Carry a Rubik's Cube Space

Chapter 181 Pre-Civilization Heritage

Chapter 181 Pre-Civilization Heritage

The other people were panting, with somewhat stunned expressions on their faces: "I also feel familiar when you say that..."

"When our last material transportation team was almost wiped out in the big earthquake, my brother was inside. He told me later that a female supernatural person saved them. From what they said, that woman was very famous. What... is it called rice wine?"

"That's right, it's her. I heard about her back then. Although I didn't participate in the transfer operation of the survivors, I heard many of them say that she acted fiercely and decisively, and her methods were very good. , but she was very low-key. They felt that she already had supernatural powers at that time, but they didn't expect to become so powerful now."

The other female superhuman managed to catch her breath, and said hoarsely: "Her name is Mi Ajiu, and I was in that material transportation team back then. She was also the one who threw me from the broken mountain to the other side... We searched for her just after the earthquake stopped... Under such circumstances, although we knew there was little hope, each of us still searched for three days... and then rushed to the base. I always thought I would never see her again, no think…"

As she spoke, tears filled her eyes, she was excited and filled with emotion.

It has been nearly ten years since the earthquake, and even those who activated their physical abilities still have traces of time on their bodies, and not only did her face remain the same as before.

The key is that even the clothes he wears are the same as before.

Several people stopped for a short time to adjust their breath, and then rushed towards the base.

Not only are they depleted of their abilities, they are also seriously injured, and all their supplies are also depleted.

They could only go back to the base to rest... As they approached the base, they sensed strong and chaotic energy fluctuations.

The hearts of a few people thumped suddenly, and the base was attacked by monsters again.

So fast.

In the past, it was basically once every half a month, but later it became ten days, five days.

They suffered a heavy attack yesterday and lost a base.

Of course, they also killed a lot of monsters. They thought that the other party would wait at least two or three days before launching the next round of attacks, but they didn't expect to come again today.

It shows that the tens of thousands of monsters they killed did not hurt the enemy's main force at all.

They couldn't help picking up the pace - just go back to the base to use the advanced repair pod, and then enter the guard battle.


Mi Ajiu felt that she was standing on a piece of white floating ground, and from time to time a big lump rolled up layer by layer, and from time to time a big lump sank down.

Mi Ajiu called out giant ice cubes to cushion her feet, so as not to be swallowed completely.

It is difficult to kill the flesh that fills the space between the heaven and the earth by slaying the dragon alone, so she uses the power of space to release the water of hundreds of degrees in an instant, forming high-temperature explosion points one by one.

This temperature may not be fatal to the monster, but the super strong steam and impact force scattered the turbulent flesh.

The speed of those constantly shaking white things finally slowed down, and Mi Ajiu took out the toxin extracted from the seabed plants-after all, the speed of slaying the dragon was still too slow, and there were still three or four rescue points.

As long as there are more people with supernatural powers, the base will have more power.

After trying three times in a row, a neurotoxin finally worked.

The originally active forest and ground gradually calmed down, as if... was frozen there.

Mi Ajiu was overjoyed, poured energy into her legs, and ran towards the nearest emergency point.

The effective range of dozens of grams of toxin can probably make the forest within one kilometer lose its vitality, so Mi Ajiu wiped the toxin on the dragon slaughter before running a certain distance, and then slashed at the flesh bush.

For the few teams of supernatural beings who had been corroded by the forest of meat, it seemed like a lifetime before they saw the sky above their heads again.

Many people were corroded badly by the mucus secreted by the flesh, and two of them even exposed their bones.

When they saw this benefactor who fell from the sky, they were so excited that they couldn't speak.

It may also be that they really can't say a word now.

These people were worse than the team that Mi Ajiu had rescued before. The protective clothing on their bodies was almost corroded, and there was no supplies left. Now they really... only have half a breath left.

It is impossible for them to walk back like this. After all, even if they are supernatural beings, if they have no energy supply and suffer such serious injuries, they are not much different from ordinary people.

Mi Ajiu scanned around in her own space, and took out a few boxes of anti-inflammatory medicines collected from a corner more than ten years ago, that is, before the end of the world, and then took out more than 20 servings of noodle soup with marinated sea animal meat .

Everyone was stunned holding those boxes of medicines, and felt as if they had passed away at that moment.

Now they call these pre-civilization relics, and there are almost no traces of them in the base.After all, even if they can stay, for ordinary people who don't have space, it will have deteriorated long ago.

Everyone looked at the medicine box and the fragrant stewed pork noodles in their hands, and looked at the young woman in front of him who was wearing a pre-civilized winter clothing. She opened her mouth, but only a few breath sounds came out of her mouth.

His throat was dry and hoarse, and he couldn't speak a word.

Mi Ajiu added: "This is all I have now, I hope it can help you. If you eat it, leave as soon as possible. I'm afraid it won't be long before the toxicity on these bushes will pass."

Everyone recovered, nodded again and again, then lowered their heads and began to eat the noodle soup in their hands.

This is...meat?Very delicious.

They could smell the meat just now, but they didn't expect it to be so delicious.And... the energy inside is richer and tastes better than those raised in their base or hunted outside.

As the food was eaten, wisps of energy were absorbed by the body like a hungry and thirsty sponge, and the situation improved significantly.

As for the medicine given by the benefactor... Several people looked at each other. In fact, as long as there is energy supplement, this ordinary pill is basically useless to people with supernatural powers like them.

However, this is given by the benefactor.So, everyone shared a few boxes of medicine and ate them.

Mi Ajiu had been running and fighting for a long time just now, and she was also a little tired. At this time, she happened to be resting and eating while guarding these supernatural beings.

Seeing that they ate all the food, both mentally and physically have recovered a lot, and I feel very comforted.

I didn't expect that the medicine from more than ten years ago could still be useful, so I didn't collect it in vain.

Mi Ajiu urged everyone to return to the base as soon as they recovered. Amid tears of gratitude, she brought out dozens of boxes of braised pork rice and the remaining boxes of antibiotics.

People looked at the steaming and delicious box lunch and swallowed their mouths, but those pills... it was the benefactor's heart, eat it, you must eat it!
Sending off the supernatural beings, Mi Ajiu looked at the fleshy forest that was gradually recovering, and now it was the battle for her to let go of her hands and feet.

(End of this chapter)

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