Chapter 15
In the living room, a dull atmosphere enveloped.

Li Yu listened carefully from his position.

"After the wolves followed the sheep, we drove them away a few times, but that black wolf was so fierce that Liu'er's arm was almost bitten off." Wang Sangui, the suffering lord, said, his eyes were red.Wang Liu, his only son, usually shepherds sheep, but his arm was almost bitten off because he drove away wolves. As a father, Wang Sangui was frightened into a cold sweat at that time.

Li Yu is silent.

This black wolf, from the beginning eating the domestic sheep, then following the flock, and later biting the human beings, is indeed very greedy.

"No way, we have no choice but to keep the flock in the sheepfold, and let people go outside to mow the grass and bring them back to feed." The old housekeeper said.

Even Wang Sangui couldn't afford to lose a sheep a day.

Sending people to cut grass and feed them is also out of helplessness.

The amount of grass a group of sheep eat every day is amazing, otherwise why go to the mountains to graze.

Sending people to mow the grass is a huge project, and the cost of hiring long-term labor is high.

And if the mountain wolf is not dealt with, if it continues like this, no matter how strong Wang Sangui's family is, it will not be able to support it.

"But who knows, something even more terrifying is coming." Wang Sangui took over the conversation, and said: "Just six or seven days ago, that evil wolf came to the house at night, jumped into the flock, and killed six or seven sheep in a row. He didn’t eat it, and in the end he only took a lamb. An old servant was bitten off three of his fingers.”

"What, that mountain wolf still entered the village?" Hearing this, even Li Yu's eyes were shocked.

"That's right, after the mountain wolf became familiar with the way, every night, it would enter the sheepfold and take away a lamb." Wang Sangui's face was both distressed and fearful.

"Where is the sheep pen, take me to see it!" Li Yu got up and grabbed the simple knife on the table.

If this wolf problem is not solved, if this continues, the villagers will probably be taken away.

This mountain wolf... While Li Yu was shocked, he was also curious in his heart.

I want to see what kind of mountain wolf this mountain wolf is.

In his previous life, Li Yu had never seen a mountain wolf with his own eyes.

"Boss Li, I will take you there." Wang Sangui immediately left his seat and led the way.

After leaving the living room, walked out of the corridor, and went straight to the backyard. Not long after, Li Yu saw the sheepfold at the foot of the mountain.

The sheep pen is in an empty hinterland, surrounded by a large circle surrounded by fences, with a radius of about fifteen or six meters. Inside the pen are domestic sheep, some are white sheep, some are black sheep, and some are gray sheep.

In the wooden house next to the sheep pen, there are still piles of blue weeds hoarded, which were recently brought back by Wang Sangui who sent people to the wild.

"Look, this is the fence that was thrown open by the wolf." Wang Sangui led Li Yu to stop near the fence, pointed to a gap in the fence that was more than two meters long, and said, "There are seven or eight such gaps."

Li Yu couldn't help staring at it. The fence on the ground was tied with rattan. It looked very tough and strong enough. The height was close to a person's height. The sheep in the sheep pen couldn't jump out.However, the vines at the break broke apart messily and fell to the ground.

"It was bitten!" Li Yu took a closer look, and there were signs of being bitten on the fence near the rattan.

On the side of the fence, there are still deep teeth marks.

The tooth marks pierced through the fence, causing the fence to crack down the middle.

"Sharp teeth!" It was the first time for Li Yu to see the imprint of wolf teeth, sharp and narrow.

"Look, this is its footprint." Wang Sangui pointed to a footprint on the ground and asked Li Yu to see it.

Seeing this, Li Yu's heart twitched fiercely, and his eyes widened.

"It's as big as my palm!" Li Yu squatted down and covered the wolf's foot mark on the ground with his palm, which was almost the same size as his open palm.

With such a large wolf footprint, one can imagine the size of the mountain wolf.

No wonder it has to devour a sheep a day. With the size of the mountain wolf, a sheep is probably the amount of food for a day.

Under the guidance of Wang Sangui, Li Yu also circled the sheepfold.

"Boss Li, you have to help the old man kill this wolf, this beast has already eaten nearly forty of my sheep." Wang Sangui looked very worried.

"By the way, when the wolf entered the village, did the other villagers lose their livestock?" Li Yu asked casually. It stands to reason that Wang Sangui's family should not be the only ones damaged when the wolf enters the village, unless the mountain wolf only recognizes the wolf. The IQ of Wang Sangui's flock is a bit scary.

"I've never heard of this." Wang Sangui shook his head.

On the same day, under the arrangement of the Wang family, Li Yu stayed temporarily.

During the daytime, I received food and entertainment from Wang Sangui.

According to what Wang Sangui said, this evil wolf must come to the sheep pen to eat sheep late at night, so Li Yu decided to squat at night to deal with the mountain wolf as soon as possible and complete the escort mission as soon as possible.


At night, the backyard of Wang Sangui's house was silent and quiet.

Occasionally there are sheep, the slight sound of walking in the flock, and the sound of breathing.

There was a slight sound of footsteps, and in the darkness, a ghostly figure entered from the backyard. Just a little under his feet, he reached the roof of the wooden house next to the sheepfold.

This person was obviously Li Yu, he deliberately changed into a black outfit, which almost blended with the nighttime environment.

Li Yu just lay his body on the roof quietly, while maintaining vigilance.

As a master of internal boxing, Li Yu's eyesight is much brighter than that of ordinary people. Under this kind of weather, even at night, with the faint moonlight, he can still see the entire surrounding environment of the sheepfold clearly.

While squatting, Li Yu did not sit idle, but quietly performed the secret technique of Master Xingyi "Tiger Shape Magic Art", and he was like a black tiger squatting on the roof.

If you look carefully, Li Yu's body does not touch the roof, only his hands and feet are supported on the roof, and his whole body is suspended in the air with a subtle distance.

Just hanging like this, but if you listen closely to Li Yu, you can hear a small humming sound coming from his body.

Muscles sounded.

This is the experience brought by Teng Qingshan's awareness of being a martial arts master. Li Yu has been practicing this "Tiger Form of Divine Ability" for some days, but he did not expect that there will be a sound of muscles and bones tonight.

The whole body gradually became hot, and Li Yu's body also quietly became stronger under the transformation of the "Tiger Form of Divine Ability".

It can be said that Li Yu's current body is much stronger than that of ordinary martial arts practitioners who have perfected their bodies.

After half an hour, Li Yu stopped his cultivation. With his current physical strength, half an hour of cultivation is almost the limit.

After that, Li Yu still didn't move, and lay down quietly on the roof to guard.

This squatting lasted for two full hours.

It was already late at night.

Just squatting like this, Li Yu almost fell asleep several times, but he survived in the end.

Suddenly, Li Yu's ears moved slightly.

In the distance from the hillside in front, there is a faint sound of a flute, very slight, if you don't listen carefully, it will be completely covered by the night wind.

But as a master of internal boxing, Li Yu could hear it clearly, the sound of the flute was long and distant.

The sound of the flute only lasted for a moment before disappearing.

But right after, a black shadow burst out from the forest, its thick four feet landed on the ground, and the ground trembled faintly.

This black shadow was just opposite to Li Yu's field of vision, he could see it clearly, it was a black mountain wolf.

No, it should be said to be a giant wolf.

Ordinary mountain wolves were about the size of adult pastoral dogs, but the black mountain wolf that appeared in Li Yu's field of vision was as big as a horse.

The black mountain wolf is huge, but the sound of landing is very slight, as if it is a well-trained hunter, sneaking close to the ground.

call out!
The black figure jumped down the hillside one after another, and arrived near the sheep pen in the blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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