Chapter 44 Meeting Lin Pingzhi

As one of the six sects, the Emei School was once extremely brilliant.

It's a pity that it is not accepted now.

There are not many people who can support the appearance.

Therefore, he turned his target to the exercises hidden in Yitian Sword.

This is a secret that the heads of the Emei School in the past can still know.

Now the Yitian Sword is in his hands, but it is a pity that the whereabouts of the Dragon Slaying Saber are unknown.

This person named Ye Wufeng knows many things in Jianghu, maybe he knows this thing.

Thinking of this, Miejue Shitai took the disciples in his hands and rushed towards Tongfu Inn in Qixia Town.

After Ye Wufeng practiced for a while, shopkeeper Tong asked Bai Zhantang to ask him to go down for dinner.

It was late at this time, and the guests all returned to their rooms.

During this period of time, the business in the inn was really good.

So it's not until this late hour to eat something.

Lu Xiucai looked at the sumptuous dinner on the table and said excitedly.

"Shopkeeper, is there any happy event today? Why did you prepare so many delicious food!"

Shopkeeper Tong smiled and said.

"Isn't this because of Xiaoye's favor? During this period of time, Xiaoye has earned a lot of money for our inn. It's not easy for everyone to be busy. What's wrong with adding more food for everyone!"

Everyone was very surprised when they heard it.

Unexpectedly, shopkeeper Tong, who has always been indifferent, can be so generous.

It seems that the shopkeeper has indeed earned a lot during this time.

"Shopkeeper, it looks like you definitely earn a lot, otherwise how could you be so generous!"

Guo Furong said sourly.

It seems that I still owe money to the shopkeeper.

Now his monthly salary is two renminbi, and he doesn't know when he will be able to pay it back.

Tong Xiangyu chuckled.

The money I earned during this period has already filled two big boxes, so I don't have to worry about using the money as my dowry in the future.

As for other trivial matters, he certainly doesn't care.

While everyone was scrambling for the food on the table, suddenly a beggar rushed in from the outside, grabbed the chicken legs on the table, and started eating there.

Bai Zhantang was furious in his heart, he had been eager to try that chicken leg for a long time.

It's a pity that I had to guard against Li Dazui and Lu Xiucai, so I didn't do anything, but was accidentally taken away by a beggar.

How could he bear it.

Bai Zhantang slapped his chopsticks on the table.

"Where is the little beggar who is tired of work, and dares to steal my things!"

The little beggar didn't say a word when he heard Bai Zhantang's words, he just squatted in the corner and ate big mouthfuls.

Looking at this appearance, he must have been hungry for a long time.

Guo Furong saw that the beggar was a little pitiful, and hurried to speak for him.

"Okay, okay, Lao Bai, anyway, you are also a famous figure in the Jianghu. This beggar must be too hungry. It's okay to let him eat!"

Bai Zhantang was extremely upset.

"Then you can't grab my food. I've been staring at him for a long time. I finally got to eat it. In the end, the cooked duck also flew away!"

The beggar licked his fingers after eating the chicken legs, and then looked at the crowd in horror, thinking that he was about to be beaten.

It turns out that everyone didn't make a move.

However, when the beggar looked at Tong Xiangyu, he was suddenly taken aback.

In an instant, snot and tears came together.

This frightened Tong Xiangyu.

"Don't come here, Laobai escort!"

Lao Bai appeared in front of Tong Xiangyu with a bang.

Then he looked at the beggar cautiously.

"Who are you, what are you doing here? Are you looking for something?"

Then he showed his signature move.

The little beggar hastily brushed his hair aside, and under his pitch-black face was a rather upright face.

I saw that person said excitedly.

"Sister Tong, don't you know me? I'm Pingzhi, Lin Pingzhi from Fuwei Escort Bureau!"

Tong Xiangyu took a closer look.

He was very surprised to find that this person was indeed Lin Pingzhi.

"So you are the younger brother of the Lin family. How did you become like this? What happened!"

I saw Lin Pingzhi said in pain.

"Sister Tong's family, I finally met my relatives. Our Fuwei Escort Bureau has been wiped out!"

Tong Xiangyu was shocked when he heard the news.

Also as an escort agency, they travel from south to north, and these two families also have a lot of relationship.

In particular, Tong Xiangyu's family is Longmen Escort, whose business spreads all over Bashu and Guanzhong, while Fuwei Escort is far in the southeast, so the interests of the two will not conflict, but they need mutual help.

For a while, the relationship between the two escort agencies was very good.

Back then, Fuwei Escort was also very famous.

Unexpectedly, he would be exterminated.

After Tong Xiangyu heard it, her heart was full of sympathy, after all, there was still friendship between them at that time.Hastily asked Li Dazui to boil water, and give Lin Pingzhi a good wash first.

After Lin Pingzhi left, Bai Zhantang's expression was not particularly good-looking.

"I've also heard of the Fuwei Escort Agency, and it's also one of the best in the Jianghu. Why was it suddenly wiped out?"

Tong Xiangyu shook his head, but his heart was full of fear.

After all, my own family also runs an escort agency, so it is inevitable that there will be a feeling of sadness when the rabbit dies and the fox dies.

Bai Zhantang thought for a while.

"If the Fuwei Escort Bureau is really wiped out, it is definitely not a small sect with such strength. If we intervene in this matter, it might cause fire!"

Then Bai Zhantang looked at Ye Wufeng, Ye Wufeng really knew too much, maybe he knew something.

Seeing Bai Zhantang's eyes, Ye Wufeng nodded and said.

"It's the Qingcheng sect who killed the sect!"

Everyone was very surprised when they heard these three words.

This Qingcheng sect is also a rare and decent sect in the Jianghu.

Especially in the land of Bashu, it can be regarded as having a very good reputation.

Why did the Qingcheng faction far away in Bashu travel thousands of miles to a Fuwei bodyguard agency in Miemen, Fujian? This matter is full of strangeness.

Ye Wufeng looked at the puzzled faces of the crowd and said with a smile.

"Everyone, don't worry. This matter is a secret of Lin Pingzhi's family. It is not convenient for me to reveal it here. Let's talk about it after he comes out!"

Not long after, Lin Pingzhi came out from inside.

At this moment, Lin Ping was only wearing a white shirt, with the belt on the top of her head slightly rolled up.

It does have the feeling of Mr. Baiyu.

I saw Lin Pingzhi walking in front of Tong Xiangyu.

He knelt down on one knee and prayed.

"Thank you, Sister Tong, I, Lin Pingzhi, will never forget your kindness today!"

Tong Xiangyu said with a sigh.

"Our two families are family friends, don't talk about these outsiders, I have heard about your family's affairs, Ye Wufeng, the hateful Qingcheng faction, who is clearly a famous and decent school, actually commits such a tragedy, is it a famous and decent school in the world? No one can control him!"

(End of this chapter)

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