Song Shi was not happy to hear her words.

Immediately retorted, "It's just that I am happy that my son is back, and the child is promising. I will set up a few tables for relatives, friends and neighbors to have a good time. What's the matter, you are the only one who is talking about it. Song Kang ran to the hospital at every turn. I lived there for as little as a few days and as many as ten and a half months, and the money was spent like running water. What did I say? Why is that your own son, isn’t this your own? Wang Min , Treating him differently is not an option, and your son's heart will be chilled by then, and it will be too late for you to regret it."

Wang Min couldn't have imagined that he would turn over such an old account, his face was filled with astonishment, and then he wept softly, extremely wronged: "Can I be blamed for this? Back then, I didn't know that Xiaokang was not our child. My child was sick. When parents watch and do nothing, are they still human? Didn’t you object before? Now that I’m talking about it, it’s all my fault.”

"I didn't object at that time, so don't object at this time either. You can't spend a lot of money on other people's private, child, and children. Your own child is so reluctant to part with that reluctant one. What does it look like? Is it possible?" Our own blood is going to be inferior to others?" Song Shi looked at her dissatisfied, "You didn't show any sign of concern when the child came back, and Song An knew that he asked for leave to come back from school, and you, a mother, would know When it comes to money, tell me the truth, do you still have that person in your heart, do you have me and my son in your heart?"

Wang Min burst into tears and beat his heart, "Why am I gone? I gave birth to the child. I was pregnant in October. I couldn't eat it. My feet were so swollen that I couldn't even walk. I was worried every day because I was afraid that something would happen to them. "Crying and scolding Su Xiaoyan, "It's all the blame on that bitch! It's all her fault! Our family is fine, but if she hadn't replaced our boss, how would we be like today!"

After scolding Su Xiaoyan, she scolded Song Shi again, "And you! Why did you choose that hospital? Have you been kicked in the head? What's so good about that hospital? I'm pregnant with two children from your old Song family. Can't find the best hospital, you still say me, I think you are picky, you just don't want to spend money, now it's better, I was taken advantage of by that cheap,, person and ruined our family, what did I do? , I met such a dog man, my son, I'm sorry for you"

Crying while patting the thigh.

Song Shi hurriedly got out of bed and pulled her up, took out two pieces of paper and pasted them on her face, "Okay, why don't you howl, I'm not afraid that parents and son will hear it."

Seeing that Wang Min was about to howl again, he hurriedly raised his hand to apologize, "I was wrong, can't I be wrong?"

"It was your fault!" Wang Min pushed his hand away in disgust, got up and wiped his tears with a piece of paper, and said in a sobbing voice while wiping, "You are the real father, and I am the vicious stepmother, right? , All right, all right, you can do whatever you want, anyway, you earn all the money in the family, I'm a freelancer, I should have self-knowledge, I don't care about family affairs, you can handle it yourself."

"That's no good. If you really don't care, the two children will definitely think that you don't care about them as a mother, and maybe they will think that your heart has gone with Song Kang."

"You!" Wang Min gritted his teeth, "I can't advance or retreat if I cooperate with you."

"My surname is Song, you must play against my old lady, don't you?"

"Are you going against me, aren't you! Are you!"

While scolding, she pinched Song Shi's arm, showing no mercy at all, the dog man has a poisonous tongue and no conscience, she insists on him knowing how powerful she is!
Song Shi was so painful that he jumped eight feet high, "A gentleman uses his mouth but doesn't move his hands"

"My old lady, you have the ability to fight back!"

Song Shi: "."

Can't afford to provoke, really can't afford to provoke.

Wang Min rolled his eyes at him, "Hum!" He lifted the quilt to sleep.

Song Shi shrugged his shoulders and walked to the other side to sit down, poking her shoulder, "Are you asleep now?"

"Otherwise, do you want to continue arguing?"

Song Shi: "That's not true. Besides, why are we arguing? Who of us is with whom? It's just like eating and drinking, how normal it is."

"Song, if you can't talk, just shut up, and my mother won't like to listen to you."

"Then why don't you come and talk?"

"My surname Song, I see that your skin is itching again. Did the soles of dad's shoes today remind you of your childhood memories, and you can't help but want to relive them again."

"It's nothing to worry about such trivial matters." Song Shi waved his hand, looking very indifferent, and he moved closer to Wang Min, "I'm serious, there are still many people who haven't notified us about our family's feast tomorrow, your natal family Just let me know, or the same sentence, just come, no courtesy."

"What! You haven't informed my brother and them yet, Song Shi, you're doing well! You're really doing well!" Wang Min was so angry that he pinched his arm several times again, and Song Shi grinned in pain begging for mercy.

"Of course my brother and they don't give gifts." Wang Min opened the phone address book, "Neighbors don't give gifts, why should my mother's family spend money to feed them, big brother, it's me, no, no, it's not like my Song Zhe came back Did you, Lao Song and I booked a banquet at the Lake Heart Hotel to celebrate, you and my sister-in-law, nephew and parents will come to have lunch earlier tomorrow. Expensive, old expensive, but the child finally got it back, Of course, it needs to be done with great fanfare. In a few days, the two children will go to college. Let’s go. They’re all coming. I’ll also inform the elder sister, the second sister, and the younger sisters to hang up first. Ah, yes, brother, tomorrow you guys Just come here, don't bring any gifts, don't accept gifts, and no one writes a gift list, just come to eat, why not, I always notify like this, okay, hang up!"

"Hey sister, my family will hold a banquet tomorrow, at the Lakeside Hotel. Oh, what can I do, Lao Song insists on saving face for his son."

"Hey Second Sister, do you have time tomorrow? Come to my house for dinner."

"Hey little girl, don't bring gift money. The whole family is here. It's no problem at the Lakeside Hotel. You can play mahjong and sing karaoke.

The relatives were notified, and Wang Min's voice became hoarse. At this moment, she was a little worried, "Is thirty tables enough?"

"If it's not enough, add more, what a big deal!"

"You!" Wang Min was so angry at the man's attitude that he didn't take money seriously, she gave him a hard look and turned sideways.

Out of sight is pure.

After decades of being together, she still doesn't know what kind of virtue is the person next to her pillow, a big straight man, a little money will be gone!
See what to do after spending the money!

Song Shi hummed a song, notified his friends, and confirmed the program with the performance company.

Only then lay down comfortably.

Wang Min next to him turned over, hesitated for a long time, and then whispered, "Old Song, you said that Xiaokang returned to the Zhao family, will the Zhao family hold a banquet for him?"

Song Shi was about to fall asleep.

Hearing her words vaguely, he muttered, "It's the Zhao family's business whether to do it or not. It has nothing to do with us. Could it be that you still want to send a share of money?"

Wang Min: ...


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