Chapter 45 Anecdotes About Evil-Repelling Swordsmanship
Lin Pingzhi was very surprised when he heard this.

This matter did not spread very quickly in the rivers and lakes.

Especially since I escaped all the way from the southeast, not many people knew about it. I didn't expect that Ye Wufeng knew about him.

Thinking that Ye Wufeng has been saying in this place that he also understands things in the world very well, maybe he can really avenge himself.

At this moment, Lin Pingzhi walked up to Ye Wufeng and knelt down on the ground with a plop.

"Mr. Ye, I have heard of your name a long time ago, and please save my family. It was only a small conflict with the Qingcheng faction, but I never thought that he would destroy my whole family. It is simply abhorrent." !"

Ye Wufeng sighed, shook his head and said.

"Speaking of which, it's not without reason that the Qingcheng Party attacked your family. It's really because of an old incident back then. If you want to know, I can tell it, but it may not be a good thing for you!"

Lin Pingzhi frowned after hearing this, and immediately gritted his teeth and said.

"I also ask Mr. Ye to fulfill it. No matter whether it is a good thing or not, I must continue. Such bloody hatred must be avenged!"

Seeing the determination on Lin Pingzhi's face.

Everyone was also very curious about what happened, Ye Wufeng thought for a while and said.

"This matter is about the evil-dispelling swordsmanship handed down in your family. Yu Canghai of the Qingcheng School is also for this thing. Back then, your grandfather Li Linyuantu gained a great reputation in the world by relying on the 72-way evil-dispelling swordsmanship. Even Yu Canghai Cang Hai's master, Chang Qingzi, was not his opponent either, and died of depression in the end, but he still did not forget this incident before his death!"

"That's why Yu Canghai, on the one hand, wanted to avenge his master Chang Qingzi, and on the other hand, he was also doing it for your Lin family's evil sword manual!"

Everyone was very surprised when they heard it.

Although the Fuwei Escort Agency has a great reputation, it has not heard of any powerful figures.

What exactly is this evil sword technique can attract the attention of the Qingcheng faction.

Lin Pingzhi looked puzzled.

"Mr. Lin, that's it. I don't understand. People in our family have been practicing this sword technique, but it has been ineffective. Even this martial art is not particularly good. Why did it cause them Even the attention of the Qingcheng faction?"

At this time, some other knights in the inn also gathered together.

After all, Ye Wufeng has always lived in seclusion except for the time of storytelling, and it is not very common to hear him talking about something.

You might be able to hear something amazing once.

"It's actually very simple, because the evil sword technique you are practicing now is not the original evil sword technique, but has been modified in the middle, and it is actually incomplete!"

"If we want to talk about this matter, we have to start with a past event decades ago. I wonder if you still remember when I was telling the story, which one was the tenth ranked martial arts?"

At this moment, a good-natured man at the next table said hurriedly.

"I remember this one as the Sunflower Book, the one that must come from the palace first!"

After using it, I couldn't help but shudder. It's really such a wonderful skill.

Ye Wufeng nodded.

"Back then, this Sunflower Book was obtained by Nan Shaolin, but because this exercise was too evil, it was not allowed to be practiced by others!"

"At that time, there were two seniors of the Huashan School named Yue Su and Cai Zifeng. They came to South Shaolin to read Buddhist scriptures, but they recited the Sunflower Canon secretly. Because of time constraints, one of them recited the first half and the other the second half. Prepare to study together after going back!"

Everyone was surprised when they heard it, and they didn't expect that this matter had something to do with the Huashan faction.

At this time, Yue Buqun, the head of the Huashan School in the corner, was very angry when he heard it.

This Ye Wufeng is so courageous that he dared to arrange for him to be a senior of the Huashan School.

How could the seniors of his Huashan faction do such a thing? If there were any, then how could his Huashan faction not have the Sunflower Collection.

Ye Wufeng continued to speak.

"After Yue Su and Cai Zifeng thought about the Sunflower Book, they unexpectedly found that what they had learned was completely different, and even the gap was very large. For a while, the two of them held their own opinions, and they were faintly close to what happened. conflict!"

"Later, Nan Shaolin found out about this, and sent a monk from Nan Shaolin, Du Yuanqian, to ask for the Sunflower Book.

After hearing this, Yue Su and Cai Zifeng enthusiastically pulled Monk Du Yuan to refer to the Sunflower Book! "

"Although Monk Duyuan didn't understand at all, he could only explain it casually, but he secretly memorized the contents of the Sunflower Book. Since then, he has not returned to Shaolin Temple, but disappeared into the rivers and lakes instead!"

Everyone was very surprised when they heard it, and they didn't expect that Monk Du Yuan would have such an idea.

But if this is the case, the Huashan School should have preserved the Sunflower Book, but why have they never heard of it?

It can be seen that suddenly a voice came over.

"Mr. Ye, why arrange my Huashan School in such a way? If my Huashan School has the Sunflower Book, how can such evil skills be a famous and upright school? What's more, my Huashan School's skills are extremely mysterious, and there is no such thing as coveting others. The truth of the law!"

These words are righteous and awe-inspiring, but there is nothing wrong with them.

Originally, Yue Buqun didn't plan to jump out, but when he heard Ye Wufeng's words, he was very anxious.

If you let the other sects on the rivers and lakes think it.

The strength of Huashan is very weak, and it can no longer stand the toss.

Ye Wufeng said with a smile.

"It turned out to be the head of the Huashan faction's Junzi Jianyue. The sunflower book was indeed in the Huashan faction, but later the demon sect attacked on a large scale. It was taken away by the Sun Moon God Sect during a major battle of the Huashan faction. In the end, it was tossed and turned and sent by Ren Woxing." Gave Dongfang Invincible!"

"Later, a peerless swordsman appeared in the rivers and lakes. He became famous all over the world with only 72 ways of warding off evil swordsmanship, named Lin Yuantu!"

People in Jianghu were extremely surprised when they heard this name.

Some older people knew very well that the original founder of Fuwei Escort was Lin Yuantu.

In terms of seniority, he happened to be Lin Pingzhi's grandfather.

Unexpectedly, this person actually practiced the Sunflower Book.

After Lin Pingzhi heard it, his face was full of disbelief.

Never expected that the truth of the matter turned out to be like this.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. Mr. Ye, you also said that if you want to practice a martial art like the Sunflower Book, you must first come from the palace. If this is the case, how can there be my father!"

"Mr. Ye, is there any coincidence here?"

Ye Wufeng shook his head.

At this time, the expressions of the people in the arena are different. Obviously, there must be a big secret that they don't know.

(End of this chapter)

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