Chapter 100 Don't Mess, Don't Panic

Just when Miejue Shitai was about to attack everyone in the Demon Cult.

Suddenly a long sword flew in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of metal and iron clanging.

This flying sword fell into Yitianjian's hand in an instant.

Miejue Shitai suddenly felt an extremely powerful force coming towards him.

This force almost made him let go.

It's just that the Yitian Sword is too important to their Emei Sect.

So I can only grit my teeth and persist.

At this time, he looked up, only to find that it was a slovenly old man who was eating a chicken leg with a sword box beside him, and it was Lao Huang.

Miejue Shitai was very dissatisfied when he saw that Lao Huang had stopped him.

He also knew that this person was Ye Wufeng's servant.

But this person's strength is too strong, so he dare not act rashly.

"What do you mean, Your Excellency? Do you also want to stop me from killing demons?"

At this time, Lao Huang smiled and shook his head.

"Where is the good and evil in this world, and where are there so many monsters? I only know that this is an inn. Everyone who comes to this place is to listen to my son's story. safe!"

"You should know that this rule is set by my young master. If you dare to violate it, you have to weigh whether you have the ability!"

The meaning of Lao Huang's threat is self-evident.

When these people who were preparing to do it heard the news, they immediately looked at me and I looked at you, and no one said much.

Miejue Shitai also knows the rules of this place. It seems that it will not be an easy task to exterminate these people from the Demon Cult this time.

Then he snorted coldly, and looked at these members of the Demon Cult fiercely.

"This matter is endless. For Mr. Ye's sake, let me spare you once. You will not be so lucky next time!"

Zhou Dian laughed out loud when he heard it.

"You old nun, you are only powerful by the sword in your hand. If it weren't for the sword in your hand, what are you? Today, I don't care about you for Mr. Ye's face. Let's see if we find it in the future." Your bad luck!"

Just as the two men were at war, there was a sound of the door opening on the second floor.

Everyone stopped making noise immediately.

They knew very well in their hearts that Ye Wufeng had already come out.

Now that Ye Wufeng is in this place, other people naturally dare not speak too much.

As soon as Ye Wufeng landed, there was a burst of thunderous applause.

Song Qingshu was very surprised when he saw the cheers from the crowd, he never thought that Ye Wufeng had such a loud voice.

Ye Wufeng flew down from the second floor, and landed on the storytelling platform like an exile.

Such an entry immediately attracted many people.

Everyone's face is full of splendor.

Song Qingshu was very upset after seeing it.

Although it seems that Ye Wufeng's lightness kungfu attainments are really good, it is not impossible to use his Wudang faction's Ti Yunzong.

What's more, walking in the rivers and lakes, lightness kung fu alone is of little use.

Speaking of this, he is very confident in his heart.

Ye Wufeng patted the gavel on the table.

"Don't gossip, let's continue the book!"

"Talking about Tiannanzhong, the demonic way aggressively attacked the country of Yue. The six sects of the righteous way wanted to fight against the enemy, but they didn't want a traitor to appear among them. Han Li was forced to become the outcast of Huangfeng Valley. Now the world is in chaos, and the land of Tiannan is naturally not a place to live for a long time. Therefore, Han Liping wanted to restore the ancient teleportation formation, but unfortunately, some materials were missing!"

"In the process of searching for materials, Nangong Wan, who came to look for it by chance, was seriously injured, and was accidentally sucked away by Nangong Wan during the healing process. Unfortunately, she was finally promoted to the middle stage of foundation building, but fell to the stage of Qi training again! "

"The world of a cultivator is always ups and downs. In order to avoid this chaos, Han Li collected the materials and activated the ancient teleportation formation!"

"The moment the formation was activated, yin and yang reversed between heaven and earth, and a beam of light shot straight into the sky. When Han Li woke up, he found himself in a place called Chaos Star Sea!"

"The sea of ​​chaotic stars is divided into internal and external islands, and there are many monks. Some people even sensed the news that this ancient teleportation array was used, and rushed here!"

"But I found that there was no trace of that person!"


"When we arrived at the Chaotic Star Sea, Han Li took an ordinary mortal's boat to Kuixing Island and got the right to live here. Then he opened up his own cave in a place called Xiaohuan Island!"

"As we all know, Han Li possesses the Heavenly Palm Vase, which can ripen the elixir extremely quickly and refine it into a elixir for consumption. It is precisely because of this reason that his strength is much stronger than that of ordinary people!"


"And this time, with the help of these panacea, he finally entered the foundation building stage again!"

"Cultivator's time is just a concept. A few years are just a snap of the fingers. In order to practice the Dayan Jue, Han Li spent a full six years!"


"After more than [-] years of painstaking cultivation, his strength has finally reached the peak in the late stage of Foundation Establishment. The world of immortal cultivators is full of vicissitudes. In order to be able to advance to the next level, Han Li can only leave Qin Xin's place of cultivation! "


Everyone was shocked.

Although they have heard the story of mortals cultivating immortals more than once.

But every time it sounds still blood boiling.

No matter in Tiannan Land or Chaotic Star Sea.

Wherever there are people, there are fights.

This is true in the world of cultivating immortals, and it is also true in their rivers and lakes.

In the story of mortals cultivating immortals, the invasion of the Demon Sect in the southern land of Tiannan caused extremely serious chaos.

Hearing this, everyone was very worried.

Today's Mingjiao and the six sects also have many battles.

Even the forces on both sides are very powerful. If there is a full-scale war, it will be a great catastrophe for the entire martial arts.

The six sects have existed for a long time, plus inheritance and corresponding industries.

Although it seems that they don't have many inner disciples and true disciples.

But the vision attached to them outside is an extremely huge existence.

Therefore, the combined strength of the six sects should not be underestimated.

Although the Ming Cult has lost a lot through internal fighting over the years.

But the followers of the Ming Cult are committed to resisting the Yuan Dynasty.

There are rebels everywhere, and they have many armies in their hands, and they are very powerful.

If the war between the two sides really broke out, I am afraid that I don't know how many people will die because of it.

Just rushed to both of them just now.

The situation, the imminent situation, already has some clues.

(End of this chapter)

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