This hero will strike

Chapter 14 Strange Things

Chapter 14 Strange Things
The weather is sunny, the sky is just right, and the time is close to around noon.

In the mountain road, weeds are lush, almost as tall as a person.

Li Yu held a piece of dried tiger meat in his hand, and walked quickly while eating, occasionally using the simple knife in his hand to block branches or weeds blocking the way.

"This Wang's Village is really remote. I started my journey in the morning and never stopped. It's almost noon and I haven't arrived yet."

Looking up at the sky, the sun had already climbed high, and the forest was warm, but the destination of this trip, Wangjia Village, was still not even a shadow.

This trip to Wang Family Village, Li Yu came to complete the bodyguard commission.

After becoming the deputy chief escort, Li Yu began to complete the escort service, as long as it was an entrusted escort service, Li Yu would execute it.

This one was the fifth one from Wangjiacun this month. He completed two of the previous four ones two days ago, and the other two were completed by the other two escorts in the escort agency.

As long as the job in hand is completed, then the backlog of escort services in the Qin's Escort Bureau will be completed, and it will be necessary to recruit new commissions.

However, Li Yu didn't intend to order other bodyguards to do it, because according to the rules of this era, customers usually come to the door, and it is too difficult for the bodyguards under him to go out and show their faces to solicit customers. high.The bodyguards didn't have this kind of concept in their minds, and when they implemented it, there must be a lot of resistance, so Li Yu could only temporarily suppress this idea.

This can't be rushed.

After eating a large piece of tiger meat, the hunger in his stomach disappeared by [-]% to [-]%. Li Yu hiccupped, untied the water bag around his waist, raised his head and took several sips of water, and rinsed his mouth along the way. Then continue on your way.

Fortunately, there is only one mountain road on this road, and there are no other forks, otherwise Li Yu might go astray.

After half an hour.

Li Yu climbed along the road, his trousers were already wet with dew, he climbed to the side of a mountain and looked around.

Suddenly, Li Yu's eyes lit up. Not far to the east, some adobe houses were finally exposed in the gaps between the trees, and there was still smoke on the faint roofs.

"It's only ten taels of silver for such a long distance. This lying dart... Sigh!" Li Yu complained helplessly. If it weren't for the lack of escort services in the Qin's Escort Bureau, in normal times, this kind of dart would probably not be picked up.

This is not a door-to-door escort, but a reverse door-to-door escort.

Such an entrustment, even if the Qin's Escort Agency is a small Escort Agency, and the fee is less than 20 taels, it will be shirked under normal circumstances.

It's a pity that the Qin's Escort is currently in an abnormal state. In order to continue the life of the Escort, Li Yu had no choice but to go all out and rush to this remote mountain and remote place single-handedly, in order to complete this order.

It didn't take long for Li Yu to arrive at Wangjia Village.

Wangjia Village is a village next to the mountains and forests. The households are scattered far away. On the high and low mountains, houses are built according to the situation. You can see them everywhere, and there are people everywhere.

At the same spot, Li Yu was a little dazed for a moment, it was not easy to find the employer's house among so many families.

Fortunately, at the entrance to the village, he met several villagers who had returned from farming. After some inquiries, he went straight to the owner's house.

Along the way, Li Yu attracted the curious eyes of many villagers.

To the villagers of Wangjia Village, Li Yu's bodyguard outfit of the Qin's Bodyguard Bureau was very impressive, it looked like a city person's attire.Looking at Li Yu's gait again, he was quick and nimble, his shoes were also high-quality satin leather boots, and the simple knife in his hand seemed to be a prepared knife from the Yamen. This outfit was enough to make ordinary villagers feel in awe.

Some local ruffians and village tyrants in the village watched from a distance, but did not dare to step forward to stop them.

Very smoothly, Li Yu arrived at the destination, the employer's house.

The house of the employer, Wang Sangui, is particularly conspicuous among the adobe houses in the surrounding area. It can be said to stand out from the crowd. Others have adobe walls, but his house has brick walls and walls made of green bricks.What's more, the house is also a large family type with four entrances and four exits, and it occupies a much larger area.

The gate of the house is also made of iron, and the lock is a beast-shaped copper lock with a lion's head carved on it. It is strong and auspicious, and can also ward off evil spirits.

"Boom boom boom!"

Li Yu stepped forward, pulled the copper ring on the door lock, and made a knocking sound on the door.

In just a moment, an old man with the appearance of a housekeeper opened half of the iron door from the inside, peeping out with a pair of cloudy old eyes.

The old man looked at Li Yu's attire, which was covered in good fabrics, and his face was also unfamiliar. He was not from the village, and his face was full of wrinkles. He first showed a bit of vigilance, and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

"Master Wang is here. I am the escort of the Qin's Escort Bureau, and I am here to fulfill the entrusted task." Li Yu cupped his hands and smiled, and raised his hand by the way, revealing the mark of the Qin's Escort Bureau on his sleeve.

"Are you the bodyguard of Qin's bodyguard bureau?" The old butler suddenly opened his eyes wide, then opened the entire iron gate, and hurriedly invited Li Yu into the room.

On the way, the old housekeeper was full of emotion: "Master Dart, I finally expected you to come, if you don't come, my master will die in a hurry."

"The old man is joking!" Li Yu followed behind calmly.

This entrusted task is relatively rare. The employer Wang Sangui entrusted the Qin's Escort Bureau to send a bodyguard to protect the flock.

For entrustments of this nature, there are generally well-known escort agencies in Shangye County, and they will not accept them.

After all, if it spreads out, the reputation is not good.

I am afraid that I will be ridiculed by my peers.

However, for Li Yu right now, this kind of entrustment can be regarded as a serious security service.

It takes a process to revive the prestige of Qin's Escort Bureau, and the prestige accumulated bit by bit will become stronger.


Wang's living room.

After drinking the reception tea and putting down the teacup, Li Yu went straight to the point and asked, "Master Wang, please tell me about the wolves that have happened to this flock of sheep in detail." I just briefly stated that I hope Qin's Bodyguard Bureau can send bodyguards to drive away the wolves and protect his flock. As for the specific process, I didn't go into too much detail.

"Well, this matter is really strange. It is the first time that my Wang family has been shepherding sheep for generations, and this is the first time I have encountered such a wolf problem." Wang Sangui looked quite old with his gray hair, and he continued: "A month ago, Liu Er I went to the lawn of Maweipo to herd sheep, and that evening, a wolf ate a lamb. At that time, I thought it was a coincidence, after all, there are many tigers and mountain wolves in this mountain.”

"En!" Li Yu nodded, like a few days ago, when he was practicing Neijiaquan on the mountain, he also met a tiger.

In the ancient world, there were many poisonous insects and beasts in the mountains.

When shepherding sheep, it is normal to encounter mountain wolves eating sheep.

"Who knows that in the next few days, every evening, that mountain wolf will come on time and take away a lamb every time, for three or four days in a row. It's really evil." Wang Sangui said, with an old face He also showed a strange fear, and he continued: "Wolf is greedy, the little old man wants to be a beast, just avoid it. On the fifth day, I sent Liu'er to Gongniupo in the west." Shepherd, guess what happened next?"

"The mountain wolf appeared again when the sun was setting, and once again took away a lamb."

"Master Wang, the mountain wolf you mentioned is the same one?" Li Yu asked tentatively.

"The evil door is here. Liu'er has seen it several times, and it is indeed the same beast." Wang Sangui paused, and said sadly: "Just for a few months, the sheep of the little old man's family were eaten back and forth. 25."

25 were eaten in a month, this number is a bit scary.

"But how do you know, this is just the beginning, Master Biao, do you know what happened later?" It was not Wang Sangui who spoke this time, but the old housekeeper beside him.

Li Yu shook his head, his brows were slightly frowned, and he felt that something more abnormal would happen next.

The old butler continued: "I'm getting old, and this is the first time I have encountered such a thing in my life. The mountain wolf must have been transformed from a wolf spirit. No. 15 days, it began to follow the flock. Where did the flock go?" , it goes wherever it goes, and it doesn’t eat until evening, but as soon as evening comes, it puts a lamb in its mouth and goes away.”

Hearing this, Li Yu felt a coldness inexplicably in his heart.

This matter was so weird that even he, a modern person, found it a bit unbelievable.

(End of this chapter)

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