Carry a Rubik's Cube Space

Chapter 225 Slice Research

Chapter 225 Slice Research
Mi Ajiu paused for a long time.

The spirit of Rubik's Cube tried hard to retrieve the information fragments emitted by the opponent's consciousness, but found nothing.

In his induction, the host's thinking at the moment is in the paradoxical range between emptiness and extreme confusion.

After all, it is a newly born spirit, or space orientation.

There is still a natural generation gap with life that has a carbon matrix.

However, this does not prevent them from taking the initiative to perceive the meaning of the host. After all, they are now a community of destiny, and there must be a running-in process for the matching of thoughts and meanings.

Just when he was about to take the initiative to ask, Mi Ajiu said suddenly: "You mean, these... honey-like people don't need to learn from birth, and then... just put this ring on the tentacles, and... can have all the knowledge?"

The spirit of Rubik's cube heard the host repeating this question, which made him a little uncertain.So I sorted it out again based on the collected information, and subconsciously responded: "It should be like this"

I just heard Mi Ajiu muttering: "You don't need to study, you can know everything. So... you don't need to study, and you don't need to take exams... right?"

The spirit of the Rubik's Cube always felt that something was wrong with the host's appearance, which was completely different from the previous calmness with a bit of black belly and ruthlessness.

This made him a little worried.

He was a little unsure if his own time frequency was not fully synchronized with the host before, so this is the true mental state of the host.

If this is the case, then I must look at it from now on, and perform my supporting duties well.

Of course, Mi Ajiu didn't know and couldn't perceive what the spirit of the Rubik's Cube thought of her at this moment. There was only one thought in her mind: These guys really don't need to study.

No need to study, no exams, even... no need to compete for a job, no 996... This is a truly peaceful life.

The spirit of Rubik's Cube heard the murmur of the host again, thought for a while, and said: "Well...Actually, from the dozens of relatively complete rings we collected, I found that they have similar shapes, but the faint scratches inside are not the same. It's exactly the same. I think that even though this is a race that can completely inherit knowledge and civilization by relying on memory chips, there are still extremely strict levels inside. These rings can give them certain knowledge and even wisdom, but correspondingly, Restricting their level..."

The voice of the spirit of the Rubik's Cube finally pulled back Mi Ajiu's wildly divergent thinking, and regained her ability to think again.

Mi Ajiu frowned slightly, "You mean...the ring is not only the inheritance of knowledge, but also...a level restriction, a symbol of the class division of the honey-like people?"

The spirit of the Rubik's Cube sensed that the host's thinking had returned to normal, and subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, it should be so."

Then he added: "If there are more rings in the future, the information we can obtain will be more accurate."

Mi Ajiu put all the rings together, examined them carefully, and compared them.

In addition to the different notches on the Rubik's Cube Spirit, she also discovered one very important thing.

Except for the notch, the size, width, and thickness of these rings are all different.Even the colors, which seem to be all white, actually have subtle differences.

So, if these honey-like tribesmen put rings on their tentacles as soon as they were born, do they need to keep replacing the rings as they grow?

Mi Ajiu thought about it, and suddenly a very weird idea popped up in her mind.

- the ring will grow as these honey-like tentacles grow!
A memory chip that grows!
This is not a chip, it is... a living body!

After Mi Ajiu came to this conclusion, even though she had seen many forms of life forms, she was still amazed.

Her hand threw a ring in her hand like an electric shock.

The ring rolled a few times on the ground and stopped.

I don't know if it's her illusion, but the ring seems to be... smaller.

With a thought, Tu Long fell into his hand.

When the knife was raised and lowered, there was a crackling sound, and a crack appeared on the ring, and then it broke into countless pieces with a "crash".

Not only that, as countless fragments scattered on the ground, they quickly turned into powder, and... just disappeared.

This is……

The Spirit of Rubik's Cube: ... (during information retrieval, hey, the information database is so thin)

At this moment, every cell in Mi Ajiu's body was full of vigilance. After guarding the spot for a while, she found that there was no abnormality after the ring dissipated, and her hanging heart fell slightly.

After resting for a while, Mi Ajiu began to sort out the remains of the honey-like people.

Cut open the tentacles, and found that the inside is not horny, but fleshy bulges.

Other than that, Mi Ajiu couldn't find anything.

She thought, if it was Xi Yuan, she might be able to use the life space to retrieve more information.

The torso and six limbs of the honey-like people are a combination of humans and insects. They not only have the functions of insect climbing and powerful jumping, but also have the advantages of human beings' flexible fingers to use tools.

The entire digestive system in the torso is... surprisingly small.

With a height of more than three meters, it is actually smaller than the human digestive system.

The gastric pouch is about the size of two fists, and the small intestine for absorbing nutrients and the large intestine for excretion are both short.

However, the peripheral connections are very rich in blood vessel and nerve networks. In short, these miajiu are also called unknown meridians, which are emitted to various parts of the body through the entire digestive tract.

I really don't know how they eat?Do you only drink water?

Then, Mi Ajiu's eyes fell on the several bulging pouches on the ground, the huge abdomen of the honey tribe.

Kind of like...the abdomen of a female praying mantis.

Mi Ajiu cut them open one by one with Tulong.

There are no internal organs, just... white tissue covered with countless meridian blood vessels.

Some white tissues are interspersed with tissues like bunches of grapes, and large and small vesicles grow on the thick blood vessels.

The vesicle closest to the tail is the largest, and the surface is almost transparent, and there is something faintly wriggling inside.

Worm eggs!

A thought immediately popped up in Mi Ajiu's mind.

She took out one of the eggs, which seemed to be the most mature and still showing signs of life.

As soon as the worm eggs were separated from the main blood vessel, the translucent shell wrapped on the surface began to rupture automatically, shrinking, and tightly attached to the worm's body and slowly returned to the top of the head, hooped on one of the soft and tender tentacles.

Inside the broken eggs are small honey-like people that have shrunk dozens of times, only the size of an adult's palm.

These little honey tribes have just come out of China, and they have almost no tail, only a head, six limbs and a torso.

It can crawl freely without opening its eyes.

Just when the Tulong in Mi Ajiu's hands was about to slap him flat with a single blow, he stopped suddenly.

I saw this little guy crawling directly towards the ring placed on the ground.

This is at……

The small tentacles touched one of the rings, and after a while, Mi Ajiu watched the rings on the tentacles of the little honey tribe slowly change.

(End of this chapter)

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