Chapter 99
Miejue Shitai was also very happy in his heart. You must know that Song Yuanqiao's status in this Wudang sect is not low.

Song Yuanqiao was able to mention himself in front of outsiders, which undoubtedly gave him great face.

After thinking of this place, he nodded in satisfaction and said.

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Ling is a good-looking talent, but he is a good talent and beautiful jade. I heard the name Yumian Mengchang in the Jianghu before. I didn't expect it to be so. Your Wudang faction is really a successor!"

Song Yuanqiao was very satisfied when he heard that his son was recognized by others, but he still said modestly.

"My child is usually very naughty, and I don't live up to it, but the strength of this body can be regarded as righteous, and I really can't be praised by my teacher!"

Miejue Shitai immediately said without doubt.

"I said that your Wudang sect has successors, and you have successors. You don't have to be so modest. Compared with Wudang sect, my Emei is, alas, don't mention it!"

Up to now, the Emei Sect has few disciples who can support the main beam.

Zhou Zhiruo has good talent, but it's a pity that she started too late.

Soon the Kunlun faction and the Kongtong faction also came.

What's even more rare is that the Shaolin sect also sent disciples here.

This time the ones sent from Shaolin are Kong Zhi, Fang Sheng and Kong Xing.

The Shaolin faction can be said to be a great force in the arena.

Among them, the biggest main line is in the Song Dynasty, with Xuanci, Xuanbei, Xuanku, Xuannan and other masters.

In the Yuan Dynasty, it was Kongwen, Kongzhi, Kongjian, and Kongxing. It is a pity that the monk Kongjian died at the hands of the golden-haired lion king Xie Xun. This has always been a pity for the Shaolin Temple in the Yuan Dynasty.

In the Shaolin Temple of the Ming Dynasty, there were masters such as Fang Zheng and Fang Sheng.

The influence of Shaolin Temple spreads all over the major dynasties, and there are even many branches.

It can be said that it is the most powerful existence of billions in the entire rivers and lakes.

This matter mainly involved the Shaolin School in the Yuan Dynasty, but the Tongfu Inn was in the Ming Dynasty after all.

So the Shaolin sects on both sides have sent masters here.

In addition, some other forces in the rivers and lakes such as Haisha Gang, Qingcheng faction, Sanshan faction, Diancang faction, beggars' gang, giant whale gang, Shenquanmen, etc. have also sent people.

Someone living here whispered.

"Unexpectedly, people from the six sects have already arrived. This should be a rare thing in the Jianghu. Mr. Ye really has such a terrifying influence!"

The person next to him has obviously come here to listen to the book more than once.

"Of course, we, Mr. Ye, know everything. There is nothing in the Jianghu that he doesn't know!"

"It's just that I'm curious whether people from the Devil's Cult will come this time. After all, this matter has something to do with them!"

At this moment, a slap suddenly hit him on the head.

He turned his head and found that the man was an old man with whom he had a good relationship.

"Aren't you stupid? Almost all the influential forces in the world have come to this place. Now this place is full of righteous martial arts. How do you think the Demon Cult has the guts to come to this place!"

Everyone nodded after listening to it, with a look of understanding.

They have all heard of the fact that the six sects wanted to attack Guangmingding.

If people from the Devil's Cult really want to come to this place, they probably don't need to wait for the six sects to attack.

I'm afraid they will stay in this place completely.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from outside, extremely heroic.

Obviously this person's martial arts cultivation base is very profound, and his voice is grinning in everyone's ears.

"Hahaha! I didn't expect so many people to come here. Since this is the case, I, Yin Tianzheng, will also join in the fun!"

At this time, an old man with white eyebrows brought many people to the inn.

When everyone saw it, they couldn't help but exclaimed, this man was Yin Tianzheng, the eagle king with white eyebrows, the leader of the Sky Eagle Cult.

It is said that over the years, the Sky Eagle Sect has grown very powerful in Jiangnan.

Even some local forces in Jiangnan dare not compete with them.

Unexpectedly, he came to this place.

At this time, one person said in a low voice.

"Isn't the Eagle Cult also the power of the Demon Cult? Then they dare to come to this place!"

At this moment, the person next to him explained in a low voice.

"You don't know that, but I heard that Yin Tianzheng, the eagle king with white eyebrows, was also a member of the Devil's Cult. Later, because he didn't like some people in the Devil's Cult, he went out and became the leader himself!"

"It is estimated that he came to this place because of this matter!"

At this time, Miejue Shitai and the others looked at the White-browed Eagle King with unkind eyes.

Although it is not sure whether the White-browed Eagle King will participate in their siege of Guangmingding.

But it would be better to believe it than to believe it, if the white-browed eagle king Yin Tianzheng also participated in this matter.

I'm afraid it would not be easy for them to attack when Guangming was weak and killing each other.

"Old man with white eyebrows, I didn't expect you to come to this place, it's so weird!"

Everyone looked in this direction and found that this person was Zhou Dian, one of the five scattered people who had been to this place before.

Accompanying him are the Left Envoy Yang Xiao and the Green Winged Bat King Wei Yixiao.

This lineup is by no means insignificant.

When they heard about this, they left the five-element flag to protect the Bright Summit.

After all, when it comes to forming troops, they are professionals.

With them, the light is sure to be foolproof.

But the five scattered people, including Yang Xiao and Wei Yixiao, rushed all the way to this place.

At this moment, Wei Yixiao came to Yin Tianzheng with a smile on his face.

"Second brother Yin, we haven't seen each other for a long time, how is everything?"

Yin Tian smiled and nodded.

"Don't worry, everything is fine for me recently. I don't see that there is a lot of excitement here, but I come to this place to join in the fun!"

At this time, he glanced at Yang Xiao, the left envoy of Guangming, but he ignored him at all.

I think it was when those Mingjiao people robbed the position of the leader.

It was the two of them who had the worst quarrel, and even fought over this matter.

Even in the end, Yang Xiao has already sealed the door of his own house.

Such a thing cannot be explained in a few words.

Miejue Shitai looked at Guangming Left Envoy Yang Xiao with obvious hatred in his eyes.

At the beginning, his senior brother Gu Hongzi died at the hands of Yang Xiao.

At this moment, Juejue Shi pulled out the Yitian Sword in his hand with a loud bang.

"Okay, I didn't expect that you people from the Demon Cult would dare to come to this place. You are looking for death. I can't say it today. This master wants to kill demons too much!"

(End of this chapter)

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