Chapter 2 Master Bian, please use tea

The girl's voice was so delicate and full of coquettishness that Bian Lang, who loved the hero to save the beauty the most, didn't even bother to move.

Bian Lang has seen too many similar traps in these ten thousand years.

No matter in which era, there are ghouls.

The corpses snatched from the hands of the corpse hunters are said to be surprisingly effective for yin marriages.

Some exorcists lost their corpses, so they could only find a way to buy a corpse on the way.

Bian Lang has chased corpses for nearly ten thousand years, but he has never lost a corpse.

When I first started chasing corpses, I encountered corpse snatchers many times, but in the end they were all resolved by him without any risk.

Now that he has been chasing corpses for nearly ten thousand years, he is better than these little thieves at those indiscriminate methods in the arena.

If you can't be seduced by beauty, you will either pretend to be a ghost, or use smoke, and the bolder ones will rush in and snatch it.

After drying his feet, he just lay down on the straw bed when he saw a black shadow appearing outside the window.

"I died a terrible death, I died a terrible death." The black shadow shook slightly, as if someone was floating in the air.

The voice was even more ethereal, like a ghost whispering.

In a radius of ten miles, there is no living person, only a beating heart on the left side of the room.

Reluctantly, Bian Lang got up and came to the left side quietly, and saw a girl in a green skirt squatting there, holding a bamboo pole tightly with both hands, her raised buttocks were twisting and twisting, and she was swinging vigorously. Pick a scarecrow at the end of the bamboo pole.

The scarecrow was wrapped in a red cloth, and it was a bit scary to bump into it suddenly with a black light.

"I died worse." Bian Lang said and reached out to pat the girl's shoulder lightly.

The girl screamed and fell unconscious.

Are you dizzy?

Bian Lang tied the girl to a peach tree in the yard, gagged her mouth with a rag, and went back to sleep.

The quality of sleep is extremely poor. If someone wakes up halfway, Bian Lang will want to kill someone.

During these ten thousand years, he had never personally killed a single person.

When encountering such heinous fellows, he humiliated them desperately and tortured them severely, forcing them to seek relief by suicide.

No matter how evil a person is, if they fall into the hands of Bian Lang, they will definitely understand that only death is the truth of liberation.

After sleeping until the afternoon, the first thing Bianlang did when he got up was to check the corpse, and then he came to the yard.

The girl in the green skirt woke up early, and after being unable to break free, she has been very quiet.

But after seeing Bian Lang, she immediately twisted her body, humming her nose, her pretty face flushed red.

"I know I'm handsome. Women want to throw themselves into my arms when they see me, but you blush so much that I'm embarrassed to do it." Bian Lang thinks this girl is cute, but not a beauty .

The girl in the green skirt struggled even more fiercely.

Bian Lang kindly pulled out the rag from her mouth.

"I want to pee."

The girl in the green dress roared angrily, like a roaring tiger shaking the mountains.

Bian Lang was taken aback.

In this era, let alone women, even men rarely say "to pee".

Not only did the girl speak, but she also yelled so loudly that Bian Lang blushed a little.

Untied the rope, Bian Lang pointed outward: "Don't pee in the inn."

Even if the girl in the green dress had ten guts, she wouldn't dare to pee in the corpse inn.

Maoyao ran outside quickly, and after untying her hands, the girl in the green skirt turned back again, intending to buy a corpse from Bian Lang.

If you can't steal in the middle of the night, and you want to buy it with money, you should be a corpse dealer or a corpse dealer?
"I haven't touched a woman for half a year." Bian Lang stared lewdly at the plump breasts of the girl in the green skirt.

The girl in the green skirt was so frightened that she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes quickly, after thinking about it, she ran away quickly.

After dark, Bian Lang packed his things, rang the Dementor bell, and continued on his way with the four corpses.

The four corpses were going to four different towns, but fortunately they were not far apart, so they wouldn't have to walk too much.

Brother Shi was very considerate in arranging the route.

After sending the three corpses to their destination, there was only one corpse left, which was in the water town ahead.

Just after zero o'clock, it was the most cloudy time of the day.

A red lantern hangs at the entrance of the town.

But no one.

Bian Lang frowned slightly, this family is too irresponsible, the children have already arrived at the door, why not come out to greet them?
When picking up the corpse, Bian Lang always informs the owner in advance, and the owner will set up an incense table at the entrance of the town, put offerings on it, and burn paper money.

All these are done for the enjoyment of those lonely ghosts.

There's nothing the owner can do if he doesn't pick it up, the corpse has to be sent to the house.

Bian Lang took out paper money from his bag, raised his hands in the air, and said with his hands clasped together, "Thank you for your company all the way, be careful, please accept it."

After all, he drove the corpse into the town.

The water town is not very big, and it is like a ghost town after nightfall, with few dogs barking.

When he got here, Bian Lang let the corpse go ahead, but he found the door of his house.

It was a very grand mansion, but it was a pity that the gate of the house was tightly closed.

Bian Lang knocked on the door.

After a few knocks, there was a creak, and the door slowly opened inward.

The person who opened the door was the girl in the green skirt I met a few days ago.

It's just that the girl's state is not right, her face is blank, her eyes are dull, as if she has lost her soul.

"Come in." The voice of the girl in the green skirt was also very jerky.

Bian Lang smiled slightly and entered the house with the corpse.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

The house was deserted, with no smoke or smoke.

The girl in the green skirt brought Bian Lang to the main hall, and told Bian Lang to rest for a while with a cold voice. The hot tea will be here soon, and so will the master.

Bian Lang has always been very patient.

After delivering this corpse, the reward should be to reduce the number of days of rebooting, it may be a few days, or it may be a few months.

When Master Zhu came in, his expression and posture were exactly the same as that of the girl in the green skirt.

Obviously his son's body was right next to him, but he didn't even look at it, and greeted Bian Lang with a sly smile on his face.

The girl in the green dress quickly brought hot tea.

In her eyes, the top-quality West Lake Longjing tea floats on the golden tea soup.

But in Bian Lang's eyes, it was not tea, but gray maggots.

Such maggots are really numerous in the latrines in summer.

"Master Bian, please use tea." Master Zhu's eyes were glazed over, his lips trembled slightly, and his voice sounded as if it came from his buttocks.

Bian Lang picked up the tea bowl, looked at the maggots in it carefully, did not rush to drink, and asked with a smile: "Master Zhu, besides your son, is there anyone else in the family who died unexpectedly?"

"Master Bian, please have some tea." Master Zhu repeated what he had just said.

Bian Lang turned the tea bowl, stood up abruptly, squeezed Master Zhu's mouth, and poured the whole bowl of tea into it.

Master Zhu's ruddy face instantly turned black and purple, his mouth opened wide, and he looked up to the sky and screamed.

Dense maggots, accompanied by thick black air, crawled out of Master Zhu's mouth crazily, completely enveloping Master Zhu in the blink of an eye.

While the maggots were wriggling, Master Zhu rushed towards Bianlang waving his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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