Chapter 187

Mi Ajiu is not without retreat.

She can also use the Rubik's cube space to open the door of space and go to foreign lands.

But she didn't want to become a rootless duckweed in the big universe. She gave up resistance, gave up protecting her own world, and became a deserter before fighting hard for her own race and civilization.

At this moment, Mi Ajiu felt extremely fortunate.

There is still a savior like Xi Yuan in this world.

In Mi Ajiu's dictionary, Xi Yuan is the real savior.

Of course, in the words of some people before the end of the world: She is an autocratic dictatorship, absolutely ruling the base, and there is no democracy at all.

Mi Ajiu just wants to say to these people: Go to nm's arbitrary cooking.It is as if everyone can stand on the high mountain where the entire ethnic group and civilization develop and grow, and it is as if anyone has the ability to control and promote the orderly operation of the base.

Mi Ajiu's fighting spirit rose in his heart, and his emotions were agitated. He wanted to rush to the ground immediately and collect all those particle life forms into the Rubik's Cube space.

Her lofty ambitions are based on the fact that her own space has the ability to fundamentally curb the spread of particle life forms-retract, keep resuming.

She simply communicated with Xi Yuan and was sent directly to the main base a few kilometers away through the sensor.

Hundreds of meters above the ground have become semi-fluid particle life forms, and it is difficult to tear a gap by slaying a dragon alone.

There are still some plant toxins left in the space, which were stored with great difficulty when she used her body as bait when collecting marine materials.

With a thought, Mi Ajiu took out about a few hundred grams of toxin, and slammed it at the white flesh clusters that were rushing towards her with the breath of knives.

Then, the entire turbulent ground was frozen in place as if it had been cast with a fixing spell.

When Mi Ajiu mentioned Dragon Slaying, she slashed at this space a few times. The hundreds of meters long blade pierced through the closed fleshy bushes, and the separated white substances disappeared automatically, and were automatically released by the spirit of space. In the income space.

After the white flesh clump entered the space, it automatically melted away like quicksand, and quietly collapsed in the cell, spreading a thin layer on the bottom.

Mi Ajiu came to the ground from this torn gap, and continued to harvest those flesh bushes...

With more and more fine sand in the income space, nearly ten cells were consumed in less than half a day.

She went out to stock up the cells of various supplies, and she still had fifteen cells left, and she only collected meat bushes with a radius of tens of kilometers.

Mi Ajiu also found that these things seemed to communicate with other life forms faster and faster, and more and more ordinary sand and stones were carried in their bodies.

What gave her a great headache was that when she put the whole clump of flesh into the space, everything turned into fine sand, and it was impossible to distinguish particle lifeforms from ordinary gravel.

So much so that her space cells were quickly filled, while the particle life on the ground didn't decrease much.

Mi Ajiu estimated that according to the current situation, her Rubik's Cube space might not be able to completely clear out these particle life forms.

There are also the Tritites who are manipulating behind this. The other party has super star warships, transport spaceships and means that surpass the civilization of this world... I have not yet confronted them head-on, and my means have shown fatigue. This battle How to fight? !

Two days later, Mi Ajiu's remaining dozen or so cells were all filled with gravel.

The Rubik's Cube space cannot [purify] and [organize] these gravels, let alone stuff them into the [workshop].

It doesn't matter whether it's super hot or super cold to set a cell full of gravel to extreme temperatures.

If these gravels are thrown out directly, they will "live" again in an instant, wriggling and turning into clumps of flesh.

It is true that it is not accepted or not, it is a dilemma.

Then, Mi Ajiu thought that this thing seems to be more afraid of water.

She contacted Xiyuan, used the coordinates of the base to locate the current location, and found the closest route to the sea.

Half a day later, Mi Ajiu came to the beach, split the ice with a knife, and tried to throw a small amount of gravel into the sea.

I don't know if it was her illusion, but she always felt that the water level of the sea seemed to be lower than before.

There are some gaps between the ice and seawater, and some places have no time to turn into ice, because the weight of the giant iceberg above has collapsed on a large scale.

Could it be the ghosts of the Territi people?

As dozens of tons of gravel were sunk into the seawater, Mi Ajiu stared closely at the sea area.

The gravel automatically condensed into a ball in the water and slowly sank to the bottom of the sea.

Then a thin layer of ice slowly formed on the surface, and as the ice layer became thicker, the entire huge ice block began to shake slowly and began to move towards the continental shelf.


Mi Ajiu had no choice but to collect the gravel into the cell.

More than 100 kilometers of meat bushes near the base have been cleared.

The particle monsters in the distance are still spreading towards this side, probably because Mi Ajiu has killed part of the vitality, so their spreading speed is much slower than before.

But it can only last for a few days at most, and it will definitely cover the entire continent again.

Mi Ajiu returned to the base, feeling a strong sense of frustration in her heart.

Unexpectedly, there are things that cannot be collected in the omnipotent Rubik's Cube space. She has reduced the cell capacity to several hundred tons, but still cannot handle those particle monsters.

Xiyuan was also under great pressure at this time. The survivors who were originally scattered in more than a dozen satellite bases were all crowded in the main base at this moment.

She divided all the space except the space core into small compartments, like a beehive, and accommodated survivors as much as possible.

But the space and materials are still very short, especially the eating, drinking and sleeping of so many people... It all depends on her to comfort these people with the energy of the core of life.

Otherwise, with so many people crowded in such a narrow place, even if they survived in the future, they would definitely have a mental breakdown.

Mi Ajiu told Xi Yuan about the problems she encountered,

Xi Yuan pondered for a long time, then suddenly raised his head to look at Mi Ajiu, and said solemnly: "Why don't you fuse the core of my life space..."

Mi Ajiu's body froze immediately, and she subconsciously leaned back, "What do you mean?"

Space debris can devour each other, and then advance.

Almost all space debris carriers want to take other people's debris as their own, and now this guy suddenly said to give his own life space to himself?
Mi Ajiu's body almost instinctively entered a state of alert. Although she was not absolutely sure of killing the opponent, she still had the power to protect herself.

Xi Yuan looked at Mi Ajiu's reaction calmly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "What I said is true. To tell you the truth, I am at the end of my strength now. In order to support the operation of the base all these years, I don't have extra energy To replenish the body, even the space core can only maintain the lowest energy. In order to protect these survivors during this period, even the remaining energy of the space core is almost exhausted."

(End of this chapter)

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