Chapter 175
imperial capital.

Royal Palace.

Shangguan Hongyu frowned, looked at Zhezi in front of her, and thought that her man was really a troublemaker.

If you go to Xihai, you will destroy Xihai.

To the South China Sea, the South China Sea will be destroyed.

Now everyone in the world says that Bian Lang is the devil of the world, and Shangguan Hongyu somewhat agrees.

In fact, the conflict with Four Seas has already reached the point where it cannot be reconciled.

It's just that the four seas are hindered by the supernatural power of the heavens, so they dare not take the lead, and only dare to do something on the sea, which is considered a small fight.

And Shangguan Hongyu needs to deal with the eyes of many countries, and has no energy to manage the world.

As a result, as soon as Bian Lang came back, the whole world was disturbed.

The Xihai side was better, but Ao Qing's eye was beheaded.

Looking at the South China Sea, Bian Lang's attack was even more ruthless, directly killing Ao Lan.

Shangguan Hongyu was feeling a headache when Bian Lang walked in suddenly.

"I came back quickly this time." Shangguan Hongyu chuckled lightly.

Bian Lang asked with a smile: "You should know everything, right?"

"Why did you kill Ao Lan?" Shangguan Hongyu was curious about this.

Bian Lang said: "The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas are discussing to rebel and want to kill the imperial capital. If I get rid of a single Dragon King, I will reduce a powerful enemy."

These words sound reasonable, but in fact, in the eyes of the ministers in the court, Bian Lang is a mindless reckless man.

Before doing things, it seems that I never think about it, and do what I think of.

"Honey, I'm curious, are you really not afraid of the gods in the heavens?" Shangguan Hongyu asked.

Bian Lang smiled and said, "Why are you afraid of them?"

If you really want to be killed by a god, that's fine.

After living for so long, Bian Lang is not like those so-called immortals who have not seen through life and death and are afraid of death.

"That's right, it's really not scary." What Shangguan Hongyu is thinking about now is to give up the throne, so that she can follow Bianlang to travel north and south.

Having protected the people of this country for tens of thousands of years, Shangguan Hongyu felt that she had done enough.

What's more, now, the voices against her are very loud in the world.

But she didn't care, and kept doing thankless things.

In fact, a long time ago, she thought about giving up, but she also knew that once she left, the tigers, leopards and wolves around would flock to eat.

For the sake of those innocent and poor creatures, even if she bears the infamy, she has always persisted.

Now that she is reunited with Bian Lang again, and the memories of the past are revived, she knows what the life she most wants to live is like.

"Is it over?" Shangguan Hongyu asked with a blushing face instead of talking about business.

Bian Lang shook his head.

"What's the matter with your corpse brother? It's clear that we've met again, but we just can't live or die..." Shangguan Hongyu felt quite annoyed.

Bian Lang said: "Based on what I know about Brother Corpse, if it wants to end, I guess it will take many times to drive the corpse away."

"Honey, I plan to give up the throne." Shangguan Hongyu made this decision after careful consideration.

Continuing to sit in this seat, Shangguan Hongyu felt that she would go crazy sooner or later.

Every once in a while, Bian Lang would go to chase away the corpses, and the days when Bian Lang was not around were really tormenting.

As long as she thinks of being able to drive corpses with Bian Lang, she is excited and extremely happy.

Bian Lang said: "This is not a trivial matter, you have to think about it carefully."

"Then what do you want me to do?" Shangguan Hongyu asked back.

Bian Lang smiled and said, "Of course the most important thing is to make yourself happy."

"We used to be the happiest when we were together." Shangguan Hongyu has nothing to ask for now, but wants to go back to the past.

In fact, it is very simple to want to go back to the past, as long as she steps back from the throne, it can be realized.

Many people may feel that she has been sitting in that seat because she is reluctant to let go of the power she holds.

In fact, she knew very well in her heart that if she was strong enough, she would not be afraid of any power.

For example, Bianlang, a place as powerful as the Four Seas Dragon Palace, is actually vulnerable to Bianlang.

Those people or forces who are afraid of the Dragon Palace of the Four Seas probably feel terrified as long as they think of what Bian Lang has done to the Dragon Palace.

If she didn't know Bian Lang, when she learned that there was such a nearly invincible existence as Bian Lang, even if she had a huge empire, she would not have the courage to fight against Bian Lang.

Maybe one person really can't fight against a country, but that powerful person can easily slaughter a city.

If the city where the emperor is located is slaughtered, how can the emperor be safe?

Bian Lang would not stop her, Shangguan Hongyu could do whatever she wanted.

A few days later, there was an urgent report to the imperial capital that the tribes from all over the world gathered in the East China Sea, intending to attack the imperial capital.

In the past few days, Shangguan Hongyu has been thinking about suitable candidates.

In fact, it doesn't matter who you choose, as long as she leaves, this huge empire will inevitably fall into chaos.

When the time comes, all she can do is to do her best to help Xindi solve the chaos.

Unexpectedly, before she had chosen a good person, the Four Seas Aquarium made trouble first.

Si Hai's troubles may only be resolved with Bian Lang's assistance, and it would be very unkind to leave this mess to the new emperor.

"Husband, let's settle this matter, how about going wandering around the rivers and lakes together?" Shangguan Hongyu was troubled, and only when she snuggled into Bian Lang's arms could she find a moment of peace.

Bian Lang said: "This matter happened because of me, I will solve it."

"I know you are very strong, but after all, it is an alliance of the four seas, and it is impossible to rely on one person alone..." Shangguan Hongyu knew in his heart that Bian Lang had this strength.

Bianlang was already very powerful tens of thousands of years ago.

And in these tens of thousands of years, Bianlang has not stopped, and has been getting stronger.

Shangguan Hongyu couldn't even imagine how strong Bian Lang was today.

She can't just let Bian Lang deal with the alliance of the Four Seas Aquarium alone.

After all, there is such a huge empire standing behind her, how can she do nothing?

Bian Lang said: "Letting the soldiers of the empire go will only increase casualties."

"That can't be..." Shangguan Hongyu was worried.

Bian Lang smiled and said, "Who said I'm going alone? At that time, I'll call our brothers from Fort Justice, plus you, and I won't be able to do a small alliance of the world?"

Shangguan Hongyu was a little confused, but forgot about the long-headed clan.

You must know that the multi-headed race is very powerful, and the fighting power of the multi-headed creatures with more than three heads is already extremely terrifying.

Shangguan Hongyu has lived in the misty forest for a few days, and knows how powerful the multi-headed tribe is there.

If you bring the Hydra and disintegrate the Universal Alliance, it will be no problem.

As for how the heavens will react after the destruction of the Four Seas Dragon Palace, that's something for later, and it's just a matter of seeing the tricks at that time.

"Honey, if that's the case, I should abdicate quickly." Shangguan Hongyu laughed.

When she leaves the throne, she will crusade against the Universal Alliance in the name of Justice Fort, and seek justice for those who died at sea for no reason.

Doing this in the name of Fort Justice will at least not involve this empire.

In the future, even if the Heaven Realm asks for a crime, it will only trouble the Fort of Justice.

This may be the last thing Shangguan Hongyu can do for the people of the empire.

After this incident, what happens to the empire will have nothing to do with her.

Bian Lang nodded and asked with a smile, "Is there anyone to choose?"

"Before deciding who to choose, we must first get rid of King Wei." Shangguan Hongyu said.

Wei Qingyi was ambitious and had always wanted to usurp the throne. If Shangguan Hongyu hadn't been too powerful, he probably would have taken action already.

What Wei Qingyi does now is just buy a few storytellers, and talk nonsense in the streets and alleys, to see if he can completely discredit Shangguan Hongyu's reputation, and then drive the people all over the world to stand up and resist.

Normally, people are not that stupid.

Bian Lang smiled and said, "Why don't you just give him the throne?"

"Husband thinks Wei Qingyi can be a good emperor?" Shangguan Hongyu asked in astonishment.

Bian Lang said: "If he can be a good emperor, it will be a blessing to the people. If he can't, the people will let him go."

The people in this cultivation world are not so easy to enslave.

Shangguan Hongyu frowned, thinking carefully about Bian Lang's proposal, and felt that this proposal could be tried.

Whether Wei Qingyi is a dragon or a bug can only be known by taking him out for a walk.

In the early morning of the next day, all the officials were discussing the chaos in the world.

All Shangguan Hongyu thought about was to give up the throne to Wei Qingyi.

But the debate among the officials was fierce. Some said that they needed to re-negotiate with the four seas, some said they wanted to fight to the end with the four seas, and some said they wanted to find a way to ask the heavens to intervene.

All the officials had different opinions, and no one could convince anyone. In the end, they all stared at Shangguan Hongyu, hoping that Shangguan Hongyu could come up with an idea.

Looking at the expectations of all the officials, it may not be the right time to say that he wants to abdicate the throne now.

Shangguan Hongyu thought about it and said: "We must completely solve the crisis brought to us by the four seas."

Such a situation of peaceful coexistence will be broken no matter what.

Those officials who supported the war with the Four Seas all showed excitement when they heard the words.

This battle will definitely be recorded in the history books.

Shen Sanmu, who is the minister of the Ministry of War, actually does not agree to go to war with the four seas, but if Shangguan Hongyu insists on doing so, then he will still obey the imperial edict.

Shangguan Hongyu then said: "Our war with the four seas must not be carried out in the name of the empire."

All the officials were stunned, they didn't quite understand what Shangguan Hongyu said.

Even if you try your best, the empire can compete with the world, which is enough to show the strength of the empire.

But if the war is not fought in the name of the empire, then no matter what you do, it feels like you are not an opponent of the world.

Shangguan Hongyu didn't hold back, and said bluntly: "At that time, Justice Fort will stand up for the heavens and compete with the world, and the empire's military strength will never use a single soldier."

Baiguan was in an uproar.

Even the empire cannot guarantee that it will win this battle. Where is Fort Justice? Is it really that strong?

"Your Majesty, this... will this work?" Shen Sanmu asked.

Nian Tianfu also said: "Your Majesty, this battle has a lot to do with it, and there must be no mistakes."

Hundreds of officials spoke out one after another, just to make Shangguan Hongyu give up this dangerous idea.

After all the officials calmed down, Shangguan Hongyu said: "If the Fort of Justice loses, it can still consume the enemy. When the time comes, the imperial army will go out again, and the victory will be sure."

Baiguan thought so, and secretly scolded himself for being confused.

Even if the Fort of Justice is just an ordinary Jianghu sect, as long as it fights against the Universal Alliance, it will definitely damage the enemy.

Baiguan didn't dare to say it out of their mouths, but they knew in their hearts that Justice Fort should be Bianlang's site.

Shen Sanmu knows this best.

The combat power of Fort Justice is actually very powerful.

But to fight against the Four Seas Alliance, Shen Sanmu felt that it was almost too late after all.

If it is just to consume the Universal Alliance, then it is absolutely wise to let the Fort of Justice go.

It's just that it is Bian Lang's family business after all, is Shangguan Hongyu really willing?

Shangguan Hongyu saw that Baiguan seemed very satisfied with the result, and said with a smile: "As I said just now, this war cannot be fought in the name of the empire, and I plan to join the war, so I decided to abdicate the throne..."


Just hearing these two words, all the officials were in an uproar, and the next moment they all knelt on the ground, begging Shangguan Hongyu to give up this idea.

Although the voices against Shangguan Hongyu are getting louder and louder, and many people are saying that Shangguan Hongyu is a monster, but no matter what Shangguan Hongyu is, as long as she is there, the empire is safe.

If Shangguan Hongyu really resigned, the huge empire would collapse in an instant, and the world would be devastated and prosperity would no longer exist.

Shangguan Hongyu said: "I've made up my mind, all you gentlemen don't try to persuade me any more."

After retiring from the court, all the officials walked out of the Golden Luan Hall and gathered outside the hall, still discussing.

In the case of abdication, there must be an object to be abdicated. All officials are interested in who that person is.

It's just that no matter how Baiguan guessed, they would never have dreamed that Shangguan Hongyu planned to give up the country to Wei Qingyi.

At this moment, Wei Qingyi, after hearing the news, was also like an ant on a hot pot.

Shangguan Hongyu's sudden appearance was like putting him on the fire to roast him.

Wei Qingyi had always wanted to rebel, but he didn't have the courage, but luckily Shangguan Hongyu had the guts to do so.

In his eyes, the dream seat is so worthless in Shangguan Hongyu's eyes?
This is the throne, not a meat bun, let it go if you can say it?


Back in the bedroom, Shangguan Hongyu felt very relaxed.

If I can completely leave the throne, I believe it will feel even better.

After giving up the throne and solving the chaos in the world, she can accompany Bianlang to chase corpses, roam the rivers and lakes, and live the life she wants to live.

Although the situation in front of me is still muddy, people don't know where to start, but as long as they think about the bright future, they can be full of energy.

Bian Lang came back from the outside and asked with a smile: "Should we go to Wei Wangfu?"

"I'll go after I change my clothes." Shangguan Hongyu didn't want to wear a dragon robe.

Taking off her dragon robe and putting on a red dress, Shangguan Hongyu seems to have returned to the former eldest lady of Justice Fort.

Even if thousands of years have passed, some feelings will never be forgotten.

Maybe I have forgotten it for a while, but one day, I will remember it again.

Whether she is the eldest lady or the owner of Justice Fort, or the empress of this huge empire, Shangguan Hongyu is always a person who values ​​love and righteousness.

The two did not bring their attendants, and went straight to Wei Wangfu.

The guards of Prince Wei's Mansion had never seen Shangguan Hongyu, but they knew Bian Lang. When they learned that the person standing next to Bian Lang was Shangguan Hongyu, the guards were shocked and rushed to report to Wei Qingyi.

Shangguan Hongyu chuckled lightly and said, "Honey, from now on, I am no longer an Empress."

(End of this chapter)

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