Chapter 1 Brother Corpse Let Me Drive Corpse for 9 Years

Dark clouds cover the moon.

The night was black as ink.

Bian Lang rang the soul-destroying bell and shuttled through the wilderness.

Behind him, followed by six corpses, all wearing white robes, with talismans on their foreheads, walking in neat steps.

In front is the corpse inn.

There are still two hours before dawn, even if he walks like flying, he will not be able to reach the next corpse inn before dawn.

The reason for rushing all the way is to be able to sleep well when it is still dark.

Ever since he came to this world of martial arts, he was wrapped up and threatened by the corpse brother as a corpse stitcher, and he has been traveling by night and day.

The consequence of reversing the biological clock for a long time is physical weakness and yang decline, falling into the abyss.

Corpse brother is not human.

The corpse brother is a glass ball, called the corpse.

Zombie Ball will release corpse-hunting missions regularly, and rewards will be given when completed, and punishments will naturally be imposed on failures.

There are various rewards, and the only punishment is rebooting.

The number of rebooting days was originally accumulated to 300 years, after these years of hard work, now there are less than three years left.

Seeing that victory is in sight, it is even more necessary to work steadily and steadily.

Chasing corpses for nearly ten thousand years, it’s okay not to get close to women, but I still think about it in my dreams, and I guess it’s better for physical and mental health to get close once in a while.

When he first came to this world, he was in a woman's bed.

It's just that that woman is ugly and fat, no matter how hungry he is, he still won't be able to do it.

The worst thing was that the woman fell in love with him and refused to let him live.

Such an ugly woman is actually a Mrs. Yazhai.

As long as she screamed, the gang of bandits would rush in and tear him to pieces.

At that time, Bian Lang naturally didn't believe it. Before the woman yelled, he shouted that there was a womanizer.

The woman was in a daze, and the village master came in with a big knife, so frightened that Bian Lang urinated on the bed.

The owner of the village was tall and powerful, with an extraordinary bearing, but he was a douchebag, always suspecting that his wife had an affair with his brothers.

Bian Lang's voice just caught him on the bed, and he immediately tied up Bian Lang and ordered the oil pan to be boiled hot, and he was going to put Bian Lang in the oil pan.

Hanging on the big steaming oil pan, Bian Lang's soul flew away, praying to God and worshiping Buddha, even more wanting to go back to just now, and went directly to the village owner's wife.

When the rope started to be lowered, the heat wave hit Bian Lang's face, burning hot.

There is no one who puts his head into the oil pan first, but his feet should enter the pan first, in order to torture people for a longer period of time.

Bian Lang kindly reminded, but the village owner couldn't listen.

At the very moment, a shining red glass ball appeared in front of Bian Lang, claiming to be a corpse, and as long as Bian Lang was willing to sign an agreement, his life would be saved.

At this time, as long as he can save his life, even if he is asked to be a cowherd, Bian Lang will be very happy.

The agreement given by Brother Corpse was very long. Although it quickly flashed in front of Bian Lang's eyes, Bian Lang knew in his heart that by the time he finished reading it, his head would have been in the frying pan.

The moment the blood was drawn, Bian Lang disappeared from above the frying pan.

Day turned into night, in the wilderness, he held a bell, followed by four corpses.

He goes, the corpse goes.

When he stopped, the corpse stopped.

If Brother Corpse hadn't appeared in time and imparted a load of knowledge to him, he might have been scared out of a heart attack.

A small part of that knowledge is an introduction to this world, and most of it is the theory of expelling corpses.

When he arrived at the corpse inn, Bian Lang's heart was still beating wildly.

It was only when he sat down to rest that he carefully checked the agreement he had signed with Brother Corpse.

The content of the agreement is normal, and there is nothing wrong with it. It is probably that the corpse brother helps Bian Lang save his life, and Bian Lang drives the corpse away for the corpse brother. If he succeeds in driving the corpse, he will be rewarded, and if he fails, he will be punished.

In my previous life, as the chief legal counsel of a listed company, I often had to deal with various contracts.

The agreement that Brother Corpse signed with him has a very contractual spirit and is very fair.

But looking at the term of the agreement, Bian Lang felt that this corpse brother had no contractual spirit, and he talked a lot, it was pure fart.

9 years.

Let Lao Tzu work for you for 9 years just to avoid getting caught in the frying pan?
Can I live that long?

When this thought flashed through Bian Lang's mind, he suddenly felt calm.

Anyway, a lifetime is quite short, and being a corpse chaser in this life is definitely much more interesting than sitting in an office trying to falsify contracts.

The contract has been signed, and it is too late to question it now.

The government must not be able to control the dead brother.

Bian Lang repeatedly asked Brother Shi for confirmation, and confirmed that the validity period of the agreement was 9 years, so he could only sigh secretly.

In the next life, I will definitely not remember the events of this life, even if I will be a corpse chaser in my next life, it doesn't matter.

After the four corpses were driven to the destination and successfully delivered, Brother Corpse generously rewarded Bian Lang with a 400-year lifespan, and Bian Lang suddenly lost his composure.

According to this situation, he really might have to work for Brother Corpse for 9 years.

No matter how cunning a capitalist is, he would not exploit laborers like this. It is simply inhumane and cruel.

Thinking back to the present, it has been almost 1 years since I worked under Brother Corpse.

On average, 60 corpses can be expelled every year, and there are nearly [-] corpses in his hands, which is really a remarkable achievement.

During the long years of chasing corpses, he received all kinds of rewards from the corpse brothers, including delicacies, gold, silver and jewelry, and internal strength, but most of them were longevity.

Without rewarding Yangshou more, Bian Lang will not be able to fulfill this agreement.

Here, Bian Lang has to complain about Brother Corpse. When rewarding Yangshou, at least a corpse has ten years, and at most a corpse can get 100 years of Yangshou.

But if the reward is internal energy, Brother Corpse will become extremely stingy, sometimes a corpse can get ten days of internal energy, and when there are few corpses, no matter how many corpses there are, he can only get one day of internal energy in the end.

Although he has been deliberately suppressed by Brother Corpse, fortunately, he has been working for a long enough time. After so many years of accumulation, he now has 500 years of skill.

Looking around the rivers and lakes, there is absolutely no opponent.

Although Brother Corpse didn't reward him with any martial arts skills, and restricted him from learning martial arts from teachers, but with this deep internal strength, no matter which era he meets, he can become number one in the world with just one slap He vomited three liters of blood.

The feeling of invincibility is super cool.

When encountering injustice, you can let go and take care of it, and sometimes you can win the hearts of beauties and relieve loneliness.

Although Brother Corpse didn't turn him into a eunuch, he deprived him of his fertility.

Brother Corpse's explanation is that Bian Lang can have sex with women, but he can never have children. This is to let Bian Lang drive away the corpse without distraction.

The heaven and the earth are righteous, and the dead are respected.

"The dead go on the road, and the living stay away."

When passing through villages and towns, or when he notices someone nearby, Bian Lang will shout a few times at the top of his voice, and jingle the dementor bell to remind the living to avoid the evil spirit of the dead, and give himself bring disaster.

Enter the corpse inn, let the corpse stand against the wall on one side of the door, and Bian Lang goes to light a fire to cook.

Except for the corpse exorcisers, basically no living people will enter the corpse inn.

Cook a bowl of Yangchun noodles, soak your feet while eating them.

When the noodles are finished, it's time to sleep.

"Help, help..." A delicate female voice suddenly came from outside the corpse inn.


The new book sets sail, seeking all kinds of support, collection, recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, all comers are welcome.

Open a new book on the first day of the new year, I wish all fellow Taoists good health and wealth.

(End of this chapter)

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