Chapter 170
Before Bian Lang came back, Shangguan Hongyu received Ao Qing's complaint letter first.

The side waves caused disturbances in the West Sea, hurt His eyes, and destroyed His Dragon Palace. His crimes are too numerous to write down.

Ao Qing wrote this complaint letter to ask Shangguan Hongyu whether the covenant between the human race and the Dead Sea still counts.

Seeing Ao Qing's two major crimes against Bian Lang, Shangguan Hongyu felt quite a headache.

Any one of the two major crimes can be regarded as a catastrophe.

The human race has lived in peace with the world for thousands of years, which is the blessing of all living beings.

As soon as Bian Lang appeared, it seemed that this peace was about to be broken.

But Shangguan Hongyu knew that Bianlang could not be blamed for this, it was because of Sihai's actions over the years, which had already crossed the line.

Just because she didn't ask, doesn't mean she doesn't know anything.

Not to mention anything else, but the number of fishermen who have lost their lives in the four seas over the years is terrifying.

Surely no one would say anything if the death was due to a natural disaster.

The key point is that many fishermen died because of the Sihai aquarium.

No matter how much Si Hai concealed the evidence, some evidence would still be preserved.

Facing the weakness of the human race, Sihai's actions became more and more rampant.

Shangguan Hongyu looked at the complaint letter, all she could think about was how to fight back.

In any case, the human race cannot become the first party to tear up the covenant.

Originally, no matter what happened, she could just leave with Bian Lang and live a happy life.

But she has been sitting in this seat for ten thousand years, and she is most aware of what is on her shoulders.

I think back when she was the Miss Justice Fort, she liked fighting against injustice.

It's just that in the face of that smoky and evil world, her power alone is really limited.

Then the dragon kings of the other three seas also sent a letter of complaint, hoping that she could give Sihai an explanation, otherwise, they would have to go to heaven.

If Heaven Realm is invited to mediate, things will undoubtedly become more troublesome.

Especially the fact that Shangguan Hongyu is a vine demon will make Shangguan Hongyu's situation extremely difficult.

Shangguan Hongyu then called many ministers into the palace, wanting to hear their views on this matter.

All officials have heard about the letter of complaint.

Many officials are actually watching jokes. After all, Bian Lang is Shangguan Hongyu's man. This is Shangguan Hongyu's own admission. Now that Bian Lang has gotten into trouble, Shangguan Hongyu obviously intends to do everything possible to save Bian Lang .

In fact, in the eyes of Baiguan, it is very easy to solve this matter, just hand over Bian Lang.

But Shangguan Hongyu would definitely not agree to do this.

"Your Majesty, the authenticity of this matter has yet to be verified..." Shen Sanmu said.

Shangguan Hongyu said: "The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas have all sent letters of complaint, so it can be seen that it is true."

Shen Sanmu's expression changed slightly, and he silently closed his mouth.

"What does Your Majesty plan to do?" Nian Tianfu knew that Shangguan Hongyu must have already made up his mind.

Shangguan Hongyu smiled and asked, "How do you guys think the world has treated us these years?"

All the officials lowered their heads, and no one answered.

The aquariums of the four seas are constantly killing fishermen who go out to sea, and even caravans passing through the sea, the chances of shipwrecks are also greatly increasing.

Although the people of the Four Seas don't look down on the human race, the human race dare not have any complaints. Once a war is provoked again, the ordinary people of the human race will be the first to suffer.

Shangguan Hongyu said: "I called you here just to tell you, don't be afraid, I will definitely resolve this matter properly."

When the officials left, their faces were full of doubts.

But Shangguan Hongyu had already got the answer she wanted.

Even the important ministers in the court don't want to conflict with the world, let alone the ordinary people living at the bottom.

A few days later, when Bian Lang returned to the imperial capital, he heard about the complaint letter on the way.

Thinking that the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas are all monsters who have lived for thousands of years, Bian Lang finds it inconceivable that they would even make small reports.

"Honey, did you really demolish the West Sea Dragon Palace?" Shangguan Hongyu's voice was full of excitement.

Bian Lang said: "Did I cause you trouble?"

"My husband seems to be afraid of trouble?" Shangguan Hongyu stared.

But she is more interested in the process.

Bian Lang just drove Wu Heng's body to Xihai this time, and acted as her envoy by the way, to see what the West Sea Dragon Palace wanted to do.

In the end, Bian Lang was lucky, not only blinded one of Ao Qing's eyes, but also destroyed the West Sea Dragon Palace, which is outrageous.

Speaking of the process, there is nothing particularly interesting.

The reason why Bian Lang wanted to destroy the West Sea Dragon Palace was because Ao Qing tricked him into a magic weapon, intending to turn him into blood.

If Bianlang had encountered such a thing before, he would definitely overturn Xihai directly and kill all the aquarium in Xihai.

In the end, Bianlang just destroyed the West Sea Dragon Palace, and he was already trying his best to restrain himself.

"Ao Qing has always been a fool. Without real evidence, he dared to say that you killed his son." Shangguan Hongyu was also very angry when she heard the words.

Bian Lang smiled and said, "Ao Cheng was indeed killed by me."

"That's why Ao Cheng made a provocation first." Shangguan Hongyu would stand by Bianlang no matter what.

No matter what happens, it is someone else who is at fault, and your man must be right.

Bian Lang said: "I never thought that just teaching Ao Qing a lesson would cause you such a big trouble."

"The old covenant has been in jeopardy for a long time. Everyone knows that as long as there is a fuse, the war will break out immediately." Shangguan Hongyu didn't think it was a big deal.

Maybe in the eyes of the officials and the common people, she felt that Xihai was at fault because she wanted to protect her man.

Bian Lang smiled and said: "Don't worry, I have long disliked the behavior of the West Sea Dragon Palace. When the time comes, I will bring those friends in the forest and I will be able to easily solve this matter."

"Husband, the four seas are actually not strong, what is strong is their backing." Shangguan Hongyu felt the need to remind Bian Lang, maybe Bian Lang didn't know what kind of monsters lived above their heads.

Bian Lang asked with a smile: "Are you talking about immortals?"

"You know?" Shangguan Hongyu was astonished.

Bian Lang said: "Not long ago, I fought against the gods, and I feel that their strength is just like that."

"Husband, Shangxian is very strong." Shangguan Hongyu has also fought against immortals, and it is easy to see how terrifying their strength is.

Even if the human race joins forces with the four seas, it is by no means an opponent of the heavens.

Bian Lang smiled and said: "It's okay, you just pretend you don't know me when the time comes, but I want to go to the heaven to see how strong those guys are."

"I will be with you." Shangguan Hongyu said that she would never be separated from Bian Lang again.

Now that he knew the cause of the incident, Shangguan Hongyu would be happy to reply to the Dragon King of the Four Seas now.

In these years, Shangguan Hongyu has recorded everything Xihai has done. Since Ao Qing intends to settle the score, she will accompany Ao Qing to settle it.

After the reply letter was sent out, I waited for many days, but I didn't see the letter from all over the world.

This matter has already spread in the imperial capital, and the common people are discussing it in private.

If the four seas join forces to kill, this disaster will be caused by Bian Lang.

The people love the empress very much, but in this matter, if the empress chooses to shield Bianlang in the end, she will definitely lose the hearts of the people.

Therefore, in Wei Qingyi's view, there is no doubt that there is an excellent opportunity in front of him.

Wanting to push Shangguan Hongyu down from that high position, and then sit up by himself, there is no better opportunity than this.

Wei Qingyi doesn't plan to do anything in the imperial capital at the moment, he just wants to contact the Dragon King of the Four Seas in secret, and try to amplify the influence of this matter infinitely, so that Shangguan Hongyu will not care about the first and the last.

This country will be his sooner or later.


East China Sea Dragon Palace.

The dragon kings of the four seas gathered together, all of them looked dignified.

All of Shangguan Hongyu's replies to them were sent to Donghai, which shows that Shangguan Hongyu expected that they would definitely gather together to discuss countermeasures.

If they really want to go to war with the human race, they still need to think about it.

This war, once started, is difficult to end.

No matter who wins in the end, the losses suffered will be terrible.

Putting aside the losses and only looking at the rewards they can get, maybe they can make up their minds and change the current situation.

Although the four seas are large, their products are definitely not comparable to the territory of the human race.

"Brother, tell me something." Seeing that everyone was silent, Ao Qing couldn't bear it anymore.

Ao Chi, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, is the oldest among the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas, and also has the strongest mana, and the East China Sea is also the strongest among the Four Seas.

At this moment, Ao Chi gently stroked his long red beard, his wrinkled face was full of helplessness.

"Second brother, the corpse driver is holding a Pangu axe and is the emperor's man. I'm afraid even if we join forces, we won't be able to..." It was Ao Lan, the Dragon King of the South China Sea who spoke.

Ao Lan looked stronger, her pair of dragon horns were bigger than other dragon kings.

The South China Sea has developed rapidly in recent years, and its strength has increased rapidly, and it is driven to surpass the West China Sea.

In fact, in terms of strength alone, the South China Sea should have surpassed the West China Sea.

The Dragon Palace of Xihai was destroyed, and Ao Qing, the dragon king of Xihai, was beheaded and blinded in one eye, which greatly reduced Xihai's strength.

"Because that guy is difficult to deal with, I came to discuss countermeasures with you. Don't think that this matter has nothing to do with you. Once I'm done with Xihai, it will be your turn next." Ao Qing said.

Ao Zi, the Dragon King of the North Sea, just smiled.

Among the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas, He is the weakest. Generally, when discussing things, he seldom speaks. Basically, what his brothers say is what they say.

"Second brother, we have never had any quarrel with that corpse driver." Ao Lan said with a smile.

Ao Qing asked angrily: "So you plan to sit idly by?"

"The corpse chaser is holding a Pangu axe, he can overturn my South China Sea with a single axe." Ao Lan sighed.

Ao Qing said: "Because of this, we should be more united than..."

Ao Lan shook her head and smiled wryly, feeling that no matter what she said, she couldn't explain it clearly to Ao Qing.

Obviously Xihai has become like this, but Ao Qing still failed to realize the crux of the problem, so it is no wonder that Xihai will end up like this.

Ao Chi, who had been silent all this time, opened his mouth at this moment and said: "The four seas are like a family. They never make trouble, but they are not afraid of trouble..."

"But the second brother seems to cause troubles a lot." Ao Lan teased.

He can write the letter of complaint, but if he wants to join forces against the human race, he needs to think carefully.

After all, this kind of decision will often determine the common destiny of the South China Sea aquarium.

Ao Qing said: "The matter of Ao Cheng..."

"Second brother, I heard that He joined hands with the high-ranking officials of the human race to kill the richest man in the clan. The emperor did not pursue this matter, so the second brother should think it is burning incense." Ao Lan laughed.

Ao Qing bowed her head and remained silent.

The scourge has long been planted, and the conflict is irreconcilable, and it is normal to erupt at any time.

Xi Hai may have done a lot of wrong things, but in Ao Qing's view, those wrong things are all innocuous.

In the final analysis, the human race bullied them too much.

Ao Qing straightened out his ideas and started a long speech, just to convince the three brothers that they must join hands to fight against the human race.

"Second brother, if the corpse driver didn't have a Pangu axe, and you knew he was the emperor's man, you would still kill him, right?" Ao Lan suddenly interrupted Ao Qing.

Ao Qing did not deny this.

At that time, Bian Lang was tricked into the magic weapon, and without accident, Bian Lang would soon turn into a puddle of blood.

Who would have thought that Bian Lang would hold a Pangu axe, break open the magic weapon, and make a big disturbance in the West Sea, making things out of hand all of a sudden.

The thoughts in Ao Chi's heart are actually the same as Ao Lan's. This is Xi Hai's own fault, and the rest of the three seas should not be involved.

But just as He said just now, the whole world is like a family, and if one family is in trouble, the three families will help together.

Now that the West Sea is in trouble, if they do nothing to help, the alliance of the four seas will be completely disintegrated.

Thinking of this, Ao Chi said: "Second brother, elder brother will advance and retreat with you."

Ao Qing breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, with Ao Chi's words, he was relieved.

"Since the eldest brother has spoken, the younger brother has nothing to say, but what should we do next?" Ao Lan only felt that Ao Chi had made an extremely bad decision.

Ao Chidao: "The Pangu Ax is more terrifying than the Emperor, so we must steal the Divine Ax as a matter of urgency."

As long as Bian Lang didn't have a Pan Gu ax in hand, killing him would be easy.

"Brother has a way." Ao Lan has always liked to flatter Ao Chi.

On this point, both Ao Qing and Ao Zi looked down on him.

Ao Chidao: "Now that we know what to do next, let's discuss it together and always come up with a perfect plan."

Ao Lan shrugged, anyway, he couldn't think of any way, so he could only rely on his two elder brothers.


"Husband, are you going to drive away the corpse again?" Shangguan Hongyu was actually excited when he learned that Bian Lang was leaving.

Bian Lang said before that normally speaking, as long as there is one more exorcism, the rebooting period can be ended.

Shangguan Hongyu was looking forward to this very much.

Bian Lang said with a smile: "I will strive to go back early."

"Where are you going this time?" Shangguan Hongyu asked with a smile.

Bian Lang said: "South China Sea."

Shangguan Hongyu couldn't laugh immediately when she heard the words.

Now the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas are gathering together and discussing how to deal with them, but now Bian Lang wants to drive the corpses to the South China Sea, which is too dangerous.

But Bian Lang knew very well in his heart that Brother Shi just wanted to provoke a war between the four seas and the human race.

As for the danger that Shangguan Hongyu was worried about, Bian Lang wasn't worried at all.

"No matter what, come back safely." Shangguan Hongyu rested her head on Bian Lang's heart.

Bian Lang nodded, and left the imperial capital that night.

(End of this chapter)

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