Chapter 171 Brothers Are For Selling

The corpses to be chased this time are closer to the South China Sea.

The name of the corpse was Ao Run, which may be related to the royal family of the South China Sea.

Brother Corpse can definitely be regarded as a top expert when it comes to making things happen.

Chaos in the West China Sea is obviously just the beginning. Now it is the turn of the South China Sea, and the East China Sea and the North China Sea will definitely not let it go.

Within a few days, Bian Lang came to the place where the corpse was hidden.

It was a small fishing village near the South China Sea, and the villagers all depended on fishing for their livelihood.

But in recent years, nine out of ten accidents happened to all the boats going out to sea, which made the villagers afraid to go to sea, the quality of life dropped sharply, and many people were hungry.

A remote small fishing village like this is basically an unmanaged area.

The gorgeously dressed Bian Lang appeared in the village and immediately attracted the attention of all the villagers.

Especially those children who were barely clothed, when they saw Bian Lang's clothes, they all cast envious eyes.

No matter in what era, poverty cannot be eradicated.

There was a lot of roasted animal meat in the storage bag, Bian Lang simply took it out and distributed it to the children.

When the children got the meat, they were reluctant to eat it, and excitedly ran home to share it with their families.

"What's your name? Why are you here?" An old man with a pipe in his mouth and a cane said in a very bad tone.

Bian Lang also gave him some meat just now, but the old man was worried that the meat would be poisonous, so he didn't want it.

Bian Lang really wanted to laugh. To kill these fishermen, do you need to use poison?
But from the perspective of a fisherman, it is right not to trust Bian Lang.

But for people who are often hungry, as long as they have a bite to eat, they will scramble to be the first, even if they are poisoned to death, they have to be a full ghost.

Bian Lang clasped his fists and said with a smile: "Bian Lang below is a corpse chaser."

"Corpse chaser?" The old man looked surprised, and soon exhaled another smoke ring.

Bian Lang nodded, and asked with a smile: "I want to ask, who owns the grave named Ao Run in the back mountain?"

"I don't know, I don't know..." The old man waved his hands and left with difficulty on crutches.

Judging from the old man's reaction, that grave should be a taboo in this fishing village.

Just mentioning it will make them feel very unlucky.

Ao Run's grave is on the back mountain, with a tombstone standing, it seems that people often come to visit the grave.

Originally, Bian Lang planned to dig directly, but after thinking about it, he should find out first, so as not to cause harm to innocent people.

The children who had taken away the animal meat turned back at this moment and looked at Bian Lang with a pitiful expression.

Bian Lang smiled and said: "Who can tell me whose family Ao Run's grave belongs to, and whose family this high-grade spirit stone belongs to."

"It belongs to the crazy woman's family." A seven or eight-year-old girl hurriedly said.

Her mother is sick, as long as she has this high-grade spirit stone, she can be treated well.

The rest of the children cast contemptuous glances at her, but she didn't care at all.

Compared with a high-grade spirit stone, the contempt of his playmates is nothing.

Bian Lang took out several spirit stones, stuffed them into the little girl's hands, and said with a smile, "Can you take me there?"

Seeing so many spirit stones, the little girl's eyes lit up and she immediately led the way.

The rest of the children are now full of envy. You must know that even if their parents can go to sea smoothly, they will not be able to earn a high-grade spirit stone all year round.

A piece of high-grade spirit stone, if exchanged for ordinary silver, would be a full 1000 taels.

There is an extremely dilapidated courtyard at the end of the village, and the houses are in dire straits, looking like they may collapse at any time.

A disheveled woman was washing clothes in the yard.

She was washing children's clothes, which had been washed to tatters, and the clothes hanging on one side were full of holes.

Looking at this woman's behavior, one can tell that she is indeed a crazy woman.

"Uncle, go by yourself, I dare not go in." The little girl said in fear.

There is no need for adults to remind, the children in the village will stay away from this crazy woman when they see it.

If the crazy woman sees it, she will chase after her, which is very scary.

When Bian Lang entered the yard, the woman didn't even look up at him, she was still washing her clothes seriously.

Perhaps Ao Run was the woman's child, and he passed away only because of some accident.

For a mother, the loss of a child is a fatal blow.

"I want to dig Ao Run's grave." Bian Lang said bluntly.

The woman still didn't respond.

Perhaps she only remembered that she had a child and then lost it.

Bian Lang felt that asking was useless, so he went to the back mountain to dig the grave, and after nightfall, he took it directly to the seaside, even if he had completed the task of expelling corpses.

Bian Lang found it incredible that the corpse was so close to the destination for the first time.

Chasing corpses like this is undoubtedly relaxing and enjoyable.

However, as soon as he arrived at the back mountain, he noticed that many people came in a hurry.

It was the villagers from the fishing village who came, all holding farm tools, with angry and ferocious faces.

"What do you want to do?" The strong man in the lead held two broad axes, and the sound was like a bell, quite imposing.

Bian Lang said: "Is this your family's grave?"

"Although it's not my family's tomb, what's buried inside isn't a human being," said the strong man.

Bian Lang asked in surprise, "Not a human?"

"Of course it's a monster." The strong man said.

Back then, every family in the village raised money and hired the most powerful onmyoji to seal the monster in this tomb. Over the past ten years, the village has always been peaceful.

If this grave is dug open, catastrophe is bound to happen.

Bian Lang wanted to dig a grave, but they would not agree.

If the monster is released, Bian Langda can pat his ass and leave, but they will be the ones who will suffer the real disaster.

Bian Lang smiled and said: "To be honest, I came here for the monsters inside. As long as I take the monsters away, you can live here in peace from now on."

"You know how to subdue demons?" Someone asked weakly.

"Aren't you a corpse driver?" Someone asked curiously.

Bian Lang said: "Hurting corpses is the main job, and subduing demons is the side job."

The villagers whispered, whether they should trust Bian Lang or not, it was difficult for them to make up their minds for a while.

But the strong man swung his ax and said coldly: "We are more willing to maintain the status quo than trust you."

The status quo is that monsters are suppressed and sealed underground. Although their lives are hard, they are very solid.

Even if Bian Lang can really take away the monster from the grave, there is no guarantee that the monster will not come back in the future.

To release monsters, you need to bear great risks.

From the standpoint of the villagers, such a decision is the right one. It is an extremely idiotic behavior to pin your hopes on a stranger you meet for the first time.

Bian Lang sighed, and said: "I knew I couldn't tell you clearly, I've dug this grave today."

"Then you are dead too." The strong man raised his ax with an extremely ferocious expression.

The rest of the villagers are holding on to the farm tools in their hands. To deal with villains like Bian Lang, they need to swarm up, so that no one will know who killed Bian Lang, and the sense of guilt in their hearts will be much lighter.

Bian Lang smiled and said: "Well, in order to save time, I will stand here and let you chop me three times. If you can't kill me, you go back immediately and don't interfere in this matter."

"You don't need three axes, I can kill you with one axe." The strong man chuckled.

The other villagers were all laughing, but Bian Lang looked at him like a dog, unexpectedly he was a fool.

Bian Lang said: "If you talk about three axes, just three axes, and you can't miss one."

"Although he is a fool, he is still a man." The strong man swung his axe, intending to give Bian Lang a good time.

Who knew that he used all his strength to strike Bian Lang's head with an axe, just like hitting a rock.

No, even if it is splitting on a stone, such a sharp ax and such a powerful force can leave clear marks.

But Bian Lang's head was unscathed, not even a single hair was cut off.

The strong man was shocked, and swung the ax again, this time hitting Bian Lang's neck.

But the result was the same as before, and Bian Lang couldn't be hurt at all.

The villagers were stunned.

"Monster, it's a monster..." Someone suddenly shouted tremblingly.

The villagers backed away in fright.

Bian Lang said speechlessly: "Apart from monsters, is there nothing else in your eyes?"

"You said you're not a monster?" The strong man's voice was trembling, and the third ax couldn't hit it no matter what.

Bian Lang suddenly dodged and hit his head on the axe. The axe flew out of the strong man's hand and hit a big tree behind with a bang.

The trunk of the ancient pine tree embraced by three people exploded suddenly, and sawdust flew across.

That brawny man was the most courageous person in the village, and he was so frightened that he sat down on the ground at this moment, his two eyeballs almost flew out.

Bian Lang smiled and said, "Can't I be a fairy?"

"Is it true that the gods will descend to the mortal world?" Someone asked timidly among the villagers hiding in the distance.

Bian Lang said: "That's natural, and you live in the South China Sea, don't you know that there is a Dragon Palace in the sea? There is also a Dragon King in the Dragon Palace?"

The villagers are silent.

They worshiped the Dragon King every year, and sacrificed all three animals, but the fishing boats still disappeared in the wind and waves.

Even if there is really a dragon king in the sea, this dragon king will not bless them.

In recent years, they seldom go out to sea to fish, and they no longer worship the Dragon King.

Even though he was leaning on the sea, he couldn't even fill his stomach, which was extremely miserable.

"Immortal, can you really get rid of the monsters in this grave?" The strong man forced himself to stand up and asked expectantly.

Bian Lang smiled and said, "I came here just to get rid of this demon."

The villagers discussed it and stopped blocking it.

This monster has always been buried in the back mountain, and it has always been a hidden danger. Who knows, one day the monster will break the seal and harm them again.

If you can cut the weeds and get rid of the roots, it will be great.

It's just that the common people didn't dare to dig the grave, they hid in the distance and watched, Bian Lang just slapped it out, and the grave bag exploded, revealing the coffin directly.

Bian Lang waved again, and the coffin gently floated out of the grave.

The strong man approached bravely, hid beside Bian Lang, and said in a trembling voice: "God, this monster is fierce, Wan Wang be careful."

Bian Lang didn't talk nonsense, he directly lifted the lid of the coffin, and saw that lying inside was a young dragon.

This young dragon is less than one meter long, its head is only as big as Bian Lang's fist, and its pair of dragon horns are even smaller and cute.

Bian Lang was a little confused, he didn't expect that the existence that the villagers regarded as a monster turned out to be a dragon.

This also confirmed his previous guess that Ao Run's identity was related to the South China Sea Dragon Palace.

It's just that Ao Run is obviously a dragon, why did he die at such a young age?
What role did the villagers of this fishing village play in it?
"It's a good thing the monster doesn't move." The strong man heaved a sigh of relief.

Bian Lang said speechlessly: "Can't you see that this is a real dragon?"

"A real dragon? Such a small...real dragon?" The burly man was full of doubts.

Bian Lang sighed: "The children of dragons also have young children. I dare you to kill the children of the Dragon King of the South China Sea. Could it be that you will not be able to go fishing in the sea?"

"This monster... No, we didn't kill this dragon." The strong man shook his head repeatedly.

After asking, I found out that this young dragon was born by that crazy woman in the village, and it died right after it was born.

When Wen Po saw that the crazy woman had given birth to a monster, she was frightened to death on the spot.

The villagers were also frightened, so they invited an onmyoji overnight to seal and bury the corpse in order to keep the village safe.

The cause and effect of the matter is probably like this.

As for how the crazy woman got pregnant with the dragon's child, they don't know.

Even if you ask the crazy woman now, you still have no way of knowing.

After hearing this, Bian Lang asked, "Does that crazy woman have no relatives?"

"She has a man, but her man died in a storm when he went fishing a few years ago," said the strong man.

Now no matter what Bian Lang asks, this strong man will answer truthfully, as if he already believes that Bian Lang is the real god, who was sent by heaven to save them.

I don't know what other people think, anyway, he has had enough of the hard life now.

If you can't get a change, you might as well die.

"I heard that San'er was killed by you in order to occupy San'er's wife..." Someone in the village sneered at the strong man.

The brawny man laughed and said, "It's all rumors."

"If you lie in front of the gods, do you think the gods won't know the truth?" Another person said.

With his amazing strength, this strong man ran rampant in the village. Everyone scolded him, but everyone was also afraid of him.

At this moment, in front of the gods, those villagers dare to speak ill of this strong man.

How did the crazy woman's man die? The villagers all knew it well. At that time, the crazy woman's man went to sea with this strong man. If there was a storm, how could this strong man survive?

You must know that the crazy woman's man is much better at water than this strong man.

The villagers all believed that the strong man had killed someone.

Bian Lang looked at the strong man with a smile, and asked, "Brothers are for betrayal, right?"

"God, you have to believe me. Although I am a reckless man, I have never done anything harmful to nature..." The strong man's eyes were full of tears, and he looked very sincere.

It's just that Bian Lang can see clearly how dark his heart is.

Bian Lang asked with a smile: "Then do you know why that crazy woman is pregnant with a dragon?"

"This, this..." The strong man shook his head repeatedly.

That crazy woman wants to give her body to whomever she wants, that is her freedom. Since the man died, such a young crazy woman will definitely not be able to bear the loneliness.

It's just that who would have thought that she would find a dragon to vent her anger, which is too terrifying.

With a wave of his hand, Bian Lang closed the coffin lid, held the coffin, and walked towards the fishing village.

Although the villagers felt something was wrong, they didn't dare to talk too much, they followed behind silently, their hearts were already filled with fear, feeling that today in the coming year would be the anniversary of the death of the whole village.

(End of this chapter)

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