moment of resistance.

The color on the red bricks of Astapor darkened again.

"Kill them! Kill them!"

The Unsullied below kept shouting.

At this moment, Aegon and Daenerys are the incarnations of gods in their eyes.

Aegon raised his hand, and the poking spears of these men slowly stopped.

"I, Aegon VI Targaryen, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, declare that you are all set free.

If you're willing to leave, you can all take some money here.

But if you are willing to join me and fight to free more slaves, I will promise that I will fight to the last moment for you and to free all slaves.

Until my body can't move!Till my blood can't flow! "

"Fight! Fight!"

The Unsullied echoed Aegon's proclamation aloud.

Daenerys and Raisin felt the blood in their bodies boiling when they heard Aegon's words, and the eyes of the latter looking at each other softened.

Aegon then walked up to the Unsullied Legion.

"Which of you is the leader?"

A stern-faced, resolute, and stout young man came out.

"Your Majesty!" Gray Worm respectfully said.

"What's your name?"

"Little name today is Gray Worm."

The Unsullied are trained without fixed names, and the slave masters use this to blot out all their individuality.

"You will be the leader of this legion in the future, and Sir Jon will help you learn how to manage them. They are the same as other legions, and all of them must have names!

Including you!You can go back to your old names! "

After Aegon finished speaking, Gray Worm frowned and fell into deep thought, before replying after a long time:
"My name is Gray Worm! My lord, my former name is cursed, and it made me a slave.

And the name Gray Worm is very lucky, he was drawn on the day the King of the Seven Kingdoms liberated us, so I will use Gray Worm!

It is my honor to be the leader of Your Majesty's Legion! "

"Okay," Aegon said helplessly.

"Since this legion is the same as other legions, they will have military pay. In the future, each of their ordinary soldiers will be paid 5 silver months (that is, two thousand copper cents) every month."

"Your Majesty, the Unsullied do not need money."

"No, they want it no matter what, and there will be a clear reward and punishment system within the Legion.

Rewards 15 Silver Moons for each enemy killed.

Every time you kill 5 enemies, you will be rewarded with one more gold dragon (1 gold dragon is equal to 30 silver moons, which is 12000 copper coins).

Each knight killed rewards 1 Golden Dragon.

For every three knights he kills, he will be honored and rewarded with 2 more gold dragons.

Every time an officer is killed, he will be rewarded with 2 golden dragons, and he will be promoted to become a corps leader, leading a team of 10 people, and his salary will increase.

Every time an enemy with a title is killed, he will be promoted to the president!Lead a squad of 50 people.


If any of you can kill the king, I will make him an earl, the head of the sub-legion, and reward him with 5000 golden dragons. "

Although these Unsullied people don't need money, not all the slave soldiers who join in the future have been trained so horribly like the Unsullied ones.

Therefore, Aegon still gave these people a very generous military salary for their mobility.

Only in this way can these people burst out with unrivaled fighting power.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, why those Ming troops who surrendered turned out to kill Nanming so fiercely was inseparable from this reward mechanism.

Other ordinary slave soldiers who were not the Unsullied looked at Aegon with longing in their eyes when they heard these conditions.

Then Aegon turned his attention to the Astapor who were still alive on the field.

These were the common people of Astapor, and their lives were no better than these slaves.

And Aegon's order to the Unsullied was to kill all the slave owners, and these free folk were let go.

Seeing Aegon looking at them, these people knelt down on the ground, shouting their willingness to surrender.

"You are not slave owners, you will be common people in my kingdom in the future, and I will give you the same fairness.

You can send some representatives over here, and I will re-enact the laws of Astapor. "


Finally, several influential scholars, doctors, and priests in Astapor came to Aegon.

"His Majesty!"

Several people knelt down devoutly on the ground.

Aegon sat on the chair and raised his hand to let these people stand up:

"Rise up, there will be no slave trade in Astapor, this is the most important point of the new law.

The people here will not be enslaved by Valyria as before.

Instead, he obediently accepted the king's rule. "

"Your Majesty, your saint!" Several Astaporians respectfully said.

"Similarly, the people here will fight for me when I need them, they will also receive military pay and rewards, and there will be pensions after death.

The orphans here will be sent to an orphanage, and the king will pay to raise them up, and the old people here will die well.

As for beliefs, you can keep your original beliefs unchanged! "

In order to show kindness, Aegon gave these people a series of very favorable policies.

As for the most critical part of belief, he hasn't figured out the intentions of the Lord of Light and the gods hiding behind the scenes, so he plans to ignore it for now.

And now it is easy to cause rebellion if you directly change your beliefs directly.

"Your Majesty, it is our honor to fight for you!"

The representatives who were sent were also dumbfounded when they heard the news.

The living conditions given to them by the new rulers are much better than those of the original good lords.

They didn't think about the dire fact that the economy would be in a downturn after the abolition of slavery.

There will be no fleets willing to sail here, no trade.

If there is no production here, the people here will fall into poverty.

When the harvest fails, they will overthrow Aegon's rule and start a new slavery system.

This is an objective law, independent of anyone's will.

This was something Daenerys hadn't considered, so when she left, the place fell into endless disputes again.

This is a place cursed by God!
This is a city forged with blood!
But Aegon was determined to change this place.

So Aegon told these people about his next arrangement:
"I will build some salt factories and shipyards in the future. You can work here and get paid. Of course, you can also do your original industry.

Also, you need to pay taxes, and you need to use uniformly minted gold coins.Violators will be punished.

Anyone from outside who comes to trade must use the gold coins minted by the king's order. If they don't have any, you can ask them to find the king to exchange.

Your money will be exchanged uniformly later.

Do you understand? "

Minting rights are a good way for Aegon to collect money to support his army in the future, so Aegon decided on it from the very beginning.

And these people didn't understand the meaning of minting rights, but most of the city-states came here like this, so they nodded.

"Your Majesty, what should we do with the children of the slave owners? Do we need to send them all to do hard labor?"

The young scholar in the middle couldn't help asking.

You know, some of these slave master's children may already have minds, and Aegon killed their parents in front of them.

If they waited for them to grow up, they might well become Aegon's enemies.

"These children will be given new identities, descendants of sinners, and they will write this on their identification papers.

But they will still be placed in special orphanages! "

"His Majesty!"

Daenerys couldn't help but open her mouth to stop Aegon's thoughts when she heard the news.

What Aegon did was completely equivalent to branding them.

Although these people are not slaves, they will definitely be discriminated against and unfairly in their later lives.

But Aegon still did not change his mind:

"Okay, that's it. This is the king's decision. You can leave first, and I will call you back later."


Daenerys was very puzzled when she heard Aegon's final arrangement. She didn't understand why Aegon didn't kill them but gave them unfair treatment like this?
For this reason, her dinner didn't move much.

Finally she couldn't help it, and found Aegon at night.

"Danny, what's on your mind?"

Aegon was standing on the platform of the pyramid looking at the moon in the sky, and asked curiously when he saw Daenerys coming over.

"Your Majesty, I know you are kind, but why do you treat those children like that? Those children are innocent. Some of them are only five or six years old, the same age as the Unsullied when they were castrated!"

"But Dany, you also know that those slaves are innocent too?

Although they didn't know it, they still enjoyed the service of these slaves as descendants of slave owners, and some even tortured those slaves. If I let them go simply because they are children, these oppressed slaves would be will not want to.

And I didn't want to kill them, this is already kind. "

Of course, if any of these people were old enough to have killed slaves, Aegon would still sentence them to death.

Daenerys was a little puzzled and said: "But, when these people grow up, they will still oppose you?"

"Then just wait for our son to forgive them, and they will remember his gift! This will be the case for the slave master's children after the slave bay."

Aegon decided to give Daenerys a good guide on how to divide and win, and what is called a united front.

In this way, if he dies, Daenerys can really stand up.

It will not be the same as before, with a kind heart, but no means to govern the country.

Daenerys was still a little puzzled: "But why can't you forgive them in the future?"

"Because those slaves in the back will fight for me! My supporters are against them, and I can't easily forgive them, you know?"

Seeing Daenerys still begging, Aegon said helplessly: "I promise you, after the Seven Kingdoms and the whole of Essos are unified, you can forgive them in the name of the queen."

Daenerys then opened her brows and smiled, her smile looked extremely sweet under the moonlight.

For a moment Aegon looked a little dazed, and he didn't react until Daenerys spotted him.

Daenerys blushed and turned her head away, but said in her mouth: "Your Majesty, have you ever been to the Seven Kingdoms? I always hear them talk about the Seven Kingdoms, but I don't know what the Seven Kingdoms are like."

"I haven't been, but we'll be back soon."

(End of this chapter)

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