Carry a Rubik's Cube Space

Chapter 222 Self-help

Chapter 222 Self-help
The primordial energy that had been running on its own in the body, when irradiated by the "torch light", was automatically retracted into the dantian.

Mi Ajiu didn't know why, but she couldn't control much now.

There is no experience to learn from, and no one else to ask for advice, so you can only find a way by yourself!
Mi Ajiu runs the Star Jue, and the primordial energy that has been huddled in the dantian is passively mobilized, and then runs according to the cycle.

But when these primordial energies just touch those cells that want to be "free", they are attracted by some kind of force again, just like general energy, and flow over automatically!

Moreover, because the energy contained in the unit of Yuan Energy is much larger than the universal energy, even if it is only attracted a little, those cells will grow faster.

Mi Ajiu felt that the cells were about to break away, and the diving suit couldn't restrain these cells that were rushing to freedom bravely.

However, she noticed that although part of the primordial energy nourished those crazy cells, another part of the energy circulating in the inner palace allowed the originally evacuated weak body to be replenished with energy.

Fortunately, the exercises that she had been using as an auxiliary practice turned out to be useful.

Make persistent efforts, Mi Ajiu hastily used a powerful mind to control the flow direction of far energy.

First consolidate the inner government, strengthen the heart, and stabilize the vitality.

After a full week, she felt that where the Yuan energy passed, the energy flow became more condensed.

On the second Sunday, even though Yuan energy passed by the crazy cells, the energy was not easily sucked away. On the contrary, she found that the "activity" of those cells seemed to have decreased a lot.

After another cycle, the remaining energy in the first batch of cells that lost their "activity" was attracted by the law of primary energy of the main body energy, and gradually returned to the primary energy and became a part of the primary energy.

At this moment, although Mi Ajiu's body is still like quicksand wrapped in a flexible ball, she finally found a way to restrain the savage growth of cells.

Every time it runs for a week, Yuan Neng will absorb the energy in a circle of crazy cells.

Then those cells are just like blowing up the balloon at the beginning of the reverse process of growth, gradually shrinking due to the loss of energy.

Twenty weeks later, Mi Ajiu found that her balloon-like inflated body had finally deflated a little.

While not quite back to normal, at least, she can now see the outlines of her hands and feet.

Subconsciously touched his cheek... Nose and mouth were exposed.

While paying close attention to the movement of those honey-like people with her spiritual sense, she continued to practice the Star Jue.

Until the eyes, ears, mouth and nose are exposed on the face, and the hands and feet can move freely.

Those cells that have not been "eliminated", at least they will not absorb the body's energy substances indefinitely, and continue to grow.

On the other side, those honey-like people did not expect that the intruder escaped the attack of the sacrificial light.

This is their real trump card.

At this moment, their stored energy has been exhausted, but this vicious intruder has not been eliminated.

Originally, they wanted to lure this little worm to "negotiate" with them. As long as the other party enters a special room, the sacrificial light will fill the whole room without any dead ends. They don't care where this little worm came out of, what's the big deal Means, as long as she is still a living body, she must be sacrificed.

In the past, they used this method to gradually eliminate other high-level intelligence bodies in the world.

Either become their food, or become their slave.

Including the Wing Clan who once ruled the world, and finally became their mounts.

Speaking of the Yi clan, everyone was filled with anger and remorse.

They used the magnetic field of life to design a control ring specifically for the Wing Race, but they were able to break free?

Also, they have always strictly controlled the number of Yi people, even if they want to rebel, it is impossible for them to be on such a large scale.

Therefore, there must be traitors among them!

Hey, it's useless to say anything now.

Right now, they missed the good opportunity to kill the little bugs. The mushroom was drained of vitality and was in the process of decaying and collapsing.

Run away.

Only to find more mushrooms.

If Mi Ajiu knew that these honey-like people labeled her an intruder, she would definitely go back.

To talk about invasion, it depends on who the real master of this world is.

Obviously, the master of this world is the planet itself.

These honey-like people live like locusts, turning this world into a sea of ​​corrosion and reducing the vitality of the planet.

As for her, Mi Ajiu, although it was only a few days of extreme day and extreme night, she revitalized the original sea of ​​corrosion, and clearly felt a stronger breath of vitality in the air.

Let Life Planet choose for itself, do you want locusts or her?

Even if she is not qualified to be the master in this world, she thinks she is still a competent "cooperator".

Taking a ten thousand step back, we really use the theory of "first come, first served".

Cells and fungi were probably the first to appear in this world, such as these towering mushrooms.

It might not be the beemen's turn anyway.

Mi Ajiu once again gave herself psychological training, and firmly controlled the level of self-consistency.

Only when the name is upright can the words be smooth and the words can be justified.

Let’s say that Mi Ajiu escaped the sacrificial light of the honey-like tribe and hid next to the fungus to recuperate.

The honey-like tribe on the other side also didn't dare to stay where they were because of the consumption of light energy and the fact that Mi Ajiu had neutralized the previous attacks.

They moved from the mushrooms to the special floating boats, and fled here to find new homes.

If they hadn't been so guilty just now, if they had the courage to attack together, I'm afraid Mi Ajiu would have to suffer for a while.

Of course, as long as these guys stop using flashlights and use pure physical attacks, Mi Ajiu can defend with just a few ice cubes.

By the way, ice cubes!
Mi Ajiu is finally able to move around now, looking at the bees-like people who are frantically fleeing, the killing intent in his eyes is burning wildly.

With a thought, dozens of ice cubes smashed down in the honey-like floating boat area at the same time.

The sea of ​​corrosion set off huge black waves hundreds of meters high.

Mi Ajiu's body was wrapped in layers of shells, filled with air bags in the middle, rolling like a floating ball in the huge waves.

Corrosive black water erodes a layer, two, or even three layers of defensive carapace, but Miajiu has more.

But those honey-like people who escaped were not so lucky.

A block of ice can cover an area of ​​several square kilometers, dozens of them, almost covering the surrounding area of ​​ten kilometers.

Most of the honey-like tribes have not been able to escape from this range, and were directly smashed into the sea of ​​corrosion.

Some of the fast runners were also overturned by the turbulent waves and fell into the black water.

Help, who will save us?
Why is God so unfair, not to mention being driven out of the homeland by the rebels, and finally finding a place to stay, and being driven out by the invaders.

God, why does the world treat them like honey tribes like this? !
(End of this chapter)

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