Carry a Rubik's Cube Space

Chapter 221 Almost Melted

Chapter 221 Almost Melted

Mi Ajiu was also laughed at by these banners and slogans.

What is "letting life go"?
It's you honey-like people who wreak havoc like locusts.

Along the way, she saw with her own eyes that they pushed several giant mushrooms.

They settled down on this mushroom after collecting enough energy and materials.

And she has been catching bugs from the beginning, so that this sea of ​​corrosion can keep these mushrooms.

Now these guys don't say anything about it, but directly characterize her.

So, stop pretending to be pitiful and innocent in front of her, and just speak with the dragon-slaying knife.

Mi Ajiu temporarily ignored the giant bugs flying in the air. Although the small marbles shot out of those tubes were annoying, they didn't seem to be harmful to her.

So, she aimed at the opening on the mushroom stem and continued to chop.

If you take a closer look, she cuts at least several meters with each knife, but the progress of several meters is really slow when placed on a fungus with a diameter of hundreds of meters.

It's like someone took a fruit knife to chop a tree the size of a washbasin.

As the Yuan Energy level increases, one unit will infuse the Dragon Slayer to a full state, and if there is more, the blade will be torn apart.

It can be seen that the Dragon Slayer that has been with her for more than ten years is no longer suitable, and she needs a better weapon.

The purchase information of weapons has long been posted in the mall, and there are a few people who have received orders to inquire about the situation.

But the weapon level offered by the other party was similar to that of Dragon Slayer, so Mi Ajiu immediately refused.

Without entering the core network of the mall, this kind of buying information beyond the level of civilization can only depend on fate.


During Mi Ajiu's persevering felling, less than two-thirds of the fungus remains.

The more than 1000-meter-high fungus and the canopy covering several kilometers suddenly became precarious.

Those honey-like people found that begging for mercy was useless, so they all rushed to the top umbrella.

At least tens of thousands of people formed a dense circle on it, and then stretched the tentacles on the top of their heads to the center at the same time.

And in the center of this circle is the groove on the mushroom.

At this moment, a pool of dark green liquid gathered inside.

Gather sand into a tower.

Countless spiritual waves converged into this pool, and the water surface began to boil and emit green light.

The green light rose slowly again, turning into a beam of light.

These honey-like tribesmen surrounding them began to adjust their orientation at the same time, and the beam of light also slowly changed direction accordingly.

From Mi Ajiu's point of view, it was like a flashlight beam rising out of nowhere from the canopy, and then...

He even swept towards her.

The light beams swept across the deep sea of ​​corrosion, and the floating eggs hatched instantly.

But these guys didn't come out at the right time, and they fell into the sea of ​​corrosion when they came out.

Mi Ajiu looked at all this in astonishment, what kind of attack method is this?
Marbles don't work, so shine a flashlight on her?

In any case, the things made by the honey-like tribe are definitely not good.

She didn't feel the lethality of marbles just now, maybe it's because she wasn't very professional.

This torch light...the vitality is so strong...let's avoid the sharp edge first.

Mi Ajiu temporarily stopped chopping mushrooms, rowed wildly, and approached the mushroom stem.

The coverage of the light beam was at least several hundred meters in diameter, and she barely scratched the edge.

It was just a little bit, only being photographed for a moment, and Mi Ajiu felt like her whole body came alive.

In the true sense, every cell in the body is alive.

They want that feeling of growing up on their own.

She looked down at her body, she was a good boy, she actually... gained a lot of weight.

All the cells grew, except the bones did not grow.

With her current vision, even the naked eye can see the cells densely covered in her body.

If you look at it with your spiritual sense, you will find that these cells are in a very excited state.

They seemed to grow crazily in order to meet and accommodate the super vitality, and then... she became "fat".

The point is that these cells have grown up in size, and it seems that they also have their own thoughts, and they are now extraordinarily active.

Even without the illumination of the flashlight, they still crazily transport energy and matter.

As a result, Mi Ajiu soon felt a sense of loss of strength in her body, as well as a strong sense of hunger, and became weaker and weaker.

As the cells swelled, Mi Ajiu not only felt his body getting weaker, but his control over his body was also gradually weakening.

It was as if those cells wanted to leave her body.

She looked at her body, and the scene she saw on the home planet inexplicably appeared in her mind.

A living person gradually turned into a puddle of white flesh.

It seems that there is a certain connection between the flashlight light and the genetic catastrophe on the parent star.

At this moment, if she hadn't been wearing the high-end "diving suit" she bought from the mall, which tightly wrapped those crazy-growing cells, she might not be an inflated ball, but... a puddle.

Relying on her tenacious willpower, Mi Ajiu supported herself to row the boat, and finally reached the side of the fungus.

The light from the flashlight above couldn't see her temporarily because of the umbrella cover.

Without the irradiance of that strange torch light, the speed of cell expansion in the body slowed down.

It's just slowing down, not stopping growth, let alone reducing it.

Mi Ajiu was terrified, she had never seen such a weird attack method.

Because of the severe internal friction in her body, the feeling of weakness made her instinctively start to mobilize the general energy to make up for it as before.

However, before the universal energy injected into the body had time to repair the body, it was dragged by a strange force and flocked to the cells that wanted to be "independent and free", which instead accelerated the growth of the cells.

After a while, Mi Ajiu completely turned into a ball.

Because those cells do not grow by dividing continuously, but let themselves continue to grow.

So at this moment, even ordinary people can see that Mi Ajiu's skin is bumpy, with very active cells crowded side by side.

The order and links between cells become very fragile. When you press your finger a little, the cells are like fish roe, and a pit appears, which cannot be restored to its original state.

Therefore, at this time, the universal energy must not be used anymore.

Because at this moment, the state of the body is completely energy surplus, and the cells seem to be breaking away from the original control of the body's genes.

If new energy is injected, it will only give birth to cells that gradually get out of control and make the situation worse.

Mi Ajiu hurriedly sat down cross-legged...

She can't sit down anymore, she can only pile it up like a ball.

Faced with such a situation, she had no way to deal with it.

Think of the energy in the body.

There are also the cultivation techniques that her only son has explored over the years.

From the day when the stars formed in the dantian, she named this set of exercises the Star Jue.

Since external energy cannot help the body suppress the crazy cells, it can only save itself through its own energy.

(End of this chapter)

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