Chapter 176
As long as Shangguan Hongyu has not stepped down from the throne, as long as this empire has not produced a new emperor, then Shangguan Hongyu will still be the empress of the empire.

At this moment, Wei Qingyi was lying in the arms of the singer, eating cherries, very comfortable.

Suddenly hearing the servants say that the Empress is coming, Wei Qingyi was so frightened that he almost choked on the cherry pit.

Wei Qingyi never dreamed that Shangguan Hongyu would come to his palace at this juncture.

The news that Shangguan Hongyu was going to abdicate just came out, and he came to his palace in an instant. Could it be that he wanted to get rid of him before abdicating?

"How many people did you bring?" Wei Qingyi asked while arranging his clothes.

The guard replied: "Only bring side waves."

Wei Qingyi's face became very ugly.

Just one person over there can be worth thousands of troops.

No, Bianlang should be more terrifying than thousands of troops. After all, thousands of troops can't blind the eyes of the Dragon King of the West Sea, but they can't cut off the head of the Dragon King of the South China Sea.

If he really did it, Wei Qingyi felt that Shangguan Hongyu alone could easily destroy his palace.

Until now, Wei Qingyi didn't know how ridiculous he had been thinking of rebelling all this time.

Wei Qingyi regained his composure, hurried to the main hall, and saw that Shangguan Hongyu and Bian Lang were already drinking tea.

Judging by the posture of the two men, it seems that they did not come to kill him.

But the most terrifying thing in this world is hiding a knife in a smile, Wei Qingyi felt that he should not be careless, so he immediately stepped forward to salute.

Shangguan Hongyu told Wei Qingyi not to be too polite, but to sit down and talk.

"I don't know Your Majesty suddenly..." Wei Qingyi's voice was visibly trembling.

Shangguan Hongyu asked with a smile: "Didn't you always want to be emperor?"

"I don't dare." Wei Qingyi's butt just touched the chair, and when he heard this, he was so frightened that he quickly knelt on the ground again, and big beads of sweat fell to the ground.

Bian Lang looked at Wei Qingyi with a smile, only to realize that this guy was just a quick-talking existence.

In fact, Bian Lang can also understand, you must know that in the imperial power society, the emperor is the supreme existence.

No matter who listened to Shangguan Hongyu's question, they would be scared to death.

Shangguan Hongyu said: "During the early morning court today, I have already told all the officials that I want to abdicate the throne, I think you already know it..."

Wei Qingyi's heart was pounding wildly, always felt that Shangguan Hongyu was testing him, as long as he showed the slightest interest in the throne, then he would definitely end up being punished by the nine clans.

However, Shangguan Hongyu's tone sounded very sincere, not probing.

Wei Qingyi could only kneel on the ground, not daring to raise his head, let alone make a sound, for fear that if he opened his mouth, he would say the wrong thing.

Bian Lang felt that Shangguan Hongyu had wasted too much words, and said with a smile: "My lord, I want to take my wife to roam the rivers and lakes, so she can't continue to lead this country, so I need to find someone to replace her, and you are the most suitable candidate."

"I'm terrified." Wei Qingyi's forehead was still firmly pressed against the ground.

Shangguan Hongyu said: "We are here to inform you this time, not to ask for your opinion, so you should prepare well, and you will be enthroned in a few days."

The Four Seas Alliance is now eyeing the East China Sea, and it may start a war at any time.

Shangguan Hongyu just wants to take off the shackles of the emperor, so that he can follow Bian Lang and prepare to go shopping with the Universal Alliance.

When Wei Qingyi came back to his senses, Shangguan Hongyu and Bian Lang had already left here.

Wei Qingyi sat slumped on the ground, the clothes on his body were already wet with sweat.

He has been thinking about how to rebel, but he never thought that Shangguan Hongyu would give him the throne. What kind of medicine is Shangguan Hongyu thinking about?

Sitting in the carriage, Shangguan Hongyu asked with a smile: "Husband, do you think Wei Qingyi can be a good emperor?"

"It's unpredictable." Bian Lang said.

In history, there have been many emperors. At the beginning, they could have become emperors through the ages, but they suddenly fell and became infamy instead.

There were also some emperors who were licentious and dissolute, but suddenly became enlightened, and became a wise king from then on.

Now that she has decided to let go, no matter what kind of emperor Wei Qingyi will become, Shangguan Hongyu feels that it has nothing to do with her.

If you keep thinking about these in your mind, it will only increase your troubles and affect Bian Lang's mood, then it is better not to leave and continue to lead the empire.

Throughout the whole day, Wei Qingyi felt as if he was in a dream, out of his mind.

In the early morning of the next day, he followed Shangguan Hongyu's order and came to the Golden Luan Hall.

Outside the Jinluan Hall, all the officials were waiting early.

Seeing Wei Qingyi's appearance, all the officials were shocked.

Although Wei Qingyi has a prince, he has no real job and never goes to court.

Wei Qingyi suddenly appeared today, probably because he heard the news that Shangguan Hongyu wanted to abdicate Jiangshan.

All officials knew that Wei Qingyi wanted to rebel.

Even if Wei Qingyi really prepared in secret, no one believed that he could succeed.

Shangguan Hongyu has ruled the empire for tens of thousands of years, and her own strength is enough to crush all opponents.

What's more, if a survey is really to be done, the people of the empire must support Shangguan Hongyu in the vast majority.

Even though the voice of opposition sounds terrifying, the number of real opponents is actually very small.

The reason why the common people can live and work in peace and contentment is that they are protected by Shangguan Hongyu.

If it weren't for Shangguan Hongyu's presence, the demons and ghosts who only lived in this country, not to mention other countries, would probably have entered into the carnival.

When the time came, all the officials entered the Golden Luan Hall, and soon Shangguan Hongyu stepped forward and appeared. All the officials shouted long live, but they were very puzzled, because Shangguan Hongyu was not wearing a dragon robe, but a red dress, like an otherworldly fairy.

Shangguan Hongyu waved his hands and said with a smile: "You don't need to be too polite, and you don't need to be overly shocked. The matter of abdication has already been said before."

Perhaps in the hearts of many officials, Shangguan Hongyu was just joking, just to suppress the voices against her in recent days.

Unexpectedly, Shangguan Hongyu would take action so quickly, it was outrageous.

"Your Majesty, for the sake of the people of the world, please think twice." Shen Sanmu walked out of the class and said on his knees.

"Your Majesty, please think twice." All the officials knelt down one after another.

Even Wei Qingyi couldn't help kneeling down, originally he was a king, and he didn't need to bow down when he saw Shangguan Hongyu.

But yesterday's visit by Shangguan Hongyu and Bian Lang really frightened him.

He came here today, saying that he obeyed Shangguan Hongyu's will, but in fact he came to plead guilty.

Shangguan Hongyu said loudly: "I've made up my mind, you don't need to persuade me too much, I'm tired after ten thousand years."

Hearing this, all the officials were silent.

Ordinary people may be very envious of emperors, but only by becoming emperors can they experience the pain of being an emperor.

Especially those who want to be a good emperor, every day is very tiring.

For thousands of years, Shangguan Hongyu has always done a good job. No matter how difficult the situation is, she has a way to solve it, and she always protects the people of the world.

Seeing that all the officials stopped talking, Shangguan Hongyu smiled and said: "I didn't want to sit in this seat back then, because there were many people kneeling in front of my house, and they didn't get up for days and nights..."

This period of history was known to all officials and was clearly recorded in the annals of history.

It is precisely because of Shangguan Hongyu's great talent and strategy that the empire will be on the right track and become stronger day by day.

How much Shangguan Hongyu has paid for thousands of years is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Hearing Shangguan Hongyu tell the story of the past ten thousand years, all the officials heard tears in their eyes, and could understand why Shangguan Hongyu made such a decision.

Having said all this, Shangguan Hongyu stopped talking nonsense and said with a smile: "Qing Yi, what kind of emperor you want to be in the future depends entirely on your own choice."

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid I..." Wei Qingyi was very nervous.

Now I just feel that those rebellious words and deeds are really funny.

When Shangguan Hongyu gave up the throne to him, he was so nervous, so scared, and always felt that he could not do well.

If he really wants to rebel and seize power by himself, that scene will probably become the number one joke in ancient and modern times.

As I said before, Shangguan Hongyu was just informing everyone, not discussing with everyone.

If the officials look down on Wei Qingyi, they can choose someone else to be the emperor, but those things have nothing to do with Shangguan Hongyu.

Some officials were thinking that there must be some kind of connection between Bian Lang just getting into trouble, and Shangguan Hongyu's back foot about to give way.

After talking about the abdication, Shangguan Hongyu talked about dealing with the Universal Alliance.

For the empire, the biggest trouble at present is the Universal Alliance.

Four Seas has completely torn up the covenant with the empire, and is recruiting a large army, and war may start at any time.

The Ministry of War is already making adequate preparations.

Although the pressure to fight against the aquarium from all over the world puts a lot of pressure on the soldiers, when foreign enemies invade, the soldiers will still bravely charge forward on the battlefield to defend the people.

But when the hundred officials heard that the fight against the Four Seas Aquarium did not require the soldiers of the empire to go out, but relied on the power of Justice Fort, they didn't believe it very much.

Shen Sanmu has seen the strength of Fort Justice with his own eyes, but it is probably not enough to compete with the Four Seas Aquarium.

Shangguan Hongyu has always been a very wise person, but the decision she made this time was extremely childish.

After going to court, Shangguan Hongyu returned to the palace.

All her daily necessities have been packed properly, only a dozen or so storage bags.

From Bian Lang's point of view, there were already a lot of these things, but Shangguan Hongyu didn't think there were many.

"Husband, are we going to Justice Fort first?" Shangguan Hongyu asked with a smile.

Bian Lang nodded and said with a smile: "Go back and prepare first, and then go to Donghai to solve the trouble thoroughly."

Shangguan Hongyu put all those storage bags into the same storage bag, hung it on his waist, and took Bian Lang's arm, smiling all over his face.

She hadn't been this happy in ten thousand years.

As soon as the two walked out of the bedroom, they saw Shen Sanmu and others walking towards them.

Seeing that Shangguan Hongyu was about to leave, Shen Sanmu was shocked, and felt that Shangguan Hongyu was simply messing around.

Even if he really didn't want to continue sitting on the dragon chair, at least he had to wait for Wei Qingyi to ascend the throne.

Shangguan Hongyu said: "Ascension to the throne is handled by the Ministry of Rites, and the most urgent task is to quickly resolve the chaos in the world."

"Your Majesty, I feel that the soldiers of the empire are still very happy..." Shen Sanmu couldn't change his words for a while.

Besides, even if many years passed, if he could meet Shangguan Hongyu again, it is estimated that his name for Shangguan Hongyu would still not change.

Bian Lang asked with a smile: "Master Shen has no confidence in me?"

"This matter has a lot to do with it, I just don't think there is any room for loss." Shen Sanmu said with a smile.

Bian Lang said: "If we all die in battle, more than half of Si Hai's combat power will be reduced. When the time comes, Lord Shen will lead the troops again. I believe we can easily win."

What Shen Sanmu wanted was not victory, but Shangguan Hongyu's safety.

Now Bian Lang and Shangguan Hongyu had exactly the same idea, no matter how much they tried to persuade them, it was useless, Shen Sanmu decided to act secretly.

"Farewell to Your Majesty." Shen Sanmu and other officials watched the two leave and saluted together.

Leaving the palace, the two didn't intend to stay in the city, so they went directly to the teleportation point.

Never thought that Shen Rusui was already waiting at the teleportation point.

"Meet Your Majesty." When she saw Shangguan Hongyu, she hurriedly saluted.

Shangguan Hongyu smiled and said: "I am no longer the empress, so you don't need to be polite when you meet in the future."

"Okay." Shen Rusui smiled.

She can understand Shangguan Hongyu, after all, if it were her, she would definitely give up the throne and choose to spend time with the man she likes.

There are too many trivial matters to be an emperor, and there is no way to enjoy life well.

Shen Rusui's appearance here may not only be to see him off, but there may be other things as well.

Bian Lang asked with a smile, after all, he didn't want to waste time here.

"Brother Bian, can I go with you?" Shen Rusui asked with her head lowered.

Bian Lang asked with a smile, "What do you think?"

"Sure enough, I still can't go." Shen Rusui sighed.

Bian Lang said: "Now that you know, let's go home, we should be on our way."

"Will we meet again in the future?" Shen Rusui asked again.

Bian Lang said: "This depends on fate."

If there is a destiny, we will meet each other. If there is no destiny, even if we deliberately look for it, it will be difficult to see each other again in this life.

Shangguan Hongyu smiled and said, "Rusui, take care."

Shen Rusui's lips moved, as if stuck in her throat, unable to speak.

Watching Bian Lang and Shangguan Hongyu enter the teleportation circle, Shen Rusui stood in place and did not leave for a long time.

Coming out of the teleportation circle in another city, Shangguan Hongyu said with a smile: "It can be seen that Rusui likes you very much."

Bian Lang naturally knew that the liking in Shen Rusui's eyes could never be hidden.

Perhaps for Shen Rusui, Bian Lang is her savior, and he is so powerful, it is normal to fall in love with him.

But in Bian Lang's view, Shen Rusui is at best a friend, maybe not even a friend.

"Husband, if you want to accept the child, I will not object." Shangguan Hongyu laughed.

Bian Lang said contemptuously: "I'll talk about it later."

In a few days, the two returned to Fort Justice in the Misty Forest.

The animals in the forest all made cheerful voices.

During the days when Bian Lang left, the Misty Forest was very peaceful, and nothing special happened.

Whether it is Liu Yi and others, or the multi-headed clan, they are all working hard to practice and become stronger.

For example, Liu Yi has broken through to the late stage of Nascent Soul Realm.

Another example is that Shi Wushou, Que Wuxiang and She Wuxing all broke through to six heads.

As long as they are getting stronger, it is the best news for Bianlang.

After all, we will soon be fighting against the Four Seas, and getting stronger means we can eliminate more powerful enemies.

(End of this chapter)

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