Carry a Rubik's Cube Space

Chapter 226 The Crazy and Contradictory Race

Chapter 226 The Crazy and Contradictory Race
Mi Ajiu not only fully armed himself, but also isolated the surrounding area with steel plates and thick layers of ice.

The main reason is that I was trapped by these guys' endless miraculous operations before, so I had to be more cautious.

However, this time, Mi Ajiu's worries were a little unnecessary.

This newly hatched honey-like tribesman is no bigger than a palm when his body is fully unfolded.

Before he opened his eyes, all six limbs touched the ground without any division of labor. Relying on biological instinct, he crawled towards the pile of rings bit by bit.

Mi Ajiu watched the little guy's movements, not so much his biological instinct, but rather the guidance of the newly generated ring.

The ring and the honey-like people were born at the same time, and then gave them an initial guide.


Program settings?

For some reason, a brand new word popped up in Mi Ajiu's mind.


Soon, the little guy came close to the ring, and the small ring on top of his head fell to the big ring along the tentacles.

At the moment of contact, both of them emitted a faint light at the same time.

After a while, the light faded away.

The small ring slowly slid to its root along the tentacles, and then, the little honey-like tribe opened its eyes.

The round and big eyeballs seemed to be covered with a film, and the film was gently wiped away with the forefoot.

The eyes instantly brightened, shining with the light of knowing everything.

At the same time, the front foot is off the ground, supported only by the other four limbs, and the body is upright.

The little honey-like tribe looked around, and suddenly saw a behemoth that did not belong to its own kind.

Almost instantly, the tentacles on his head bent towards Mi Ajiu at the same time.

This is... biomagnetic field attack?Is it the kind of magnetic field wave that makes people fall into hallucinations?

However, now that Mi Ajiu is wearing a hedgehog helmet, she can't sense it at all.

Cube Spirit added: "That's right, he's attacking you now."

Mi Ajiu looked at the little guy, and many experimental methods popped up in his mind.

She needs to understand the relationship between the tentacles and the magnetic field waves as much as possible.

Take out the battery and give it a try.

Soon, the little class of honey tribe explained under Mi Ajiu's careful exploration.

Then take out another egg and continue exploring.

Finally, she came to a conclusion.

This kind of honey-like people has super vitality, and the voltage that can kill ordinary people is basically ineffective against honey-like people.

It seems that their bodies are born with the ability to store energy.

The power will be released intact, which is very magical.

Also, these honey-like people actually feed on the juice in the giant mushroom, to be precise, the essence of the nutrient solution.

And the energy conversion rate is very high, and the remaining energy will be stored in the pouch at the tail in a special form.

Therefore, Mi Ajiu saw that the large honey tribes dragged their abdomens like praying mantises. The bigger they were, the more energy they had.

However, this is only for male honey tribesmen.

Inside the female's pouch is a structure like a forked tree branch, with an egg growing on each fork, which will mature one by one in sequence, and will be automatically excreted once mature.

Therefore, almost all the energy reserved by females exists for the purpose of breeding eggs. When the energy is sufficient, they are pregnant and ovulating all their lives.

The most amazing thing for Mi Ajiu is that Mi Ajiu has sorted out dozens of pouches that are relatively complete. There are only two male pouches in it, and all the female pouches are left.

She doesn't believe there are more females than males left.

There is only one explanation, that is, in the sex structure of honey-like people, the number of males is very small, and the number of females is the majority.

This means that, in a family unit, there may be a single male leading a large group of females.

When a male cub emerges inside, it will automatically split off and become a new family unit...

so back and forth.

As Mi Ajiu thought about it, she felt that her mind couldn't stop the car all of a sudden.

According to this logical deduction, the reproduction speed of these honey-like people is beyond imagination.

It's just that they have such a strong ability to inherit civilization, reproduce, and survive.

Why... Among all the inherited skills, there is no tree of knowledge for the symbiosis and win-win between man, nature and the living environment?
Judging from their series of behaviors, they are constantly grabbing energy from giant mushrooms to develop their own group.

But, the world has become like this.

The Sea of ​​Corruption completely covers the surface of the planet, making it difficult for giant mushrooms to grow.

After the destruction of those green bugs, there are occasional piles of slippery fish that can grow new bacteria.

But after the looting by the Mimi people, it was a real ruin, not even a single life left.

In Mi Ajiu's view, this road is getting narrower and narrower, she is simply digging her own grave.

Then, her eyes fell on the rings again.

All the knowledge inheritance of the honey-like people comes from the circle.

and so……

She thought of a possibility.

—The ring controls everything.

The Circle wants to destroy the life of this world.

The ring is going to destroy the world!
The honey-like people are just the medium they created or selected to destroy the vitality of this world.

Mi Ajiu felt that she was completely caught in this vicious circle.

——Even if all her inferences are valid, it can't be justified.

Who wants to destroy the vitality of a living planet?
What good is it.

Mi Ajiu's body has fully recovered, and she has recuperated and adjusted for a while. By the way, she carefully studied these honey-like people.

Clean up everything, the income space of the income space, the purification of the purification.

Those worm eggs and sacs, the energy obtained after purification is beyond Mi Ajiu's imagination.

There are more than 60 pouches, and a total of nearly 60 t of universal energy has been purified.

She looked at the dark sea of ​​corrosion under her feet, feeling a pity in her heart.

It was cool to smash the super ice cube down, but it also smashed their corpses into the sea of ​​corrosion and merged with it.

Now she is looking forward to upgrading her purification function even more. She doesn't know how much energy can be extracted when the black water of the sea of ​​corrosion is purified.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the spirit of the Rubik's Cube sent over the images of the area covered by the other storage space cells.

Because she retreated for a whole polar night, several months have passed.

The giant mushrooms in those places have been wiped out by the honey-like people, leaving only an endless black sea level.

On the other hand, those surviving honey-like tribesmen have grown from a small tribe of a few hundred or a few thousand to tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands after sweeping them all the way.

Their crazy reproduction speed quickly occupied the entire giant mushroom, and then continued to spread to the surrounding area.

Therefore, when Mi Ajiu regained her strength and was ready to deal with them, she had already changed from a small tribe of three or two to a huge team of tens of millions or even more.

Occupied hundreds of giant mushrooms, forming a very large force.

She estimated the sphere of influence that she had finally expanded, at most a few extreme days and extreme nights, and all of them would fall.

(End of this chapter)

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