Carry a Rubik's Cube Space

Chapter 188 Can't Take on Everyone's Life

Chapter 188 Can't Take on Everyone's Life

Xi Yuan continued: "I can feel that your space system is very powerful and more stable than mine. So..."

Listening to the other party's tone, Mi Ajiu had an inexplicable feeling of "relying on the lonely".

Xi Yuan: "I'm powerless now, and the life space is completely integrated with the base. Even I am trapped here, and I can't leave at all. Those particle life forms will completely swallow this continent sooner or later. Therefore, I plan to I entrust this base to you."

Mi Ajiu looked at Xi Yuan, and while her heart was shaking, she also began to think about her retreat.

Anyway, with her current strength, it is really impossible to deal with those particle life forms, because the level of Rubik's cube space is too low.

The idea passed to her by the spirit of space is that the current Rubik's Cube space is completely based on the civilization level of her host.

In short, she now has two ways to improve the civilization of Rubik's cube space:
One is to directly digitize oneself, using the Rubik's Cube space as a benchmark.Of course, I still retain my original consciousness, can think and feel, and can even give instructions to the Rubik's Cube space to a certain extent.Just like the space debris carriers she killed before.In this way, you can use almost all the materials provided by the Rubik's Cube space, such as those high-level weapons from other civilization systems, practice skills, etc., and you don't need to practice yourself, you can directly have it through "infusion".

To explain it with Mi Ajiu's existing cognition: games.

Of course, the result of this digitization is to hand over the initiative of one's own body to Rubik's Cube Space.

The second is to improve your own civilization level.

If someone said that Mi Ajiu was not "civilized" in the past, she would definitely feel that they must be dissing herself and scolding herself.

Now, this is just an expression of the cognition and analysis of one's own life and its essence.

Only vaguely knowing the superficial relationship between gene sequences and living organisms, it can be regarded as just stepping into the stage of the germination of civilization.

In the civilization of the big universe, this level can only be regarded as just stepping into the primary civilization.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for a civilization of this level to control the Rubik's Cube space to analyze the secrets sealed in those particle life forms by the Tritites of a higher civilization.

At this time, the Rubik's Cube Space Spirit passed another idea to Mi Ajiu: If it can fuse a high-level fragment of the law of life, then it can...

In Mi Ajiu's mind is the message of the spirit of space, "Ajiu, I think Xiyuan's proposal can be considered. As long as you accept the base, it is equivalent to owning the ownership of the life space, extracting the fragments of the law of the life space, then It can provide the core of life for the Rubik's cube space. Regardless of the future growth space, at least one level of civilization can be raised in front of me. It is not impossible to refine the gravel in the cell."

In front of Mi Ajiu, Xi Yuan was struggling until the end, unable to recover, and wanted to entrust this city of hope to her.

This is a two-way rush in the face of cruel reality.

As long as she nods, she can easily obtain the law of life.

However, Mi Ajiu raised her head after pondering for a moment, looked at Xi Yuan, and said very solemnly: "If it's just the life space, if you don't own it, even if I don't say it, I will fight for it. But the reality is, The life space is not only yours, but also the core of the entire survivor base, so this life space is not that I don't want it, but that I can't have it or can't afford it. Because..."

Mi Ajiu paused, and said in a low voice, "Because I can't bear the fate of so many people..."

Xi Yuan was shocked, "Those Tritis seem to have a natural resistance to water, the sea is the best barrier, you can take the entire base to build a super castle on the sea. That is the cradle of our human civilization... "

Mi Ajiu refused without hesitation: "You're right, it's not that I can't bear their fate, but I don't want to bear it at all. Don't bring up this issue in the future."

With the current capacity of the Rubik's Cube space, as well as her own source energy and the means to connect with the mall, building an ice layer in such a cold climate is not much more difficult than building blocks.In terms of supplies, she felt that she could feed the entire base by simply strolling around in the vast ocean with her own fighting power.

But here comes the core of the problem.

——She didn't want to build such a cradle of human civilization; she didn't want to use the materials she had worked so hard to feed those people; she never thought of taking on the lives and fate of more than 100 million people by herself!

Mi Ajiu didn't just think about how to save the lives of so many people, she thought about something more profound.

After all, her life source is now in line with the general energy. As long as she has energy, as long as she is willing, she can increase her life source infinitely.

In a sense, she could live a long, long life.

How can such a long life be willing to be wasted in a small place?The wider sea of ​​stars that she really longed for.

In addition to her own needs and development considerations, Mi Ajiu also has considerations for human nature: perhaps in the hearts of the first-generation survivors, they are full of gratitude to the savior, obeying all arrangements of the base without complaint, and working together.

But what about the second and third generations?Mi Ajiu’s history when she was studying was not very good, but she remembered the most profound lesson in the short history of thousands of years of human beings: people’s hearts are changeable, at most two or three generations can find all kinds of high-sounding reasons for themselves, For their own selfish desires and interests to overthrow everything in the past.She won't be in the mood to appease so many of the weakest little hearts then.

Mi Ajiu admires Xi Yuan's mind very much, but admiration does not mean that she will become like him.

Even if the fate of the entire human race is used as a bargaining chip, she will never take up this burden.

Mi Ajiu resolutely cut off Xi Yuan's proposal, and added: "Just now you said that the reason why it is difficult to maintain the operation of the base is the lack of energy and supplies. Since the core of the base is the core of the life space, it should be able to deal with those monsters. Huh? I can give you those grotesque remains..."

Xi Yuan said with some embarrassment: "Before the entire base shrinks, energy and useful materials can be extracted from those monsters to a certain extent, but now, the life space seems to be left with only a lonely core..."

"Oh, I see. You need a space to rely on, right?"

Xi Yuan nodded.

"Then... let me lend you a space."

Mi Ajiu thought for a while, and made a major decision—to divide a space unit.

Now she has 57 cells, leaving one cell to be fixed in the world where she grew up, which can be regarded as an eternal coordinate to stay here, and it is a lighthouse for traveling among the stars.

(End of this chapter)

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