Carry a Rubik's Cube Space

Chapter 182 The Infinite Loop Life Form

Chapter 182 The Infinite Loop Life Form
As those supernatural beings said, the most difficult thing to deal with in this ever-growing meat forest is not its combat power, but the opponent's strong vitality, fusion power, and infinite reorganization ability.

In other words, even if you can kill some of them, if you can't directly isolate them from this desert, they will soon be absorbed by other flesh bushes, and then grow back.

And the range of the meat bush forest is too wide, how can ordinary attribute supernatural beings take them away?

The final result is: not only did the supernatural beings not kill a little flesh, but they damaged many supernatural beings and expanded the fleshy forest.

Mi Ajiu is very emotional, it is good to have space, take it as you like.

She tried all the toxins collected in the space, and only one had an obvious effect on this fleshy bush.

After confirming this, she put away the toxin. This thing is not easy to collect, and it is only a few tens of kilograms now.

Let's talk about it later when we encounter more difficult problems.

Anyway, those supernatural beings have already been sent away, so she can let go of her hands and feet to do a big job.

Use various methods in the space to take turns to shop, such as ice bombs, high-temperature blasting, etc., these are the basic settings of the space unit, and consume an unexpected amount of energy.

Those clumps of flesh that had just passed the medicine were about to move, and then they were messed up by a series of huge ice cubes and various high-temperature explosions.

And these flesh clumps that were flattened or blown into slag had not had time to turn into particles and be absorbed and reorganized by other clumps of meat, before they were directly collected by the space unit.

The white giant waves that lined up the mountains from far and near collapsed like white foam under the repeated bombardment of Mi Ajiu.

Then they disappeared out of thin air before they hit the ground, the huge waves disappeared, and the shaking ground gradually returned to calm.

Mi Ajiu looked at the Rubik's Cube space, and in just a few hours, nearly three cells of meat bushes were collected.

She doesn't know whether these things are dead or not. Anyway, they can be directly collected by the space, but if they are placed on the ground, they will "melt", penetrate into the gravel, and then fuse with other fleshy bushes to form new fleshy bushes .

This is a kind of life form that is completely beyond her cognition.

In this battle, almost a hundred kilometers of forests were cleared, and only one-tenth of the bushes were actually harvested.

Most of the bushes have escaped from the depths of the ground.

Mi Ajiu chased forward tens of kilometers, except for the countless ravines left on the ground, the whole world was silent.

Those forests never came up again.

She sighed, not being able to completely uproot these things, which always made her very upset.

But if she goes directly to the New World now, if she confronts the Territi people head-on, she is still not sure of victory.

Without staying too long, she turned back to the base.

After driving away, the side of the forest was dead silent, and a cold light shone from the huge defensive cover.

She sensed intense and chaotic energy fluctuations coming from the other side, and estimated that the distance was at least hundreds of kilometers.In other words, it is directly opposite the satellite base.

Running directly there was not only time-consuming, but she had been fighting all the time, and after running so far, she would not be able to rest.

With a thought, Mi Ajiu took out the sensor Xiyuan gave her.

When she put a ray of thought on it, the layout of the entire base automatically appeared in front of her, and the little white dot was her current location locked at home.

She tapped another place, and then a text appeared: Confirm teleportation to this location?

After Mi Ajiu clicked to confirm, the projection displayed in front of her disappeared.

A white halo appeared on the ground, the same as when Xi Yuan took her to teleport.

Mi Ajiu walked into the aperture, surrounded by the aperture for a moment, she felt as if she was traveling in a special space.Suddenly, she felt everything around her once again, and opened her eyes, and she had already appeared in another base.

She was teleported to the safe room next to the center of the relatively safe base. Her first feeling was that the entire ground space was shaking violently, which was more severe than shaking on the fleshy forest.

The energy fragments of the shattered defensive cover floated in the air, and the entire base was crumbling.

The sound of people shouting anxiously and desperately resisting came from outside, the sound of various supernatural spells exploding, the sound of monsters bombarding the defensive shield continuously...

Countless voices mixed together, leaving only a rumbling chaos.

When Mi Ajiu came outside, the ordinary people had been transferred to other bases, and the rest were the supernatural beings desperately resisting.

Then, through the defensive shield, she finally saw what the incoming monsters looked like.

She raised her head and looked at the giant lizard-like monster with its fleshy wings covering the sky and the sun. Its body size was at least 100 meters, and its fleshy wings were nearly 200 meters long.

This size is definitely a giant on land.

Some of them breathe fire, and some release lightning balls one after another, violently bombarding the defensive cover.

There was a burst of lightning and flashes of light.

The killing energy beam released from the defensive cover penetrated through the bodies of these monsters, some were burned through their wings, some had half their heads cut off, and some cut off their bodies directly...

They fell from the air, smashed hard on the defensive cover, then slid along the arc of the cover to the ground outside, and then slowly melted and penetrated into the ground.

Then, Mi Ajiu saw a more terrifying scene.

Those melted monsters unexpectedly gathered on the ground, and then, huge bags emerged from it.

These bags squirmed, and some gradually turned into huge humanoid monsters, and some slowly turned into their previous appearance. When the wings were stretched out, a pair of fleshy wings spread out, and they flew up after flapping twice.

Some of them may not have fully joined the ranks of the defense shield of the attack base before being hit by the defense laser again and turning into a puddle of slime.

However, some of the fish that slipped through the net flapped their wings and flew up, crazily releasing fireballs and lightning balls, bombarding the energy shield.Shot down pieces of energy debris.

All of this is just like the fleshy forest that Mi Ajiu dealt with before, the cycle of this thing is seamless and impeccable.

The opponent can regenerate again and again to consume their own energy.

The only way to crack it is - once it is killed, it must be completely cleaned up so that it cannot be added to the regeneration cycle system.

Mi Ajiu couldn't understand how the other party managed to make these things infinitely loopable, and the most urgent thing to do was to collect these things.

This base won't last long.

Every time a base is lost, the living space of human beings is compressed, and the strength and development of human beings are also limited.

and so……

Mi Ajiu made a decisive decision, summoned the sensor, and instantly teleported herself outside the base.

In the entire base, the person who is under the most pressure at the moment is not ordinary people or supernatural beings, but Xi Yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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